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Everything posted by sprelle

  1. Very nice! Decent dynamics too. i'm a sucker for proper dynamics. I haven't listened to your video on my main system yet, but I guess you are aware of the ULF thud of a fired gun. Is this implemented? I can't tell with my current system, it doesn't dig very deep into the lower octaves.
  2. Why do you guys need to check your bearings anyway? I've survived many, many days in the world without ever being unaware of my direction of travel. Shadows, clouds, moon, sun, terrain... So many cues to your direction, and spending 5 seconds to double-check your bearing once in a while when you're safe isn't all that hard, is it? Equip your compass to one of the quick-slots in the bottom by dragging it there while in inventory. Press the appropriate key while running, and press space for a closer look if needed.
  3. sprelle

    Pristine v.s. badly damaged

    My M4 reddot sight are damaged, and show a cracked lens.
  4. sprelle

    How far can gunshots be heard from?

    I'd say too short by far. A postapocalyptic world is basically a silent world. A gunshot would be heard a VERY long way unless the winds are high.