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Everything posted by AUTRanger

  1. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    Hi, my suggestion is basically very simple to implement and i hope a dev takes a look at it. We have an ingame map, right? But i dont know a single person who uses it, because when you use an internet map instead it beings the same result and u dont need to use an inventory slot. There is also a compass, which is ofcourse - unlikely the map - very usefull We could make the map usefull again by reenabling the arma 2 feature to be able line up the compass with the map(if you found both ofc.). With that u can easily calculate the degree you need to run to get to a certain position and also you could messure your position by 2 distinctive points. (I think everyone who knows how to do it ll understand me) As an addition you could enable this function (to combine map+compass) only if you sit down (or even create an animation to lay down the map, but thats just an possible addition) think about it, it would really give the map ingame sence again Edit: for the guys who have no idea how to orient with a map and a compass: all i want back is the arma 2 compass which was showen on the map. I dont want any "here i am" or "there i want to go" markers
  2. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    Still not in...
  3. AUTRanger

    Sanity Check - Does ATLAS Bipod exist in 0.53 stable?

    gj but my comment was on the 0.53 update, since this thread is def. outdated it should be locked....
  4. AUTRanger

    Post Your Gear So Far

    stable public hive http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/31860461176843038/6029F7EBC92ECA40A84C34EF136D6A0EEE5E6085/
  5. AUTRanger

    Sanity Check - Does ATLAS Bipod exist in 0.53 stable?

    Pic or stop being anoying...
  6. AUTRanger

    Sanity Check - Does ATLAS Bipod exist in 0.53 stable?

    Guys you should inform yourself more before you say "mp5 attachments are spawning"... its true that the magazines and the handguard are slawning, but there should also be a compensator and a buttstock which are not. And for the red dot guy: it has a RIS on top of it so you can mount any m4 scopes on it...the field jacket is also not spawning as i said.
  7. AUTRanger

    New to DayZ and PC

    I hate the "dont get attached to you gear"-self appointed teacher guys. Its one main element of the game to find nice gear and try to keep it. You should have fun with your gear and get attatched to it. But you should also keep in mind, that it can be gone the next moment.
  8. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

  9. AUTRanger

    Sanity Check - Does ATLAS Bipod exist in 0.53 stable?

    Have you found one?
  10. AUTRanger

    Sanity Check - Does ATLAS Bipod exist in 0.53 stable?

    It fits on RIS, but its not ingame, same goes for supressor, sunglasses, the new military jacked and mp5 attatchments.
  11. Its not because 1st floor, i had it a 2nd time yesterday. Again in the middle of a field, i rejoined the same server, died again after 5sec, respawned, and died again.... it seems like its a very, very bad serverglitch/bug and i hope they fix it very soon...
  12. Got the same, i was full equipped, joined an empty server, played 5sec, then in the middle of a field suddenly: "you are dead" no other players where on the server
  13. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    Owen, you got it :)
  14. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    You are right, its not the best compass for the job, but since they havent brought the green one back yet, this one ll also do the job
  15. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    2 options: you are a troll -> stop arguing Or you dont know how to use a map WITH a compass -> google
  16. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    Hi Max it seems like you have missed my point, there is no automatic orientation in my suggestion, if you give me a map and a compass in reallife, i could do the exact same thing. Im not talking about any markers i just want the compass being displayed on the mapscreen. If you still dont know what i mean, you may should google for basic orientation with compass and map. Since dean was in the military im sure he knows what i mean
  17. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    You can combine them to 1 complete map:)
  18. AUTRanger

    Improve Map-orientation

    You can combine them to 1 complete map:)
  19. AUTRanger

    Add Skills to the game

    Hi just to inform you: i have played Dayz from the beginning of the mod so i know what dayz is about. Dayz always had one big problem: if you die there are only 2 things you loose - your position on the map and the more important thing: your gear. so thats fine until it comes to one point - playerinteraction. At the moment when you (as a player) get hold up by bandits there are 2 things you can do: 1st thing is to get your hands up and let them take your gear and hope that they will let you live. (The problem with this is that it would nearly be the same like if you just get shot (your good gear is gone) 2nd thing is you can try to be rambo, try to take out your weapon and shoot at least one of the maybe 4 bandits before you die. (there is always a small chance that you survive such a dumb desicion, and save your gear - but as i said its very risky and not the goal of player interactions) in both situations you loose your gear and therefore everything. I think 80% of the players will choose number 2 because they have nothing to loose except for their gear which they will lose anyway. At this point i introduce you skills. Everything you do fills up a progressbar. If this progressbar is filled up you get better at the certain action. Then it gets resetet so you can reach the next "level". E.g. You shoot zombies with your gun. At the beginning your aim is really bad. But when you reach the next level of the "aim-progressbar" by shooting like 100 zombies your aim gets better.(by that i mean less shaking) There could be another progressbar for repairing Items. This could work like that: you repair things and therefore raising your repairbar. Some items then need a certain lvl on the repair skill so you can repair them. for example if u want to repair a helicopter you need the repair skill maxed out. This are just 2 examples. Others would be cooking, hunting, meele weapons, opening cans,... i hope you get the point. To come back to the nothing to loose problem. If you had these skills there would be something that is more important than just gear or your map location. You would try to survive just so you dont loose your hardly gained skills. And then many people would decide to interact more and get their gear stolen just to not get killed. That would be my suggestion to dayz, what do you think? sry for my not so good english i ve written this on my smartphone.
  20. AUTRanger

    Add Skills to the game

    The reason this thread exists is not because i want skills so hardly to get introduced its here to show a solution for that "if i lose my gear= the same as i die" problem
  21. Totally agree .... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175851-add-skills-to-the-game/
  22. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175851-add-skills-to-the-game/
  23. AUTRanger

    Effective range for walkie-talkie?

    We are doing that all the time :)
  24. AUTRanger

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    Thats gameplay, not a problem
  25. AUTRanger

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    Full randomized lootspawn is not going to be ingame (thank god) as already disscussed in many other topics (use search function)