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About ryan256

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  1. ryan256

    Post your best and/or worst experiences

    My worst experiences. Loosing 3 well geared characters to BUGS! I don't mind it so much when zeds kill me or when I get gunned down because hey.... thats the game. I kill zeds and have gunned down other players. But to log in and find myself in the middle of nowhere with all of my stuff just gone really, REALLY pisses me off. Or to get killed because I got knocked out by a zed that hit me from behind THROUGH A SOLID WALL.... again pisses me off.
  2. ryan256

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Same thing just happened to me today. I spawned in the middle of no where with ALL of my gear gone! Only thing still there is the ghille suit I was already wearing. I will try the tx9 server trick.
  3. ryan256

    New player getting murdered

    Its not that I'm trying to be an ass by killing you on sight. Its that I'm trying to protect all of the gear I've spent a few days collecting. I can't tell you how many times I've been shot by some guy who spawned 10 minutes ago that I was trying to lend a hand to. A few pistol shots in the back of the head and in 10 minutes he has access to gear that took me several days to collect. After about the 4th or 5th time of this happening is when I decided it wasn't worth it.... I was going to either avoid people or just kill them.
  4. ryan256

    God damn barbed wire!

    I fully agree with the OP. Nothing pisses me off more than spending 20 minutes sneaking past 8 or more zeds into a firehouse only to find barbed wire blocking access to the loot. My suggestion: Greatly decrease the spawn rate of barbed wire and/or increase the spawn rate for toolboxes.
  5. ryan256

    The Crossbow.

    My primary complaint with the crossbow is the lack of any kind of sights. I would use it except for the fact I have no clue of exactly where the bolt is going to go. I'd also be willing to lose the bolt recovery option if bolts were in packs of 4 or 5.
  6. I noticed several threads stating that we needed to update Arma2 to version 1.6 but then also install the beta patch. Thats when I found http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and downloaded the latest beta patch (Build 93825 at the time) and installed it. But ever since doing that I am having spawning errors. Spawning in debug forest, spawning in the same spot I was last time even though I logged out 3km from that spot, ect.. I also saw a few instructional videos showing installation different beta builds. So my question is: Is there a certain beta build we should be installing?? Or should we always use the latest one? :huh:
  7. Same thing happened to me today. I have been aware of Arma 2's tendency to grab the ammo for the weapon you just picked up and dump the rest. However normally it places these items on the ground. This time they disappeared completely. In addition it dumped my food, water, painkillers, and bandages. That has never happened to me before when picking up a new primary weapon. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US60 *Timeline of events before/after error: In the woods picking up a new primary weapon from a dead player.
  8. ryan256

    Stuck at "Loading"

    I am also having the same problem. Currently I'm in the process of setting up a new computer. So I am going to reinstall Arma 2 on a new machine and the DayZ mod. Hopefully this will clear up the problem.
  9. ryan256

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Steam me. I'll be on for a bit. Wish I'd seen this earlier. Sent you a friend invite. I'm at the airfield west of Cherno.
  10. ryan256

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This would be absolutely awesome for me as I am now very low on blood due to a game glitch. I even have the blood pack in my bags. Just need someone to administer it. I'd like to be able to save this character if possible. I have close to 400 zombie kills.