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About Stokley51

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    On the Coast
  1. Stokley51

    Zombies as a cure for KOS

    i was thinking on this last night. here are my thoughts. as much as KoS is a pain, it is also one of the unfortunate necessary evils of the game. It adds a mechanic of suspense and fear to the game that i just feel is important to the overall gameplay of the game. Personally, i don't KoS. This is because i like to play the game as i would like think i would do so in a real scenario. I try to help others. I do what i can to survive, explore, gather, and thrive in a land of chaos. I don't feel the need to try and off someone because they have a can opener and i don't. But everyone plays this game differently, for different reasons. Some want to play the bad guy. Good, adds that mechanic to the gameplay. Some want to just explore, eat beans and watch the sunset. Also good. Adds variety. This comes with a cost however, things have gotten so harsh that everyone adopts a KoS policy out of fear that the other player has the same. There's no real identifier to differentiate between the player types, and i like it that way. As i said, adds suspense. so with that being said, here is an idea that would be pretty cool to see. I doubt it would come to fruition, but hear me out. Different character sets, with difficulty levels adjusted according to how you want to play the game. For example, you can start a new character with a "rookie" difficulty setting. This character can only play on rookie servers where there are safe zones with no PvP or no PvP at all on those servers. The rest of the game mechanics would stay standard. They just can't be killed by other players. This character also cannot server hop to a server with a higher difficulty later on, that character will always be stuck in a rookie setting. More or less a "no PvP" character. this would help newcomers to the game who want to experience the gameplay and learn the in's and out's of basic Dayz get started without having to worry about getting cut down the first time they fire up the game and decide to quit playing forever. Once they get brave enough then they could start a new fresh character from the beginning and join the rest of the more experienced players on servers with the appropriate skill setting and PvP enabled. To be clear, they could not use the "rookie" character to play on more difficult servers. This prevents farming on the easy servers, finding all your weapons and then hopping to a PvP server. All the items on the "rookie" would stay with that character. To play on a server with PvP afterwards, a new character would have to be created from scratch and you would essentially start over with that new character on a higher difficulty. Will it keep the naysayers from complaining about PvP. Probably not, it sucks to get killed for what feels like nothing, but hey, thats the game. Those are the risks. I feel my scenario above would help bring new players to the game, which would inevitably make the game better for everone in the end. Just my thoughts on the subject. Stay safe everyone.
  2. Stokley51

    M4 spawn rate needs a nerf

    My thoughts on the topic. As far as the military weapons in dayz is concerned. I DO think they should be avail. However extremely rare, and i feel ammo should be really hard to come by. Now, i base this off of the scenario that i have in my mind. Post apocalyptic era zombie scenario, where the military has already tried and failed to intervene. That being said i would like to see military weapons be only at a couple places. 1. Military compounds, but keep the spawn rate low. This makes searching these places out a gamble. Unlikely there would be a gun there, but still a chance. Also highly likely someone else looted it before you, making the chance even more rare. Not to mention the ammo. 2. Random military wreckage. Much like the random helicopter crashes in the mod, i think it would be cool to find some military gear in random military wreckage around the map. Even if it is just pieces of said weapons, you could possibly assemble them together after time IF and only IF you wanna put in the effort to do so. If people wanna gun other people down with an automatic gun so badly, make em work for it. so with that being said. I would like to see a higher spawn rate of civ weapons as well, which i am sure will come in future updates. We are all basically testing the game, and finding things we would all like to see and vote on to implement in future updates. Happy gaming everyone, and good luck.
  3. Stokley51

    Should they bring back General chat?

    Yeah, i am gonna have to jump on the wagon with this one and vote for the radios option. Gives the game that isolation feel and adds to the suspense of the game.
  4. Stokley51


    It would more or less depend on how long you feel like waiting, or if you even care enough to take the gamble that you somehow won't die or get looted while you are out. Honestly, my advice is as follows. Keep in mind this is just my experience with the game so far. The only time passed out in the game was when i was over exerting myself and trying to play the game as i did the mod. By that i mean i let the counters roll a little bit before eating and drinking. In the mod i would wait until something damn near flashed at me before i would eat or drink. Apparently in the SA (at this point and time, it is after all in ALPHA) this is not a recommended option. It has been stated several times here so far that you should eat and drink almost constantly. While unfortunate, this method has worked for me and my brother for days now. He only passed out once, and that was due to a lack of blood. I was able to revive him with a blood transfusion. which can be tricky in itself now but totally made me happy when i figured it out lol. aside from that eating often, and eating variety has worked for us so far. Cans can be opened with a knife, or an axe, both of which spill some of the contents. If you are lucky enough to get a can opener. Good on you, guard it with your life. The game is quite buggy, and being in an alpha state, im sure everyones feedback is being heard, and i would personally expects that some of these features to be added or adjusted in the future. In the mean time, i am having a blast figuring out all the quirks. Hope this helps someone.