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About welwiz

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  1. welwiz

    where are all the heros?

    i refuze to kos even if it means i die alot
  2. ye thats why i think bandit rehab is a good idea :)
  3. logging is not cool dude, you say why would you not an i say why would you? its a a game, play it dont log when its not going how you want it to have fun with it, get to know your robbers if they didnt kill on sight its a good sign
  4. welwiz

    where are all the heros?

    ye i think tents will make a difference
  5. welwiz

    where are all the heros?

    no fear there mate im a goodie:)
  6. welwiz

    where are all the heros?

    yep good guns have no place on the coast it messes the whole having to go up north thing up
  7. welwiz

    where are all the heros?

    ye but this game is so much more than team deathmatch an to many bandits will kill it so we need more heros
  8. welwiz

    where are all the heros?

    its alot more fun playing as a hero than a bandit, i also just then got killed by what sounded like a 10 year old little girl, for reals!
  9. i have spent the past three days doing nothing but run around looking for friendlys and i havent once run in to someone with any type of weapon that hasnt tryed to kill me, not one! ive not been picking up guns or any loot so there is no reason to kill me but still these guys always kill, and the amount of players ive come across that dont have a weapon who run and log out is crazy, and its crazy how much fun ive been having running to my death every 5 to 10 min, i could at any time run up an get kitted out and take all these guys out but that will kill the game, if you read this at the very least please dont kill people that dont have a weapons it will make the game much better for everyone. rant over i must get back to being killed on sight:)
  10. welwiz

    TheBritishGentleman on youtube

    I was looking for more dayz streams an i come across this guy, his veiws should be better so i thought i would share it here. The quality gets better after the first few eps http://www.youtube.com/user/XIPALFERIX?feature=watch