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Everything posted by MadRhetoric

  1. MadRhetoric

    Draw distance only 500m after 1.5.3?

    500 meters is just way too small, needs to be 1000 m. edit: I guess its only 500 when its foggy so nevermind. What's the max in clear weather? 1km?
  2. I registered just to say that I refuse to play on non-veteran servers. All UO servers are veteran and have good latency for me so I play exclusively on those. I'm not sure what the proportion of veteran to regular among the other servers are. Regular seems to me to be antithetical to the entire point of the game. I just don't understand why you would even bother to go through the trouble of installing and playing a hardcore, survival simulator mod based on immersion and realism but then use third person, and a magic hand-holding cross-hair that tells you a player's name and distance. Now if people prefer to play that way, well that's your thing and I don't mind if there are servers that cater to the more casual player. I just feel like its bad for the whole game-play experience when people can use alt and third person to check around corners without exposing themselves, or get a player's name and distance when they can't even physically see them. So for those of you who like to play in first person make sure you only play on veteran servers or you're put at a marked disadvantage.