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Handsome Sorbo

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About Handsome Sorbo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Handsome Sorbo

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    39. In Soviet Russia, door opens you.
  2. Handsome Sorbo

    Quit quit quit...

    I'm not sure the engines limitations, but the old 30 seconds to log out or whatever time limit you want is a pretty simple solution.
  3. Handsome Sorbo loot patterns

    I'm finding more trash than I did in previous patches, however I'm willing to accept that it could be a string of bad luck. Food has been my biggest issue. I think in my last four or five sessions I've found one can of sardines and two pepsi cans. One thing I found really odd was during my last play. In my frantic search for food I went to the elek supermarket and every single spawn in the building had guns with no ammo. There were shotguns, handguns and enfields at all of them. I had just picked up an ak from the power station so it wasn't very helpful, especially when all I wanted was a single can of food or drink because I was dying from hunger and thirst.
  4. Handsome Sorbo

    Kill on Sight Solutions?

    A change in music or a sound would work for me. I think I suggested the on screen text cause I'm sucker for nostalgia. As long as it's a vague indicator that bad dudes are around I'm in. Also, nice Simpsons reference.
  5. Handsome Sorbo

    Kill on Sight Solutions?

    I really like the above solution by Pushbutton. Making ammo harder to come by improves the game in many ways (at least in the way I invision a game like this.) I loved playing the original resident evil on harder settings because ammo was so sought after that you only used it when you absolutely have to. That's why I can't even play the newer RE games. They have become shooters where they should be horror survival, and survival games should be about the stress of finding resources and staying alive, not about killing ten million zombies ever two seconds. One thing I always liked in games was text messages that come with a sense of foreboding. I think this could be an effective tool, because you still keep a lot of the mystery and stress of meeitng new people, but with a little heads up based on the actions of the characters you are encountering. For example: If you come within a certain range (range would have to be determined by people who have more experience than myself) of a player who has only lost a little humanity, you could get a message on your screen that says something like "You are overcome with a strange sense of unease..." And the messages could get progressively stronger based on the villainy of the person nearby. "You get the feeling something horrible is about to happen..." The thing that could be neat about a system like this, is that if more than one person is in the area, and you have received a "feeling" you won't know which person it is that has the negative humanity. I think something like this would be ideal because it doesn't single out the one bandit in particular, but it warns the player to be cautious. Conversely, if there are players who do not partake in banditry, you know if you run into someone and no "feeling" at all has happened, then you are safe to interact with that person. I'm sure there are flaws with such a system, but if something goes into place I think it should leave an area of doubt. I don't like it how it is now, since everyone looks the same and there is no indicator. But I also agree with the bandits that they shouldn't get a skin or visual marker to single them out. Something like this keeps it vague, which could satisfy both camps.
  6. Handsome Sorbo

    We've got it too easy

    I think there have been some great suggestions here and would like to add my own ideas. I agree there is a lack of urgency. Not in the twitchy shooter game sense, but in the impending zombie death sense. I like that the game is slow paced, but I would like to see myself put under more pressure by the game itself rather than my choices. Right now all of the high pressure situations are ones I put myself in. Either I am sneaking into a town with zombies, or I am investigating shots fired. If I'm just cruising around from town to town, or working through my inventory, I never really feel too concerned. What I would like to see, is a chance for zombie spawns when I am stationary. Like if I camping a spot too long, the density of zombies should increase. I like that the OP mentioned popular zombie films, because it usually starts with a group finding a safe place, barricading it, but ultimately the swarm outside becomes gigantic and overwhelms. If I'm playing with a group of friends and we find a nice spot to set up shop, it would be cool to have zombies gradually show up/spawn so that the possibility for escape narrows. This way I would feel pressured to keep moving, or if I choose to hole up and recover etc, it's a dangerous choice because the horde outside will grow. There's probably better ways to do this, but it was just a thought that popped into my head while playing last night, and I saw this thread so I thought I would contribute. * Also thanks for making such a great game. Obviously it's still early days, but for a long time I was hoping for a game like this and here it is!