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Apple Monster

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Everything posted by Apple Monster

  1. Apple Monster


    Don't waste your pack space just yet.
  2. Apple Monster

    Can openers LOL

    I have 4 of em...you want one?
  3. Apple Monster

    How do you prepare to log off?

    It would be funny if your character remained in the game even when you are logged off. Like put them to sleep or something. Maybe as an option for hardcore servers...just to increase the realism.
  4. Apple Monster

    How do you prepare to log off?

    Interesting, every time I log off prone, I'm always standing the next time I log in. ???
  5. NOOOOO my character just reset!!!! Damn, I had some nice shit too. Is it gone for good?
  6. Apple Monster

    How to not be killed on sight

    Sweet! thanks for the tip. I do believe it will cut it down some KOS in the sense that some players who would normally shoot someone running, will rather save bullets for when their asses are on the line from a large pack of Zeds. That's just my opinion, and it seems natural to want to save your ammo for threats only...and by definition Kill on Sight means to Kill on sight, not Kill on Threat.
  7. Apple Monster

    How to not be killed on sight

    I believe that once there are more Zeds, people will start to conserve ammo and KOS will get old and not necessary...that is until we can set up bases! One tactic that has not been mentioned, which I learned from State of Decay and feel it's somewhat useful, is to close doors behind you if you can. (but not so you're trapped) Sure right now Zeds can run straight through buildings, but getting used to covering your tracks will save you in the end. Especially if they add some kind of system where Zeds try and break down doors. I get a peace of mind knowing that if someone is seeking to kill a player, they are mostly looking for buildings that have been entered to some extent. (At least that's what I think) A closed door means in theory, an untouched building. I guess it's also a good tactic if you wish to ambush someone. I think a great feature to add to this game would be a "head turn" so you can look a bit more to the left or right while running/walking. I learned the hard way about running through fields of gold...no no no. I crawl up on towns most of the time prone, survey one side, then loop back and check the other...takes more time, but I live damn it!
  8. Apple Monster

    Where have all the Items Gone?

    Ok so I'm new to DayZ and was expecting too much from the early access, but c'mon where are all the items?? I've been playing for 4hrs straight and have rummaged through building after building (many the same exact footprint) and all I have is a freaking hammer, gloves and canteen. If Dayz is supposed to be focusing on realism, then where is the realism with respect to items? I can go across the street and find more useable things in an old abandoned barn than I could in 40 houses in DayZ. I understand it's early access, and I'm prepared to wait for more features, but it doesn't seem like item spawns are anywhere close to being what one would find in a realistic Post AP experience. I mean sheesh, I can find 7 motorcycle helmets, but I can't find a freaking weapon (other than a hammer)?
  9. Apple Monster

    Where have all the Items Gone?

    Schweet, thanks!
  10. Apple Monster

    These noobs.

    all of you who talk about "newbs this and newbs that" can kiss my ass. :rolleyes: You were newbs at one time as well. Are we in fucking high school? You give gamers a bad name, let people play the game they bought and help make it better...and give a warning dicks! (Was recently KOS by a dick respawn)
  11. FINALLY FOUND ONE!!!!! OMG it's the greatest experience I've ever felt in this game. After miles and miles of walking, building after building searching and searching. So rewarding...then I died. F*UCK!
  12. Apple Monster

    6hr spent looking for a backpack...

    Lol I just caught that. lol My failed attempt at being clean-ish. I was too distraught I guess...c'mon take it easy! :P
  13. Apple Monster

    DayZ Backstory: How the Infection Began

    No matter how many times I read a story about a zombie outbreak origin, I can't help but think there is a better than "extreme hunger and desire for meat". It just seems like a Hollywood cop out to me. And I'm sure we can think of a better way...I would say even leaving out that part would be fine. Fits of rage could still cover the consumption of human remains as an outcome of rage in an extreme form.
  14. Apple Monster

    6hr spent looking for a backpack...

    Yea seriously. heh
  15. Apple Monster

    Some things I would like to see...

    No 2 hand wielding? This is one feature I would assume would be a no brainer...for at least a blunt object and flashlight. Or heck, even freaking being able to not have to ALWAYS remove the flashlight when you want to eat a damn apple. lol If they want to go realistic, these are completely necessary for gameplay. Loot map - If there goal was to make a true to life experience of a PostAP world, there would HAVE to me a map somewhere. Or let me draw a f*king map in the game i don't care. lol All i'm saying is if they want to make a realistic game like I assume they do, then add the things we would HAVE in real life. If i'm supposed to be on a 24/7 server, I want to f*king draw a damn map in my free time. lol Doors - I understand doors only open one way...then at least add a character animation so my character would react to the door opening as in real life, and not just be magically pushed back like a doll. Please keep in mind, my number one assumption is that a game like this would simulate immersion and real life experiences. So my "feature requests" are for a game that is comparable to a real life experience. If this game isn't supposed to be close to a real life Post AP, then I'll eat my words. lol
  16. If it were up to me, I would set day 5hrs and night 3hrs. I like day the best, and night time is for sneaking around undetected!
  17. Apple Monster

    In Game Chat VOIP

    Do I need a special program installed to chat with other players during game? Or is everything set to go if I have a mic and press caps? Thanks
  18. Apple Monster

    In Game Chat VOIP

    Thanks guys B)
  19. Apple Monster

    In Game Chat VOIP

    Great thanks! Now, when I'm chatting, only players who are in the vicinity can hear me correct? What's the general radius?
  20. Apple Monster

    Is Voice Distance Broken?

    I keep hearing a f*king can open all the time. lol Not to mention the chainlink fence sound in the middle of the woods. hahaha
  21. Apple Monster

    Where have all the Items Gone?

    HOLY CRAP this place is HUGE! lol Has anyone timed how long it takes to run from coast to coast?
  22. Apple Monster

    Where have all the Items Gone?

    Sweet thanks for the map! I do understand completely about this being Alpha, and my 4-5hr play session should be tribute to how much I understand things being broken and no real tutorial for UI or control mechanics. lol I've played Alphas before, I was just shocked as to how little loot there was after a hefty play session. Honestly, right now all I want is a freaking backpack! And I have a canteen, how do I fill it with water?
  23. Apple Monster

    My problems with this game

    Man I was really excited to jump into this game, it being said that it was as real as it gets. Know that this is still "Alpha" I guess I have to wait even longer for a true to life expectation of what a Post AP game would be like, and I don't see DayZ ever getting there, at least not before someone else beats them to it. In a Post AP game, escapism and immersion are what it's all about. Paying close attention to the details of what normal life would be like after some kind of disaster is what makes a great PA Game. - loot, yes need more and more and more. Even stuff I couldn't even use, like someones boxing gloves, or kitchen utensils. - the map is big, but that's probably the only thing I like about the game. - way too much repetition in buildings and textures. I would like to see a house with some carpet or a bookshelf thats not empty.
  24. Apple Monster

    Where have all the Items Gone?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I've been playing on servers with 1 or 10 players on them (since I'm new, don't want to run into any hostiles). Even so, items are SOOO hard to come by. I understand completely about creating the extreme need and value for items in a post ap game, but this is horrid. I'm hoping houses and buildings will be jampacked with things of no value, to at least give the players a sense of realism. They could even have the non rare items break on the first swing or have tons and tons of food thats rotten...not just empty houses with a hat and cooking pot here and there. A better reference for loot would be State of Decay IMO. I like DayZ, but it is by no means close to being a realistic Post AP game. If it is just the server, can someone point me to a server with more ample loot? I want to love this game, but it's hard when all i'm doing is searching a bunch of empty 3D buildings and running into 1 or 2 zombies. I dunno, maybe your right, it's the server I'm prepared to be proven wrong.