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37 Good

About kazu177

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  1. kazu177

    Combat Loggers Get Pooped on.

    The static noise from the mic is annoying.
  2. kazu177

    [Video] WOMEN POWER

    Yhe, I prefer making my videos as short as possible but I felt it would ruin the story to cut it short.
  3. kazu177

    [Video] WOMEN POWER

  4. kazu177

    [Video] Walk The Plank - FAIL

    Glad you like it :rolleyes:
  5. kazu177

    [Video] Patience Is Key

    To tell you the truth I haven't died yet in the game and by now I have everything I need, so I didn't even loot their bodies nor cared about the condition the items will be in. Thank you for the positive feedback guys, appreciate it.
  6. kazu177

    [Video] Patience Is Key

    I hope so, an MSR isn't the best of places to exchanges items/phone numbers ;)
  7. If you want to box a zombie, don't. Just call Boris.
  8. kazu177

    A True Champion - Zombie Boxing

    Appreciate it guys! hope you had a good laugh. More to come soon.