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Everything posted by tgmoore

  1. tgmoore

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    DayZ should stick to its ARMA roots or it isn't DayZ anymore.
  2. tgmoore

    "Mosin" and "M4" accuracy test

    Long time ARMA fan here. I'd like to see dayZ stick to its ARMA roots with realistic representations of firearms and their real world capabilities.
  3. tgmoore

    [Suggestion] Tranquilizer guns?

    They have them in the DayZ Origins mod. There are also Epi-bolts which revive. Though they are mag fed and semi auto which is a bit gamey. I would support single shot, breech loading pistols and rifle tranq guns with limited effective ranges, say 50m for the rifle and 25m for the pistol.
  4. tgmoore

    Suggestion: Camo backpacks

    Can't seem to edit my post.
  5. tgmoore

    New Weapon Suggestions

    M16 family should be a rarity. Chenarus as former Soviet state should primarily contain Combloc weaponry.
  6. tgmoore

    When are the cars coming?

    I'd like to see lots of civilian ground vehicles and unarmed/unarmored military vehicles as long as passengers can shoot out of all vehicles with our handheld personal weapons. Vehicle mounted machineguns on jeeps, pickups (technicals) should require crafting like: pedestal+mount+ammo can+beltfed mg+ wrench+vechicle= vechicle mounted weapon.
  7. tgmoore

    Correcting SA ballistics

    I would like to see very realistic ballistic profiles for all DayZ weapons. I did two 6 month tours in Iraq as an Infantryman.
  8. tgmoore

    .357 magnum?

    That would be the case. A round of ammunition consists of a case, primer, propellant, and bullet. A round of ammunition is fed from an internal fixed magazine in the case of a Mosin-Nagant. Which is charged (reloaded) with individual rounds by hand or with stripper clips. Think of stripper clips aka clips as a little piece of rail road track that guides the rounds into the internal magazine while reloading.
  9. tgmoore

    Suggestion: Camo backpacks

    Camo Backpack covers are the answer.