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Everything posted by mySoup117

  1. mySoup117

    Animals already in DayZ SA?

    I believe I saw, in one of the videos online, rabbits. But they are like non-interactive objects instead of meat sources. Waiting for the deers!!!
  2. Thanks, found it helpful, especially to noobs like me. I bet bandits are not born bandits, maybe they are too scared to keep in touch with people.
  3. Hey guys, It's me again. Just got KOS'd by four fully armed players after logging in a server for 7 seconds, so I must've got the wrong log-out point that exposed me in sight of those players from the beginning? I wonder what are your choices of log-out locations, especially not in cities but in fields/woods where there is no actual structure you can hide in? Or should I just choose not to log out until I reach the next town? Hope to hear some helpful replies, thank you. Soup
  4. Same thing here, dude. Just got KOS'd when I first logged in on a new server. I had a full backpack of food and water but no weapon at all, neither did I have a motorcycle helmet or anything that would make me look like a threat. I only spent 7 seconds on that server and now a fresh start, again... But still, it's Dayz and I like it that way.
  5. Hey Guys, I just bought Dayz standalone today and I am sort of a newbie to this game. The reason I say "sort of a newbie" is that I've watched a lot of Dayz videos on Youtube and Twitch (that's why I chose to buy the early access, simply because it's Dayz), so I know some key rules but almost nothing about on-hand gaming. I wanna ask whether I can kill zombies fast with melee weapons other than axes? I know axes are one-hit-kill type, but how about the others? For example, I am now standing on the roof of a random factory-ish structure and since I joined a new server (a daytime server, found a way to discriminate daytime server from night server), there happened to be a zombie standing not far away from the bottom of the ladder. I checked and there is not other way down so I have to climb down the ladder and have a manly fight with him. All I have is a pipe wrench and since my previous character was killed by a zombie when I only had a screwdriver, I need to leave this server (which I seriously don't want to) in order not to be killed. I don't mind bleed a lit since I've made rags from other shirts but I do need to know if I can kill it fast (or at least faster than fists and screwdrivers) with my pipe wrench. Hope to read some replies soon. Thank you! :D Soup
  6. Thanks guys, I joined another server and met a group of three zeds, fought with my pipe wrench/fists and won the battle with serious wound. I died not long after, but it was a fun experience, now I have food and water, just need an axe to kill zeds.
  7. mySoup117

    Killed someone, now how do I Loot them?

    Sometimes people chooses to log out not because he/she doesn't want you to get the loot. I believe the body wont disappear after death even if logged out, probably another glitch or you didn't kill him thoroughly, resulted in unconscious instead of dead. The body (unconscious person, to be specific) will disappear if he/she is not dead and chooses to "exit".