This game should be renamed to DrinkZ. The game uses a true 24 hour clock yet our characters need to drink an entire soda every 5-10 minutes!?!? That's dumb and at this rate our characters will all die of kidney failure or diabetes before ever being killed by a zombie. This needs to be adjusted because it sure as hell isn't realistic. Dean is going for realism and this sure isn't how to go about it. I could see needing a drink maybe every hour or so but not 5 minutes after drinking an entire can of soda or juice. I spawned in for my first time and within just a few minutes my character was wanting a drink so I took a drink of soda that I found. He drank the entire thing! Not even 10 minutes later he was bugging me about being thirsty so I drank another can. Not even 10 minutes later he wanted another drink. WTF is wrong with this guy? Does he have cotton mouth from too much weeds or is he tripling up on his blood pressure medication and it's making him dehydrated? Anyways, this needs to be changed. Nobody needs 3 cans of drink in 20 minutes to survive. I've been a big fan of Dayz and even bought multiple copies of the Arma games so I could have several characters but I'm not going to play a drinking simulator especially when drinks aren't that abundant. Before anyone says it's an Alpha, I don't believe that this is a bug and it must be by design which is why I'm suggesting that it be changed. I know all about Alphas so don't bother explaining it to me. Other than this complaint, I think the game is coming along nicely.