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About Sawlstone

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Sawlstone

    Bow and Fishing, Mining

    I'd say no mining. I could see foraging though. Strictly for medicinal and nutrition needs. Maybe you pick a good mushroom? Maybe you pick a bad mushroom? Maybe you pick the fun mushroom? weeeeeeeee
  2. Ur suck a dick, but I can't stop laughing.
  3. Sawlstone

    cool way to die

    Ugg, Zombie possession sucks
  4. Sawlstone

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Nope, thats just a geared player. You expect since I am a friendly to run around in a hoodie and jeans? Say what?
  5. Sawlstone

    idea for Prison to have door KEYS

    Initially I was thinking this is a terrible idea but then I thought it would add an element if you were to be taken captive you could enlist the help or your friends or good people to rescue you through the forum. It could be ran the same way as the medical assistance thread. You would have to be able to know exactly where you were held though so I see some difficulties arising. My point is I guess I am just trying to find our a way to kill the OP for being a horrible person and thinking up this idea.
  6. Sawlstone

    Swimming to Skalisty Island

    I have been there too. I did not find any loot in the little fishing village with the Lighthouse, or the ship, but in the house that has a cabin/shack near it up on the hill in the forest I found loot. I spawned fresh pretty much right across from the island so I decided to swim there and walked away with a Fireaxe, Cargo pants, Wolfmask and 2 cans of tuna so it was a pretty good find from one building.
  7. Sawlstone

    I wanna play a game...

    Happened twice for me yesterday. WTF!
  8. Sawlstone

    Pronunciation of DAYZ

    Thank you, I will now join you in this pronouciation if you don't mind!
  9. Sawlstone

    I Have A Dream....

    In your case Evil = terrible english.
  10. Sawlstone

    Are they gona make the map bigger then 255km?

    There is so much to expand within the current map I really hope they don't expand the landmass anytime soon. Get some more dynamic areas, populate it with huntable wildlife. Give us some persistant ability for loot storage. This 225km will seem much smaller when that happens!
  11. Sawlstone

    Dog pet

    I don't think the idea would work as much as I love dogs.
  12. Sawlstone

    How many people do you kill in a life on average?

    I have killed 0 truthfully. I wish the question was how many times have you been killed.....
  13. Sawlstone

    Cannibalist Enforcers? when can we expect it?

    I don't mind some lines being crossed but this is just a little much. I'd quit the game if this is ever part of it.
  14. Sawlstone

    I would love to see a bow and arrow in this game

    Crossbows are already said to be happening. A bow would be fantastic.....providing you can retrieve your arrows.
  15. Sawlstone

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    You do realize your handle is Itchycock? Yeah sorry about my childish insults....