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Sir Trolle

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About Sir Trolle

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  1. Sir Trolle

    What Do You Think About The Long Spawning Time ?

    Everytime I join a server I Normally play on or another, I have to wait. It's ridiculous. I hope they fix this soon or later™
  2. Sir Trolle

    What Do You Think About The Long Spawning Time ?

    But 250-300 secounds are still too long. Should have been changed to 120 secounds. It's my opinion. I think alot of people get pissed of by playing this game because of that. I really loved to play, nothing negative saying about this game. But after this patch, stupid time limit are such a waste! It's ridiculous.
  3. Sir Trolle

    What Do You Think About The Long Spawning Time ?

    Correct :) My mothers name surname is Trolle.
  4. This spawing time between 200-350 secounds are anoying. Every time you join another server or trying to join the same server you have to wait so long. It's so pointless. Gettin boring to play the game because of this.. Please change the time between 30-120secounds. You opinion guys?
  5. I use the lowest graphics. It only happen when I look at the ocean, without the ocean it's fine
  6. Something I just noticed. My graphic card is crashing while looking at the ocean, maybe it's because it's big or what? My whole computer restarted-...-
  7. How much celsius do your GPU have?
  8. I have downloaded HWmonitor, my GPU is around 60celsius. I think it's alot for a game, maybe that caus the crash. I'm not sure but my feelings says maybe that's why Dayz are crashing.
  9. I have heard my card makes some issues while playing Dayz, you can play only a few minutes before you can see strange purple, blue squares on my screen
  10. Game crash/freezes my computer. Pleaase fix this.. I can play high/ultra on all games without any problem, include Dayz but my whole graphic card is crashing. Please fix an optimaze for my card or something or whatever.
  11. Sir Trolle

    Game crashed, stopped working.

    Dayz Standalone stopped working, my game crashed. Steam - Local File - Verify intergrity of game cache. Also tried, didn't fix the problem. It sucks that I have to reboot my computer.
  12. Sir Trolle

    Respawn Problem

    Yea it might fix it. But I wanted to post that bug. So Dayz developer would check on it later.
  13. Sir Trolle

    Respawn Problem

    I have a problem when respawn After dying, only says please wait but nothing more is happening. Sometimes it work, other times it does not work, and then you maybe have to click on respawn again
  14. Thank you. In system specations here: http://www.geforce.co.uk/hardware/notebook-gpus/geforce-gtx-770m/specifications But where I bought my computer says: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770M - 3 GB GDDR5 SDRAM
  15. Sorry I'm not good at this. Alot more to learn about computers, software etc. How do I allocate more memory to dayz, or actually a game? Ps. If you mean video memory (Textures), I can see that in settings ingame. 256MB 512MB 1024MB 2048MB AUTO