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Alpha Cowboy

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Everything posted by Alpha Cowboy

  1. Alpha Cowboy

    Lets talk Hero's, Bandits, and Humanity

    " There will always be trolls that only want to pk everyone regardless of perks." Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder how many of these people says no are doing it purely because they don't want to be easily identified as a bandit.
  2. Alpha Cowboy

    Lets talk Hero's, Bandits, and Humanity

    With the exception of ballistic vest, which is probably a bit much considering it exists in game anyway, how would it break realism if indicators were in the same vein as thirst and hunger? This is a RPG, just because its first person with guns doesn't make it any less of an RPG than wow or lineage. The only difference is that here there's no attachment to your character other than to your gear, and even that will become less of a factor once off character storage is implemented. This is hardly a class system, all it does is adjust your game experience and how you're perceived based on how you play. It adds depth to the game and to your decisions , which is something it really needs.
  3. Alpha Cowboy

    How about no private servers?

    I don't see why you would have an issue with private hives, if you don't like them, their rules or whatever changes they have, just don't play there, it won't affect you or your experiance on any public server, get over yourself and let them play how they want. Private servers on the public hive are another matter entirely. Those should all play by the same rules because what happens there affects every other public server. With loot the way it is currently it does provide an unfair advantage to have a locked server, but once loot is fixed it will essentially be the same as hopping on a low/empty server. But there's still enough of a distinction that they should eliminate the ability to put a password on a private server that's on the public hive.
  4. Alpha Cowboy

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    22lr is not a good offensive or defensive round. It's great at punching holes in paper and tiny animals, and it has good accuracy at range, but that's where its benefits end. It doesn't have enough weight to cause signifigant soft tissue damage, its lack of weight also means it glances off bone instead of punching through. In general the importance of shot placement scales inversely to the size of a bullet relative to stopping power. A through and through with a 22 will cause minor damage where the same shot from a .44 magnum will effectively incapicatate the target. And that's not even taking into consideration that for the nessasary penetration a 22 round needs to be ball or FMJ where as larger rounds have the requisite weight and power for penetration so they can be designed to deform, fracture, expand, etc so they cause even more serious soft tissue damage which further improves their effectiveness. Now none of that means a 22 is useless, its just to point out the small kill zone of the cartridge. In reality Is rather have a 22 rather than nothing, just as I'd rather have an experianced marksman covering me with a 22 over Joe the plumber covering me with a 308, BUT that's reality. In game pain isn't something that can incapacitate a player, shooting is boiled down to point and click, and bodies aren't fully modeled with hearts lungs brains and bones. Sowhat were left with is simply how much soft tissue damage does it inflict, to which the honest answer is very little.
  5. Alpha Cowboy

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    At this point most server hopping is because loot doesn't respawn, if you fix loot so it spawns dynamically you fix most server hopping.
  6. Alpha Cowboy

    Basebuilding/Fortification ideas

    While I like the idea of underground bases as one option for gear storage, it should be the rarest type to find, should require a lot of tools, plus the item itself should replace your backpack when you find it if you take it. IMO tents and vehicles should still be the bread and butter storage option, somewhat easy to find the item, somewhat easy to find and loot someone else's tent or take their car. Custom bases have a lot of variables, are the purely player constructed (find the concrete, the wood, the nails and put it together how you want.) Would Dayz engine even support that? Piling stuff up in a town to fortify seems easier, but both are fraught with difficulty. And even if they are feasible, what's to keep people from server hopping to get inside?
  7. Just wondering if there is any information on if/when tents and or custom bases or any other type of off player storage storage will be added.
  8. Alpha Cowboy

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    .22lr is a terrible round, period. The only reason I could ever see a justification for adding it is for hunting small game, I.e. using a 308 on a rabbit or squirrel will ruin most of the meat. Outside of hunting small game there is no reason for it to be added, especially considering all the weapons from the vanilla mod that should be added first. If they do add the .22lr they should make it pathetic on players and zombies, as in if you dont hit them in the eyes temples or heart t shouldnt do any damage, just make you bleed.
  9. Alpha Cowboy

    Tents, are they coming? any ETA?

    I'm glad its planned, my only concern with custom bases with internal space is people server hopping to get inside IF they're protected by locks as they were in some of the mods. Not to mention safe storage takes a lot of the risk out of storing your stuff.
  10. Really everyone needs to get over third person, at some point, especially when private hives become common, you'll have your choice of which features you want and which ones you don't, and I'd be surprised if they don't give us some way to sort by features the way we could with dayzcommander. So really, stop being selfish and trying to make everyone play the game the way you want them to.
  11. Alpha Cowboy

    While the robbery system is nice it won't work.

    I'm nor sure how the restraint system works, I assume the person has to surrender or be unconsious? Seems the way to make it actually work would be letting you restrain someone if you can get within x yards of them and aren't in combat. Also adding an option to "leave them the key" when you're done, so they can work on removing their restraints while giving you time to vanish.
  12. Alpha Cowboy

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    Kos is mostly a side effect of bandits and fresh spawn/bambi hunting, there's no real way to prevent that,nor should there be. It is too bad there isn't a way to discourage it, maybe make it so within some amount of time after spawning you don't count till kill counts. But that's not the issue. The main issue is Kos, which largely happens because its simple survival. I think changing the skins so from base humanity killing 2 survivors who haven't damaged you first gives you a bandit skin. Additionally make it much easier to identify hero's and bandits, red bandit text when your reticule is over them or withing a close proximity, blue hero text in the same way for hero's. I can't count the number of times I was killed when playing hero because I wasn't easily identified.