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About albinl

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  1. albinl

    Vehicle Dissapeared...........

    .................................................................................................. and then it dissapeared again..............................................
  2. Me and my 2 friends were playing on a server and got a military offroader from green mountains. we drove around chernarus for about 5 hours and then logged off for the night. We came back and the car were still where we hid it. so we drove around some more and got to balota airfield, we parked the car behind a house and i got out but my friend couldn't get out, i thought he was lagging so he just sat in the car and guarded it. I looted the place and came back and i couldn't get in driver seat, i pressed get in driver seat and my character pulled out his gun like usually but i didnt get in the car, i relogged (my friend were still in the car) and the car was gone. i relogged several times and restarted my client but it didn't work. so my friend got in the driver seat (he could still see it) but he couldn't move it but he could honk the horn and i heard it. so now the car is gone with all our loot. my friend still hasn't relogged cause we are afraid the car will be gone.................... noone could have taken the car cause he was in the car all the time and when i relogged it only took like 5 seconds so i would have seen the car driving away.......................... its things like these that ruin your day Server: Seattle 108 Patch: Location: Behind little house at balota airfield Vehicle: Military Offroad My Name: Albin
  3. albinl


    Some people are telling me that Helicopters are enabled and some say then are disabled, but i see people having helicopters on these forums so i though maybe it is only enabled on a few servers? does anyone know if that is it or if they are still disabled? and if so what servers have helicopters?
  4. * [FIXED] Unable to repair helicopter fuel leak (repair all parts to 95% or above and fuel leak will stop) in the patch notes, does this mean they are back? :D
  5. OMG. I DONT LIKE THIS PATCH. I found a Revolver with 3 mags and an MP5SSD with 1 mag in a firestation at the top floor, i picked it up and then went down the stairs but my character ran through the wall and i fell and broke my leg and lost 2000 blood approx. and since u dont spawn with freaking morphine anymore i had to CRAWL all the way to the nearest hospital, but i was seen by a zombie like 40 meters away while crawling and with 1 HIT THAT STUPID ZOMBIE MADE ME PASS OUT AND I DIED. I WAS AT 10000 BLOOD APPROX.
  6. This is a Game - Not a Simulator. It doesn't have to be realistic, it should be fun. And it was, until this new update came. I don't like it, bring the old Dayz back.
  7. I am not a big gamer, i don't actually like games, im more of a social person but this game, DayZ. I was addicted to it, i loved it and played it for hours every day, i literally installed an Operation system i absolutely HATE (winblows compuderp) to play this game (i have an iMac) but the recent update ruined it all for me. I have bad FPS and i absolutely hate the new features such as spawning with no gun and no food, you say its more realistic but who leaves their house without a gun or food during a zombie apocalypse? just saying. It's a Game, Not a simulator. i think you should either undo the new features such as Zombies seeing you from a very far distance, and when you hide in houses without a gun the zombies stay at the entrance so you can't get out. You have to relog but apparently they are fixing that soon. Or make like an option to play hardcore or regular dayz. This is not the same game anymore and i don't like the new game.
  8. So is there a way to know what servers have helicopters enabled?
  9. so when are they enabled again? do you think they are back in the next update?
  10. So i just struggled for hours with my friend finding all the parts needed to fix a helicopter. Then we went to find the airfield and ran around the airfields for hours trying to find a dam helicopter just to find out they don't spawn anymore. So we thought we would wait until they came back to the game to login and repair it. Anyone know when they come back? next 1.7.1 update?