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Posts posted by skeim@gmx.fr

  1. Im so confused with these games and what they are. So there is Arma, which created the dayz mod. From that came dayz sa. So what the hell is is dayz Epoch???? Why is it so ahead of dayz??? And the there is Breaking Point. Why is bohemia creating so many of the same games, and yes they are the same, same sounds, same buildings and textures.


    DayZ Epoch and Breaking Point (the old one in Arma 2) are mods of Dayz Mod Vanilla. I don't think peoples who made it (they were not made by Bohemia) stole the codes, I think they asked to take it and DayZ Mod team accepted.

    They exist because some players which tried DayZ Mod Vanilla were not satisfied. So they tried to create something more similar to their idea. Other DayZ Mods are not especially bad, they are different of the original DayZ idea.


    Epoch is a mod with an economy system and AI missions (with a building system too, but that's another point for making it different to the old Vanilla Mod when you could only build a tent). It will not become a standalone, because Bohemia choose the DayZ Mod Vanilla  to developed it as a standalone. They can't make a DayZ Epoch on Arma 3, because DayZ on arma 3 is forbidden. They can't make Epoch on Arma 3 without zombies, that just would be Wasteland with crafting.


    Breaking Point were another mod of DayZ Mod with lot of weapons, new sounds (like Overwatch now) and special zombies (like the Blood Sucker from Namalsk which was take from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.).

    Now it's a mod of Arma 3 (they closed the Arma 2 version), which is different to DayZ Mod and DayZ SA.

    I think they moved to Arma 3 because the DayZ license is forbidden on it (because it would be a pure copy of DayZ SA that you can accessed with Arma 3), Breaking Point tried to save the zombie survival mod on Arma 3.


    These 3 mods are similar to DayZ because they are Zombie Survival mods. But the gameplays are different, because your goals are not the same in these 3 mods. They are not bad, their teams worked a lot on it, to make it good for players which look for mods like these.


    Sorry if my English is not perfect ><

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  2. And you can now cook meat or fish if you need to heal faster. But there is something you need to do before rushing in pvp area : finding tools to survive.
    For me, blood bag is only useful if you're doing pvp with a team. If you're alone, you can take more time to heal, avoid other people is not a problem.

    DayZ mod Vanilla is not SA, but remember, the DayZ mod was an alpha version of SA (http://dayzmod.com/ here you can see "Download (Alpha Test)").

    Maybe you started playing DayZMod when other DayZ mods were born, when people rushed and didn't care about zombies, they just wanted to pvp.
    When I started in 2012, in the first month, players were wary for the zombies, be stealth was something realy important, it was a game about survival before PvP. And now, since 1.8, I have the feeling that the good days of DayZ Mod are back. For many people Vanilla Mod became harder, but it always was in Vanilla.


    To end this too long answer (I'm sorry x_x), Vanilla Mod is not like SA. SA is like the Mod were aimed to be.

    • Like 2

  3. Hello Survivors :)
    I noticed this afternoon that we can lower our pistol, but it's something like a bug which appeared with 1.8 and primary and secondary weapon system.

    To do it, take your secondary weapon (your melee weapon), lower it, then take your pistol, double tape Control like if you want to lower it, and take your primary weapon. Your pistol will be lowered. To switch on your primary, double tape control or just crouch. It works only if you're stand.

    So if you can do it with that "bug", maybe it's something that the devs can bind it to a key ?

    Please Devs, give your opinion.

  4. Hi !

    I just realised this afternoon, when you craft a Sepsis Bandage (on vanilla server : one comfrey leaf + one bandage for exemple), it has exactly the same name, the same icon and the same description as normal bandages (In French version. Please tell me if it's different for English version).

    BUT in our item list we can see they are two different items.
    So what do you think about use the correct name for Sepsis bandage ? Or just add a little thing on the icon (or description) to distinguish them.


    I know it's certainly out of the next update, but I wanted to bring up the subject just in case.

    Have a good day.
