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capt. beefsteak

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Everything posted by capt. beefsteak

  1. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    I can see your point. I was basically saying the same. People who play like that will not change much. Hopefully they get bored and actually try to play the game.
  2. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    I would think that anyone could be anything and that they had to choose that skill upon spawn in. Now, the only real way I see it curbing KOS is if it took quite a bit of time to aquire the skill. By quite a bit of time I mean hours upon hours. If it's something you can just do right away it would take the whole "meaning of life" out of the game. I don't think that people would seek vengence they would almost surely start working on there skills again. The only catch would be people that don't care to do anything in this game but kill for fun. There is no skill requirement to pick up a gun and shoot someone, nor should there be. Now, with a skill that can be aquired you might be able to craft something that almost makes it worthless for some spawn to try to gun you down. That is the only real way to discourage it. The catch to this of course is that mutiple people would be able to achieve this level and then you just have KOS on the top and it keeps spawns from ever having a chance. There needs to be a fine balance. That balance can't be left to me to decide... Maybe someone who has made it that far also has something to loose by peppering new spawns for fun, but if in defense, maybe it's still retained. I don't know... Some form of humantiy level that effects skill sets. Negitive humantiy people have to work harder/longer to aquire the same level skill as someone with good humanity. And god forbid there are ever vehicles with weps on them, they should also count against this humanity as well for everyone in the truck/vehicle. I know it didn't count in the mod so people could retain there humanity gunning down spawns on the coast which is complete shit.
  3. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    observations aren't accusations... I told you I wasn't going for the juggular... Either way, it's all good.
  4. capt. beefsteak

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Never wanna see you in an anti KOS thread lolz...
  5. capt. beefsteak

    Tranquilizer and Leash

    I like cow. However i will only eat "free range" bananas. I care about what goes in my body. Lolz at "free range" it's such a joke. There isn't a single undomesticated cow in america. You will never hunt a cow for supper. We've basically domesticated plants as well. The get all jammed together spliced and seeds are all genetically engineered. People think plants don't matter because they aren't conscious? The cows state of consciousness is probably closer to the plants than a humans. Anyhow OP, that mess is twisted, but I do like the idea of less than lethal weapons, because if you have the upper hand on someone and you just want to rob them, they will just run circles around you with an axe and you will waste more bullets then you need to. I personally would like to be able to tranquillize someone and handcuff them more for my own safety rather than kill them.
  6. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Basically 3 people died by my hand today, none of which was provoked by me. I see my signature, it doesn't speak of killing on sight, or killing people for pleasure or even killing for some deep seeded feeling I need to express. What it describes is Fighting for a justified cause on a video game, that technically has no real life justification. See my signature for what it is, or see it how you want to see it. I'm not even 100% sure if you were attacking me for saving myself in that situation or not, but I'll tell you what I can see just reading this very in depth post of yours. I can see someone who is very interested and very well versed in the inner workings of mental discrepancies. I see someone who has scared themself due to the amount of abnormal joy killing pixels brought them. Quite frankly this is what worries me. Let me explain why, and no this isn't an attack on you just an observation. We are "programmed" to survive, our minds are built to keep our flesh intact. We are thinkers (though much of that gets repressed by the likes of what we are talking about) on a critical level. Everything humans do day to day is geared towards faster, better and more efficient survival. To make matters worse, what we've done to each other is created a game; "who is" and "who isn't"... So what's that? That my fellow gamers is competition. We compete for better (fill in the blank) all the time. It's what we do, from the smallest to the largest life impacting stuff, it's all a big game. So we've established the 2 major things we do here. Now in the DayZ game we don't have people acting out dark issues, we have people competing with one another to see who's the best. Trolls, well yea they might be angry or silly or even looking to make someone upset but I highly doubt it goes anywhere beyond that. 16-20k people are on dayz and about half of them kill on sight and about 1 to none of them have this issue that your very post discribes which is why the post is only 99% disturbing. You just can't read into it that much, or shouldn't. Nobody on either side, be it the "killer" or the guy that "died" should be so abnormaly overjoyed about the kill it or clinically depressed about the death. Sound funny to you? Well it shouldn't because your post went there. Teamwork won't curb KOS... Giving meaning to Life/survival will.
  7. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Well this guy wanted to kos... so ... I don't run with my gun out ever because I've noticed that that's what the KOS types do and I don't want to appear hostile... I did take it out for this guy though. I left him this to come back to, I aslo hid his gun... ...
  8. capt. beefsteak

    Stalking in DayZ

    Im into stalking as well, without killing fools... Keeping a safe distance makes for small people in the pictures.. last photo is pre thermometer, just to ensure nobody is running a temp
  9. I'm just curious about the things other people do. We've all killed, looted, hunt, fished you name it we've done it. However, I am more interested in the things others do to pass the time in game. I don't really want complaints just new ideas from fellow survivors. I manage to have fun, take photos and live. I was mentioning that I've recently picked up on watching other players, seeing what they do (from a safe distance) and how they act. Ocassionally sneaking up to get within earshot of converstations, wondering how they might react if I made my presence known. I would also be interested on ideas you might have for adding in game crap. For me, with this "people watching thing" I would love to see some kind of shoe that reduces the footstep sound by a good bit to be able to get close without detection. I would also like to be able to lock someone in a jail cell, granted they'd be able to get out, but more along the lines of how handcuffs work where they would have to work at the lock. This would give me the option to tell them to stop struggling with it "or else??". I think a semi long distance less than lethal weapon would be interesting too. Something that was effective within I don't know; 50-100 feet or so. Like a tranquilzer gun or blow gun with a seditive on it. I would also like the ablity to drag a body, whether dead or just knocked out. I know there are other creative things to do out there. I also know you have your own Ideas on things to do in-game. If you wouldn't mind sharing them, please do.
  10. capt. beefsteak

    Yea, I've done it all, or have I? Let's talk Ideas!

    little night ops.... I like cooked fish
  11. capt. beefsteak

    Yea, I've done it all, or have I? Let's talk Ideas!

    Definatly need to keep hydrated and energized while watching some folks. Sometimes I build a fire at night right in the middle of the airfield just to see if I can grab someones curiosity. Yea it's a lure, but I don't have bad intentions of those who can't help themselfs. Yup dragging bodies would come in useful in a ton of different situations. I don't think the quite approach should be like ninja pro, however just muffle it enough for people to write off what they "think" they may have heard. Barricading, building, ect... good stuff, we're gonna need stable persistance first though. Yea kinda like improvised rope only rag's or w/e for the old footwear. This would extend to all players spawns and fully geared, so i would imagine maybe it would only work with a pristine pair of (fill in shoe type here) so it's not something you don't have to risk your life to get. Or maybe make it an option once you tan some leather to craft a quiet shoe, and make hunting have more meaning because technically you can live off canned food right now. This might become dangerous once they implement predatory animals. I think yes maybe some people will roleplay a bit more once there are more things to do, of course the game allows for natural things to unfold and make each life different. This is the part that keeps me coming back, no two people are the same, I mean yea they can all do the same thing (kill you) but they aren't really the same as the previous person.
  12. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    I would give people a little bit more credit than this. Though we are more complex than this game obviously we still have choices to make. Ok so we take all the guns away, no this doesn't make anything better. Ask me why? Ok good, you see people that can't find guns easily know that it's not easy for others to find guns. So whats the next best thing to upset those playing the game? Melee weapons, because if i know it's a pita to find a rifle for myself then it would be for you as well so chances are you won't have one and then everyone will chase you with an axe until you are dead. Before long with the anti second amendment policy listed you'd be pissed off with people that have axes, then crowbars shall I keep going? Before long it would be a game where someone would just walk up and punch you to death; of course they could disable that as well and all PVP for that matter... Its more a game about being smart and actually observing the area. If a dog craps all over the yard you'd probably be watching your step to avoid getting it on your shoe. If you approach the game with this mindset you'd have a little better chance at survival. Even careful observation can't save you from the crap under the leaves so once in a while you might get some on your shoe, but far less likely than say with a blindfold on. More often than not when I encounter a hostile person I'm either dead right away or they leave a little RP to be had. If I don't get killed right away this gives a window of opportunity to engage them verbaly. Use this time wisely to state your case via any means. Or go out boldly and come on here and ask, why does everyone kill everyone? The reason behind the mass killing in this game is because of chance. If you kill someone there is a 100% chance of no retaliation they are dead for this particular instance/person. This is the main reason behind the issue you seek an answer for which is why group apple tree shaking, or lugging crap around won't help the situation. Not to downplay your ideas, however, all group activites do is invite momentary civil activity to enhance both players experience to potentially survive longer. The whole time your lugging and shaking with an unknown he's getting his, meanwhile the derringer pistol he stuffed in his pants ensures he's getting the most benefit out of your attempted efforts to be humane. Chance people, Chance is KOS. Without worry people will waste you while you sleep to ensure thier own personal survival needs are met. Keep Surviving and watch out for that dog crap ;)....
  13. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    I've previously mentioned which locations where KOS hotspots at the begining of this thread (Coast, All call of duty... um.. I mean military barracks. Also daytime only servers) Basically you can see anywhere easy loot and a trolling mentality can be had. Now, what you do is go to a smaller town and relax, farm live etc. Mentally condition yourself to "notice/observe" your surroundings. At any location on the map you have to watch your ass, because someone could potentially be there trying to kill you. It's real to the extent that you might have something they want, and they don't know you so eff it, why not kill you. I personally like watching people from a safe distance, I don't kill them, just watch them and sometimes follow them.. I usually pick a military location to start because so many knuckleheads go there. I have been spotted before and I have been killed. The really amazing thing that happens is you learn how to follow correctly, the right speed and your timing gets better. You don't need a gun with you but it never hurts to have protection. Suggested items for proper stalking of people include but are not limited to: 1. Food 2. Water 3. Patience 4. Green or darker clothing 5. Practice 6. Binoculars Having the upper hand usually lends the ablity to spare an individual and the potential to add them to your friends list as apposed to just another meaningless kill. However since you were ready and they weren't you may need to put them down. Of course you could always handcuff them and remove any weapons they may have that could cause you harm. My favorite weapon in the game will be one that can one shot K.O. someone at close range, and is 100% effective at it... Basically we need a blow gun and some sweet face paint.
  14. capt. beefsteak

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    It was a long day, I watched some people loot balota today from a safe distance with my binoculars. I took a few shots of the sun going down to help me settle my mind a bit. I did enjoy sitting around the fire for a little while. I soon fell into a deep depression as I started to realize that living might be the harder option... After a moment of weakness I decided to just find a tree and rest my eyes...
  15. It's been a long time since I posted, .57 feels so much smoother and immersive. I gotta say, the itch is Back and I had a great time playing this evening! Hope you've all had the pleasure as well.
  16. capt. beefsteak

    Yea, I still enjoy the heck outta some DAyz

    It is definitely playable... I had a moment though...
  17. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    They could make it so you can't spam for these skills, using a timer 24 hour or so and make it last a week worth of time to attain... Giving goals to people to allow them to hone their toons to be able to perform specific efficient tasks would really help with KOS crap to a certain degree. The only issue I can find is that if you could do all tasks in an under populated server you have no risk... Hell at that point you could setup camp in downtown electro with little worry. I would want these traits/skills to be something that is specifically server bound. We already have enough kids being lazy and server hopping for high grade military gear to cripple immersion for the rest of us. No 5 minute timer is going to stop them from doing what they ultimatly seek to do, which is kill people and tell them how bad they are.... Just my 02 And as far as lifespans I think it would be hourly based... maybe a solid 200 hours on that toon, maybe more.. Maybe 10-20 hours per 5/10 years or so? Obviously they don't have us crawling down the coast in our diapers, but i imagine the toon is 25-30 already, so in ten hours of ingame play he's now 35/40? I'm sure it won't get dynamic enough to matter what you put in your body, I know the KOS issue would be back if someone tryed to snag my "Free Range Banana" Some people might want the toons to live actual years, that would be insane but i would be cool with it, might only be a few years older by the time I'm ready to give up gaming though lol..
  18. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    These are my thoughts. 1. There should be no penalty for people who want to play alone. Co-op instances can exist, but only for things that don't break the game for solo players. There are those who work and can't play at peak hours who should not be hindered, or discouraged from the game. What I'm getting at here is groups don't always approach you nicely either, meaning, though they play co-op per say, they already have a group and don't mind killing some random guy for kicks. I have taken a peak at the roadmap from time to time guys and have to say of those things the single most thing that will hinder kos that I've seen so far is the life-span feature. People are going to want to live but during the life span there should be things that happen to your player like beards and using a nice sharp knife to shave... Basically put, when someone has something to look forward to from living, then you have less people trying to murder you all the time.
  19. capt. beefsteak

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Easiest way to sum this up, most people that kill on sight are lazy. The live and die on the coast, each life is a short grind followed by a few gunshots. They don't experiment with the mechanics of the game or contribute in any way. The easiest way to avoid this style of gameplay is to stay mid map, After 800+ hours in game I feel this is the way it works. I know military bases are hotspots as well, so, I try to avoid them as well. Until there is more of an incentive for people to live longer you will have the kos issue regardless of how many apples you can shake from the tree with your new "bro". These ideas are interesting, but what about the guy that wants to lone wolf it?
  20. capt. beefsteak

    Cooking fish

    I noticed while using a cooking pot with water inside the fish does change colors, however it never leaves raw fish status... Just a heads up to the devs. I did eat some, didn't get the funny taste messages, but logged out shortly thereafter.
  21. capt. beefsteak

    Cooking fish

    Awesome, thanks for the heads up. Also, don't just throw it in a pot without water, It's changes to a burnt color and it will make you sick.... I should know...
  22. capt. beefsteak

    Yea, I still enjoy the heck outta some DAyz

    I agree with the bugs still being there, but man I had fun... Just me and a buddy, grabbed a few things then we were off to find a VS3.. got the truck set up a small camp with a nice big fire and called it good. Took a few hours but well worth my time after a stressful day in the workforce.