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Everything posted by Guarana_SUI

  1. Guarana_SUI

    Contaminated Area - Zabytyy Zemli

    great idea but its a little too small. i think this would be a better set up: also remove and make a new hread for the airdrops thing so we can focus on this more.
  2. Guarana_SUI

    (SA) Remove military loot from the coast

    instead of removing the military base from the coast add some handguns and ammo to civil loot. also some rare military equipment, i mean there are alot of geeks out there that collect this stuff like camopants / jackets helmets etc.
  3. Guarana_SUI

    Blacklist Servers

    yes! The Admins are not the only problem there are alot of reasons why you would blacklist a server, Bad server connection (ping tells basicly nothing) maybe day only/night only servers... and of cours those "experimental" servers
  4. Guarana_SUI

    Reset Character from Main Menu

    yes! please!
  5. Guarana_SUI

    Server Hop Solution: Lock to server

    Simple solution as a server host you can choose if your server locks the character in or not. (of course if you would join the server first time you start fresh)
  6. Guarana_SUI

    Open cans with other sharp objects

    you can open cans on asphalt in real life.
  7. Guarana_SUI

    Movement feels really stiff.

    for all the guys out there saying ints unrealistic. stand up and trie to turn 180 as fast as you can you will see its way faster than those arma dummys. also the head wobbeling in first person is so annying it makes me litarly sick. "headbob is off" moving inside building is really a pain and it just doest feel natural at all.
  8. because people in this forum are bitiching about anything thats "unrealistic" -> dark nighttime
  9. Guarana_SUI

    Should it be easier to keep fed/hydrated?

    well actully no its not.
  10. Guarana_SUI

    The Alpha NEEDS a SUICIDE option!

    +++++ Please make this happen
  11. Guarana_SUI

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    why do we have 24/7 dayservers? because most of people doent enjoy night. dev's should make nighttime brighter (and add colour) so there are less 24/7 dayservers. or atleast make it avalible for server to switch from pitch black to magical bright nights.
  12. Guarana_SUI

    What I think the night should look like;

    i hope the night will look like this so its actually playable.
  13. Guarana_SUI

    Color to the night

    as loong as the night doesnt look like this i will server hopp to the max.