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Colt743 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Colt743 (DayZ)

  1. Afternoon All! I Have just bought the ARMA 2 Collection and got the DayZ mod Still getting to grips with the controls and the game but I'm loving what i have seen so far and the videos ive watched. I'm Looking for people(s) to show me the ropes and help me out. In turn i can be a loyal member of any group And will be playing at least 3 hours a night from 7pm (Im UK GMT) I dont mind buying the stand alone version if there are people to play with and guide me! Take Care Much Love
  2. Colt743 (DayZ)

    Evening all! Noob here

    Evening all! I have just started watching the walking dead (almost done with season 3) and its made me realize how much i love this genre :D. After searching for a little while i came across this game. I Have just bought ARMA 2 and all of the expansions and they are currently downloading as i type! I thought i would give the mod a try and see how that is and how my comp handles it and then purchase the SA version if its all good! So if anyone can help me in game and wants to show a rookie the ropes feel free :blush: Much Love & God Bless x
  3. Colt743 (DayZ)

    UK team looking 1-2 experienced members

    I'm very interested if you have room!
  4. Colt743 (DayZ)

    Evening all! Noob here

    Sorry to double post..... How do you know which server to join? Thanks
  5. Colt743 (DayZ)

    Evening all! Noob here

    Thanks! I really don't know what to expect as i have never played ARMA so i don't even know how that game looks before the mod :lol: I also didn't know their was voice chat, i best get my mic out ready Only another hour or so before i can experience this (Hopefully a good one)