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About docjonel

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. docjonel

    Night Is Great!

    Sorry, not a fan here. I only get to play at night after the kids have gone to bed and tonight every server is night time as well. Can't see a darn thing. Used my flare but was afraid to leave the building I was in as I wasn't sure how long it would last (fairly long, it turns out) before all went dark again. I don't have an axe or hatchet, can't make a torch. Things are so dark it's just not worth playing. I mean, in real life I can go out at night and see enough to get around but in DayZ I simply can't navigate at all. Night time with moonlight would be OK and I'm up for a challenge, but this just isn't fun for me at all. Not playing if I can't see anything at all.
  2. docjonel

    Anybody got a pen?

    It's easy enough to find paper in DayZ, but has any body seen a pen or other writing instrument lately? I want to keep an in-game diary while playing so when I inevitably get killed by some other survivor I never see, my life story will be there for someone else to find. It would be something to do during those long dark nights in Chernarus. I would include my DayZ character's name, backstory, and an entry at the end of each day describing my experiences and encounters. I played DayZ SA when it first came out, then was without a decent PC for almost three years. Now I'm back and playing again. Previously, I would always put a note in my inventory that usually read something like this: "Congratulations. If you're reading this it is likely because you killed me. Good job. Now instead of sharing another human's companionship and support, you have further isolated yourself among the growing hordes of undead. Your world is darker, colder, and more lonely. If that's how you prefer things, then all well and good. Now you can pass a long solitary night that is as dark and bleak as your soul. Which you just sacrificed for a can of beans. Good trade! Just know that the rot in your soul is, in fact, as infectious as the pathogen that created the hordes of undead, and will eventually lead to your own demise. Cheers! A fellow survivor" I tended to play on low population servers and didn't have many run ins with other survivors and I rarely saw those who killed me. I never knew if anyone who did ever read any of my notes. I'd like to think that they did. I would like to detail the life and times of my character so they are not just some nameless victim. Anybody got a pen?
  3. docjonel

    how to reload guns correctly?

    Thanks for the info. So now I know how to HOLD down the hotbar key to load a shotgun. Can I then fire until the shotgun is out of ammo or do you need to hit R for reload between shots?
  4. docjonel

    Quitting DayZ/ Loot give away

    It's a trap!!!
  5. docjonel

    Friendly or Bandit?

    I play ocassionally and am not part of a group. I rarely ever meet or even see anyone because I tend to play less popular servers. Was on a populated server the other day all loaded up with food, ammo, and supplies, making my way cautiously thru Novo. Had just exited a building onto a sidestreet when two guys showed up behind me. I was startled because it had been ages since I'd seen anyone else and so I decided to see how it would go. One of them yelled "Put your hands up!" I complied, said hi, and they walked up and hit me over the head with an axe. As the screen faded to black I heard some kid who could only have been 10-12 years old laugh and say, "Thanks for all your stuff dude!" Shoulda shot the bastards when I had a chance. Next two respawns I died quickly, but now I'm kitted up and better armed than I was before my unfortunate encounter. I'm more likely to shoot first now if startled but would still like to make friendly contact if possible.
  6. docjonel

    A story... Chaos at Balota airfield

    I'm a newbie to Day Z, followed accounts of the original mod when it came out but never played until the alpha SA release. Sometimes it seems this is more of a sociological experiment than a PC game. Was on top of the control tower at the airfield ( I've finally learned how to navigate ladders without falling to my death or giving myself a crippling injury) when I heard several shots ring out nearby. Saw a survivor lying on his back on the runway. He had a backpack on but I could not tell if he was armed or what other gear he had. As I watched through the telescopic site of my M4, two armed survivors walked out and stood over him, obviously dividing up their loot. They were not close enough for an easy shot, and I'd not fired on another human yet (The zombies are our common enemy! Can't we all just get along?), but I just felt that they should have a taste of their own medicine. So I lined them up in my site and let loose a burst. They scattered like ants and only then did I realize there were actually three heavily armed bandits. No one dropped and I got off two more bursts before it suddenly hit me that I was outnumbered and isolated on top of that control tower. So I high tailed it off of there, running in the opposite direction, in the process passing another survivor yelling "I'm friendly! I'm friendly!" as he ran unwittingly toward the hornets nest I'd just stirred up. I didn't hang around to listen for any gunshots after that.