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Everything posted by Irish1972

  1. Ok so I have had this problem for awhile now where when I try to set my default character the boxes are grey with no choices, and there is no person standing there. So when i spawn its constantly random as to male, female, white, black, Asian.. etc.. anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Irish1972

    Can't set default character..

    Open your launch options and remove anything you have in there.. start game ,set character, exit game re-apply launch parameters.. play the game
  3. Irish1972

    Can't set default character..

    Edit.. Fixed it thanks color
  4. Irish1972

    Can't set default character..

    Color these are my launch options I did remove the world=empty line. -nosplash -xp -skipIntro -maxMem=4092 -maxVRAM=1024 -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=4 Johnny.. at least try to impart some degree of intelligence in your posts if your reply is nowhere near the scope of the topic.
  5. Irish1972

    [suggestion] blood trails

    solid Idea.. however most likely your trail would just end abruptly as the person combat logged to avoid death
  6. Irish1972

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    They take M4's out or just make them rare? I hit NWAF they had not been looted and not a single m4
  7. Irish1972

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Where is the download for the patch?
  8. Irish1972

    So the east side of the map.

    Fresh spawning on the "East" side suks.. the only military instilation is oh... about 8 rl hrs to get to if you dont get pwned by the zombie hoard since noone comes over there to thin the herd. Where as on the "west" Side you have a friggin tent city pretty much on the friggin beach.. and a airfield across the road not to mention 3 other military camps the further north you go.. A little balance would be nice. Best suggestion if you spawn in on the west.. find a zombie to pummel you, or climb a high tower and do a swan dive. Just a suggestion but how about place a russian (combloc) Military camp on that side with AK's and other such weapons. Then East would be AK, west would be M4 not to mention if someone wanted a AK they would have to travel to that side of the map. Then maybe there would not be so many people spawn camping Balota. Just my .02 cents
  9. Irish1972

    New Weapon Suggestions

    CZ P07 duty SKS AK (family) Mosin Revolver ( I mean a stainless 6" Colt Python whille having a "cool" factor.. really? that would cost the same as a small car in a country like that) Makarov Tokavev 1911 PPSh-41 Bekas-M / RP-12M Saiga SVT SVD I can also see weapons that would have been taken over there during past wars i.e 1903 springfield M1 carbine M1 Garand Thompson BAR I agree M4's should be rare I mean come on we are in a Combloc state.. Baracks and military instilations should have AK's Bow and Arrow would be nice also
  10. Just a thought but doors and gates should make noise when opening to let you know someone is close.. or to alert nearby zombies to your pressence. Also rusted car trunks open completly silently... really?