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Everything posted by PeanuT_EU

  1. PeanuT_EU

    DayZ Client Server Filters

    Hey :) It would be really helpfull if there was a filter for your favorit Servers, so they appear at the top. And it would be nice if you could filter for more than one option. For example, "Players" and "Ping" so the Server with the most Players and the lowest Ping will appear at the top etc. This would make it easier to search for more fitting server . BR PeanuT
  2. Dear DayZ Developer Please fix the Zombies first and put after that other cool things in the game. I love DayZ, befor 5min i was killed by a Zombie because my axe did not connect. And the second thing is, glitch through walls. Thats realy frustrated :/ Please Dear Developer THX
  3. PeanuT_EU

    Pleas fix the Zombies first

    I'm little confused, I know that I need just one hit to kill a Zombie (thats not the problem), but exactly that point need to be fixed because sometimes dosen't work. And the glitch through walls :D WastelandSamurai is that pic for me?