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Everything posted by AndehX

  1. I reciently bought an Astro Mixamp, and discovered that it requires Dolby Digital Live support on your sound device to be able to recieve proper digital audio signal. Having standard onboard Realtek audio as most of us do, which doesn't officially support Dolby Digital Live, I have to use a set of customized drivers to enable this feature. This in turn, requires Windows Test-mode to be active at all times as these drivers are (obviously) not Microsoft certified. The issue now, is that because of this, I am unable to play DayZ anymore because Battleye, for whatever reason, does not work when Test-Mode is active. Is there a fix, or a workaround for this issue? Turning test-mode off, isnt an option as it's required for my Mixamp to work properly. Heres a link to the techpowerup forum that explains these drivers http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/unlocked-realtek-hd-audio-drivers-with-dolby-digital-live-and-dts-interactive.193148/ Thanks.
  2. AndehX

    Frame rate 8-20 FPS :(

    pretty conservative college fund you have there then. 560TI is what? $60-$70? and a 2600K can be had for less than $150 if you look around.
  3. AndehX

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    KoS does not need "fixing" it is an exciting and core part of the game, and has been since the mod. It does not need looking at, at all. /thread
  4. AndehX


    Yeah, I have to disagree with the respawn timer. There is no reason to have to wait to respawn when you die. Retarded idea.
  5. if movement in the arma engine wasn't so clunky, then I would vote first person only, but I get a headache after 15 mins in first person mode. So I need to vote to keep 3rd person. Make movement nice and smooth, and you can take away 3rd person, but not until movement is as smooth and as responsive as othe FPS games like counter-strike for example.
  6. AndehX

    The Widowmakers Recruitment Thread

    really? another clan?
  7. Not sure what people are doing/aren't doing to their systems, but I get up to 90fps no problem in most areas of the game. I only drop to 40-50fps in big cities like Cherno. Im using a 3770k overclock to 4.5ghz and a GTX770
  8. AndehX

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    If you honestly believe that's the reason why the mouse movement is so slow with acceleration on, I have bad news for you. I have read the entire thread, I deliberately disregarded that post about mouse acceleration, because only an idiot would believe that your mouse movement is purposefully hindered in an FPS game. Mouse acceleration is supposed to increase the distance the crosshair moves, the faster you move your mouse. Not the opposite, which is what it currently does in DayZ. And just incase you feel the need to defend your opinion, don't. Rocket himself has acknowledged that it's going to be addressed: "Agreed. we need to fix this. I saw soma struggling with it. I'll see what we can do ASAP"
  9. AndehX

    I PMPT I Tactical Realism Clan *Recruiting*

    clans for a game that is currently in its testing phase? no thanks. lol
  10. AndehX

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    I would like to see semi auto sniper rifles done away with. No more DMR/SVD. (used to irritate me to no end when you would hear that distinctive sound of a DMR, but you wern't sure... then you'd here *bangbangbangbangbangbangbang* yeah..... DMR, ffs.) Yeah, no more semi auto snipers. Other than that, I would love to see the Desert Eagle .50AE in DayZ!
  11. AndehX

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Good update! Glad that corpses no longer vanish on disconnect. As many other people have stated, the only things that REALLY hinder my experience with this game now, are mouse acceleration, and combat loggers/server hoppers. If those 2 issues could be addressed next, then you can go ahead and step this game up from Alpha to Beta and I would be happy :)
  12. AndehX

    DayZ. AMD vs INTEL

    Intel are currently the better CPU's for gaming. If you're happy with your AMD CPU, then thats fine :) but Intel are better. Just an fyi for anyone in denial. As for GPU's, nVidia are definitely going to pull ahead of AMD in the next couple of months with gsync on the horizon. Nothing that AMD can come up with will be able to provide a better gaming experience than what gsync can give.
  13. AndehX

    Mosin 9130 - Where to find?

    Mosin's can be found in Hospitals and Schools. I have found one in each
  14. AndehX

    So... now what? (The DayZ Paradox)

    For me, the most entertaining thing to do in DayZ, is to gear yourself up, and then go north and kill other players who are similarly geared. Pretty much everywhere north of Zernogorsk you will be killed on sight. Geared or not geared.
  15. Really bad gameplay. I don't really know why you post these videos, but most people can play better than this. Must be a spanish thing...