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About scroogescrooge

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    work what bubble? who'; my daddy?
  2. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    I haven't repawned. If you have noticed. the sun (when it is day-time) is in the south. use that to your advantage.. head in the opposite direction. you may by chance come across a land formation on the horizon. good luck to you.
  3. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    Just swam back mate. keep the sun to your back. you find land soon enough. my mate and i ended up on the the SE island of the mainland. good luck to you...
  4. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    hey nexus yeah not sure man. i have screen shot of my history but i don't know how to post an image on this forum
  5. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    Sorry Mr moderator as I am pretty P.O'd about the whole killing a hackkor/being teleported thing. anyway im back on land now much happy venting should be left to yelling into a pillow and rage wanking. anyway. back to dayz such is life. <3
  6. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    hmm go fuck yourself. sorry can't help swearing mate im aussie as fuck. fuck yeah
  7. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    ok so how the fuck do i get out of thiis mess since i've been teleported into the fucking bermuda triangle. its fucking fab.
  8. scroogescrooge

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    now im stuck out in the sea ages away from land can't get back.
  9. Hi guys literally just happend 30 mins ago thought i'd post my vid i got of being teleported in dayz standlalone after killing a dude. as you do. fkn hackers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71yrJrb_y-s&feature=youtu.be