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  1. - I'd love to have some 5 minutes warning before the server restart ... server should show something like: "the server will be restarted aprox in 5 minutes" and this time should be somehow random, restart should come in range of 1-7 minutes not exactly those 5 (these times can be extended or shortened to make it harder for hoppers) reasons why have this: if you changing items on the ground - mostly taking new backpack and swapping old items to the new one ... i think it happened to most of us lose gear like that if restart came unexpectedmy speculation - i got some characters wiped cause i was moving inside building in upper floors, if i see the restart is coming i will definitely move my ass to some safe zone aka forest or somethingyou probably wont start some gunfight at this point - another thing that would be much appreciated if one could add server to favourites once in game (over "P" menu probably) I think these has been posted somewhere already as I have feeling I was reading it already but my search function didn't helped me much as I can't find it or I'm just bad at it, so sorry if it has been posted already. Post any other constructive ideas or cons/pros to this topic I will be updating it, thx.
  2. per2

    Survivor's brain

    oh woah, i really like those ideas, contacts/anchors/edible not edible plants
  3. per2

    DayZ vehicles: complete list

    yeah they will become slower as well but i don't think those firetrucks mentioned above in op would have such problems with few(5-10) tons easily on top of them instead of tank full of water ;) some serious front bumper(for hitting zeds/ppl) should be easily mountable to almost every car without any bigger effects on its performance
  4. i wouldn't mind tanks as long as their fuel consumption, speed an mainly crazy ammo rarity make them somehow static (good for town defense only once base building/town barricading is deployed?), they would be crazy rare and impossibly hard to repair/maintain + you would need whole crew to be able to operate that thing somehow efficiently + no 3rd person view once in vehicle + there where is tank moving there's LOT of noise (you wont surprise anyone)thus zeds swarming around and you don't want to end up in tank without ammo and fuel being swarmed by them (sadly this could be exploitable though)
  5. per2

    DayZ vehicles: complete list

    i wish they add upgrading of vehicles in the future, in zombie world i would make something like this(maybe some spikes aswell) :) you hit zombie on the road with this? no problem / no dmg to car, ofc there should be higher fuel consumption and not much off-road possibilities, as well the upgrade should be pretty hard to achieve
  6. per2

    My list of suggestions... (updating)

    1. i would ad this: if you fall into deep water or if you go swimming with hatchet+m4 and backpack full of cans on back and helmet+bulletproof vest you should be good as drowned man 7. survivors are immune to the contagion so they cannot turn into zombies (zombies in dayz are not dead actually they are "sick" living ppl that's why you can kill them with one bullet)
  7. per2


    then don't go there, but it makes no sense to not be able to drink there
  8. I'm fine with human controlled survivor that i cant survive no need for that with zombies (and they will be much harder later than they are right now) as well no to big mutant zombies ... zombies in dayz are living ppl that are not immune to some contagion .. they are only somewhat brain dead = no super powers = you shot it = its dead or it will bleed off same as living human
  9. per2

    Hot keys for flashlights, bipod...

    would be as well lovely to be able to set angle for head lamp like in real life .. something like shift+page up/page down
  10. per2

    I got killed by a server hopper

    yeah happened to us as well today at NWAF, we were chilling near RC tower for some time and we were sure no-one was around at the time of server restart or 10minutes or so before, we joined back immediately after restart and few guys was there already happy spraying us ... btw that sound of crazy loud reloading sound that plays when someone logs in helps sometimes but some ppl logs in pretty fast
  11. per2

    Real life zombie apocalypse

    i think that those who would turn into zombies would be dead soon - no food for them(animals can outrun them) and living ppl would be killing zombies with ease ... there is no respawn for zombies i bet there would be some bandit/killer/warring power demanging parties but there would be as well some colonies of "decent" survivors drinkable water and weapons would be gold + drugs
  12. per2

    Final stand against a hacker in the church....

    oh would be lovely to know the name of the guy that killed you and ban his steam account from dayz forever, but meh its alpha
  13. (DayZ SA) so some guy attacked our friend(guy3) at NWAF near control tower, luckily me(guy1) and another friend(guy2) was nearby so we headed towards the source of gunfire near fire station .. then it happened, guy3 game's crashed into windows while under fire from that unknown guy("this application stopped working") ... well, no problem that happens... meanwhile one minute or so later guy2 got close to the fire station (like 30 meters or so) his game crashed completely into windows with error msg: "this application stopped working" .... then i(guy1) got close to the fire station from opposite direction and same thing happened to me, crash right into windows..... i would like to know if someone else had similar problems/experience in the past and this is just some bug or if this was some cheater guy we met there