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Everything posted by Mallow88

  1. Mallow88

    What makes a good Bandit?

    Good bandits kill their victims in hilarious fashion. Such as handcuffing, then giving blood diseases via transfusion, and force feeding rotten food.
  2. Mallow88

    What makes a good Bandit?

    What if you already own all the rare items that you need? What if you just have an insatiable thirst for blood? What if you'd rather kill people in Balota because anywhere else, it will take you 3 hours to see a single person. God knows you won't find any zombies. I think you'll see less spawn killing when there are more reasons to leave the coast. i.e. more weapons, vehicles, camps, zombies, etc.
  3. Mallow88

    M4 assault rifle accuracy test (VIDEO)

    Did you ever consider that maybe at this point in the zombie apocalypse, those individuals with military training might have the best chance of survival? So why then is it a stretch to believe that our characters have military training? I mean, they sure know how to quickly don a gas mask, as well as a multitude of other military gear. Their use of most of these weapons in itself shows a level of training.
  4. Mallow88

    Long range sniping videos?? Post if found

    I couldn't finish the 2nd video because of the atrocious music
  5. Haha you earned my beans for that picture-response
  6. If I see you in game, you're dead.
  7. Mallow88

    M4 assault rifle accuracy test (VIDEO)

    So, using your logic there will never be helicopters in the game.
  8. Mallow88

    Anybody getting much action? If so, where?

    Just stalked some dudes in Balota for like 30 minutes. Never fired at them, never revealed myself. Is that creepy?
  9. Pretty sure I remember reading a post by Rocket specifically saying that they haven't implemented the anti-combat logging code yet, because they want more time to get the servers stable and reliable before implementing changes like that. It's already been addressed, it will get fixed. Just like it did in the DayZ Mod. Calm yourself :)
  10. Mallow88

    Mosin vs M4A1

    Hmm, good point. I've tried all of that, except for using the bipod. Suppose the bipod has that big of an impact on accuracy? As far as the Mosin being 1-shot, I've only been shot by a Mosin twice and both times my screen instantly went black. There could be many factors involved i.e headshot without a ballistic helmet vs with helmet.
  11. Mallow88

    Health Menu

    +1 Especially for the purposes of Alpha testing, it would make our jobs as testers a hell of a lot easier with a debug menu, displaying our current health/thirst/blood/etc. All the beans to the OP