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ComradeCommissar (DayZ)

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About ComradeCommissar (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ComradeCommissar (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Good thing he is adding shit to an unfinished game that has no value or use in game besides for being a unique and special snowflake instead of fixing things such as oh you know, Combat logging,Server hopping,Zombies no cliping through buildings,Vehicles,guns,More items that actually do something besides pain your gun pink. you keep buying the whole " hurrr durr its alpha he's allowed to do that" just because its an unfinished game doesnt mean he should skip all the basic fundamentals of the game such as being able to store gear
  2. ComradeCommissar (DayZ)

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    So glad rocket is adding Important things to the game that make a huge game breaking change instead of little things that isn't needed because that would be silly. Seriously why bother adding trivial things such as spray paint. Ok cool,i understand making home made bombs which is a pretty cool thing to be able to makeshift bombs,Ammo and weapons in general but why not work on shit that actually builds a community and allows people to actually enjoy the game such as you know hmmmm maybe adding ways to store items you know those normally pointy/dome shaped things that you camp in. Spray paint : Change your Nagant from perfect wood to pink : Purpose = Show you're retarded and should never own a vintage gun in real life. Storage : Store items and give people purpose going north and scavenging gear and being able to save items, Lowering people killing noobies on the shore, more threats in land. Honestly there is no reason to play this game at the moment besides for playing with a few friends " Which still has no real Longevity to the game", Killing fresh spawns for shits and giggles because lets face it why go in land when you can get pimped at Bolota and have no way to store gear inland. And or im sure a lot of peoples favourite Stream Sniping. While yes this is an alpha you have to remember that this game took 2 years to make and it has probably 15% more things than ArmA 2 DayZ, "While this part i am not entirely 100% on" People say it is a Modified ArmA 2 Engine Or ArmA 3 engine. As a paying customer i have every right to bitch about a game as you don't go to a restaurant order a medium rare steak and get a well done one and not have the right to complain. Which that said i enjoy the game as a whole and it shows much promise with the rate of patches and content but why do we get half arsed patches with content that impacts the game very little to not at all, Spray painting guns sure but how about adding stuff such as vehicles, tents, more than 2 guns. TL:DR Stop praising rocket for doing half arsed patches with little to no real impact on the game if you keep doing this you are saying to rocket " Yes we enjoy no real content, Please give me more useless shit".
  3. ComradeCommissar (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Yes true, i am wrong but it still does have a slow rate of fire and i was thinking maybe something like a PTRD/PTRS in place of the barret one of the better rifles from the soviet era in the 40s and with the "helicopter commands" under keys i think it would do nicely trying to shoot something down with one of those.
  4. ComradeCommissar (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Not only that but there is WAY too many M4's, i understand there are only 3 : now 4 including the 357? the magnum, but there is literally like 5 M4's per person on a server. While mosins are few and far between at least with bolt action rifles if you miss you have to quickly find cover as well as the terrible reload time which makes the game more fair and enjoyable and not just " WOOOOOOOOO YEAH MURRICA guns ablazin with the M4" with that said i honestly hope there are more bolt action rifles like the SKS and less fully and semi automatic rifles. <3 America :3
  5. ComradeCommissar (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    fix the m4 inaccuracy hardly that thing is way too good, The mosin needs to be fixed when sniping on a hill you have to be at least 10 feet away from any tree standing up so the bullet wont hit the ground/tree/grass or anything else. fix the random 3 times in a night character wipes besides update wipes Stop Server hoping, from what i understand if you server hop X amount of times you get thrown to the sea, Stop being a grub and cheating and you will keep your character I still have mine since the hacking reset the other day. fix the players disspearing when killed if they disconnect and don't hit re spawn This i do agree with people alt f4ing as their dying,dead or being shot at is stupidly annoying and i think myself and the whole community are getting sick of that and think that should be one of the major priorities along with better server hoping. Fix the loot spawns,fix the anti cheat Rocket has stated that he is ongoing with work on the anti cheat the platform that all arma games are built on are terribly easy to hack and say what you will DayZ is built on the same engine and platform so the same rules apply, loot spawns are fine while there needs to be more loot in buildings that don't currently spawn loot rocket has also said he is playing with the loot and zombie spawns as they had trouble with them in the first place. Fix zombie spawns Again see above, currently there is 15,000 items and 1000 zombies in the game more than that caused way too many issues with the server and with people crying about fps now think of what it would of been like before hand with increased server load. With that said in my honest opinion rockets post about server control and admin abilities should be priority with the ability to break off from the main hive and create private hives between servers solves a lot of the problems posted here with,increased zombies,loot,server restarts "THE ABILITY TO TELL OUR PLAYERS WHEN A RESTART WILL HAPPEN" and stop people server hoping and ghosting as well as banning and kicking people for combat logging, While these are just temp fixes they can and would help the populace enjoy the game till more features come out and change the meta game from "Hoping from town to town drinking wells get loot hope to dead server get more loot and hope to another server kill people die reset".