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About Orangesoda

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    On the Coast
  1. Orangesoda

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Really like how every time anyone has a complaint about anything people freak out and label them "crybabies". It's an alpha, feedback is important, even if it's about your precious features. On topic, I like the idea that we can truly sneak by the infected now, as well as escape once we aggro them. It used to be that they would follow you forever once you pissed one off.
  2. It wouldn't be so bad if every single person you meet is just going to shoot you because there's zero repercussions now. There's no working together or survival anymore, literally everyone is just out to shoot every survivor they see it seems. Hell the last time I played this, I got killed 10+ times not even a single minute after my last respawn by people camping the shore with sniper rifles. Maybe if it was harder to actually survive on your own and the game made you know this? Something that would actually make this game seem like a zombie survival game instead of, yes, a deathmatch. The game itself hasn't gone this way, the playerbase has done this. Way back you used to be able to meet up with other survivors and, with all of the zombies, you had to. Without help searching a town was basically suicide. Also it's fucking hilarious all this people throwing out they're "L33T STATS" in replies and then claiming they're right because, like, they totally survived 20 days guys and had all this sweet gear. We need ideas, not internet dickwaving. Complaining without a valid point isn't really helping either, we need to pinpoint a solution not be vague about the problem. We ARE basically alpha testers right now and I think we need to help direct where this game is going to go, get it back on track.
  3. Orangesoda

    Internacional Viper Squad

    Ahahahaha, oh god this is amazing, this is the BEST. Seriously I did not expect to laugh this hard at this forum, let alone the section for clans and stuff.