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Everything posted by lundyhl@gmail.com

  1. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    We are doing testing and the devs are collecting data from our testing. I don't know what you're smoking, that's one of the biggest reasons for having an alpha (testing and giving players/potential players a preview). We as a playerbase are testing the games current features/state on many more and much more diverse setups doing things the devs may not have thought of doing during their internal testing. TL;DR: testing is the process of trying something to see if it works, that's what we're doing
  2. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    A shortned D/N cycle would also explain why your charcter eats like a starving horse :P. I mean you can starve to death in less than a day. Neither realistic nor "authentic".
  3. lundyhl@gmail.com

    The game doesn't feel like a zombie apocalypse.

    The fact that this is an alpha has exactly nothing to do with what he's saying O.o. Not that I agree, just saying.
  4. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Vehicle overhaul in DayZ compared to ArmA

    If every survivor has the skill to handle military rifles with extreme precision, why not have .50 caliber rifles? Because it would make the game unenjoyable - just like tanks. Helicopters - provided it isn't an Apache or some non-sense - add an enjoyable goal to the game, be it fixing it, defending it, stealing it, or shooting it out of the sky. You can't apply logic like that to, well, any game situation. We're all doctors, mechanics, sharpshooters, highly trained rifleman and marathon runners because the purpose of the game is to simulate a zombie survival situation in a fun way in the same way that ArmA simulates combat in a fun way. As for making them extremely hard to fly...there is zero oppurtunity to practice with it in DayZ so that would be a little silly. Enough people are awful pilots anyways xD.
  5. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Stealth Zombie updates

    Zombies will never be scary in DayZ. They'll be annoying when there's a lot of them, but they'll never really be that much of a threat.
  6. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Anyone else mad about hackers shooting through walls?

    The cool thing about bullets is that they can go through things. Perhaps the building you're in has penetrable walls?
  7. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Good point. Although Mosins are rarer than M4's at this point sooo I ran all the way across the map without finding one until I looted a nice one off a corpse at NWAF. Most of the problem here does revolve around there being only 4 guns in the game. I still think there should at least be some reason to be on the east coast. Balota + kamenka + zeleno + NWAF on the west vs. NEAF (ATC, no barracks)...and nothing else in terms of medical or other loot to make up for it. Arguably there's more industrial spawns so when there's a point to those (coughvehiclescough) I suppose there will be more in the east. TL;DR: as it stands now the progression to military gear is a bit slower, and the east will be more useful later on
  8. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Why DayZ needs an RPG part.

    No. Let's not create some artificial, arbitrary bullshit to get people attached to their characters.
  9. lundyhl@gmail.com

    For all you KoS complainers out there

    The measure of a man's success is judged by his youtube views. This is an undeniable truth.
  10. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    It's not really progression it's like (if we're using your levelling system) you're level 1 until you get to the west side of the map. Then you can get to level 60 immediately. There is no balance in the geographic distribution of good/bad loot.
  11. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Removing chat function sucks for deaff players

    Umm, they're making valid points about it. Global chat is not going to happen, there are many many many many many communication programs to use (steam overlay to talk to your teammates from far away?), as mean and insensitive as it sounds...sound is a very important part of this game and not being able to hear is going to cause you many other problems (gunshots, zombies, reloads, ect..). It's very hard to justify catering to a very small part of the player base when other things are more important.
  12. No. Just no. They walk through walls and they can never ever ever catch you if you jog in a circle. Not that I don't like the SA just saying that the zombies are still terrible.
  13. lundyhl@gmail.com

    To all killers

    I challenge you to harvest blood from a geared person. Seems like it'd be funner, no?
  14. Let's be honest, even a horde of 100 wouldn't be too bad seeing as how zombies are a one hit kill (60 round coupled mag anyone?) and you can outrun them. It'd be a bit of a hassle but completely managable
  15. lundyhl@gmail.com

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    ...and it works
  16. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Best way to stop combat logging

    But what if the campfire is in a house...you'll burn half the city down!
  17. lundyhl@gmail.com

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    My brain exploded.