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Mr T. Ingle

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Everything posted by Mr T. Ingle

  1. Hi and welcome to RevenantRP; This is our small little community that is heavily focused on DayZ Roleplay. We have a forum and planning to get a server up in the upcoming few days. We are now undergoing a process of seeing how many players are interested so we will be ready for launch. Make sure to visit our website and enjoy your stay! Don't forget to whitelist. If you have whitelisted on previous RP communities and can show proof we grant easier access to whitelisting. If you are a known roleplayer from either Seyyoshi or Mr T. Ingle you will also have easier access Please visit the website for more information at: http://revenantrp.com/index.php
  2. Does anyone how to make a skin exchange store where you add it on to your website and activate a certain skin of your choose and put in your PID and then when you load up into your dayz mod server it should spawn you with that skin every time you active it, if anyone can help me this would be grateful.
  3. Mr T. Ingle


  4. Mr T. Ingle


    The reason for the owner for are community has been abit slow is due to him been at work and studying but has I mentioned we are still in the early stages of the community and are still tweaking on the website and trying to get a decent amount of player's signed up and whitelisted on the website before we can that go to stage 2 and get the server up and running and then we will be on track.