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Everything posted by qrille

  1. i shoot one guy in the head only the ballistic helmet was ruined.
  2. qrille

    Damage Absorbed By Equip

    the press vest takes like 2-3 m4 shots before it gets ruined :) and 1 mosin shot
  3. qrille

    Anyone Crafted The New Backpack Yet?

    ops double post sory dont know how to delete it.
  4. qrille

    Anyone Crafted The New Backpack Yet?

    there is 20 slots when it's fully crafted with rope,burlapsack and sticks :)
  5. i hope they add the ak-47 soon :D
  6. qrille

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    haha awesome video man xD
  7. qrille

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Got some good gear :D
  8. qrille

    Weapon cleaning damages the weapon.

    yeah my gun was worn to after i used it.
  9. whats the name on the music? :P
  10. qrille

    Lower the need for food and beverages

    i agree it goes down to quickly.
  11. qrille


  12. qrille

    Carry two primary weapons

    scroll down in you inventory and it will be under your backpack and just drag it to your hands.
  13. qrille

    Post Your Gear So Far

    finally found a mosin that shoots straight and a press vest :D
  14. it would be really nice if this was increased.
  15. qrille

    grass rendering distance

    yeah i agree
  16. it's just some servers.it happend to me twice but i found a server that dosent delete it.
  17. Hello i'm looking for someone to play with im 19 years old and i'm located in Europe. I have a mic and skype. (standalone)