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Everything posted by softwarevf

  1. P R I V A T E E R S Status: Recruitment Welcome to the Privateers page! We are currently looking to recruit casual gamers with both tactical skills and a good sense of humor. However, if you are into being friendly to outsiders, you will quickly realize that this clan is not for you. TeamSpeak IP: STEAM Name: VFMaster To join, simply fill out this quick form and post it here. Then, add me on STEAM and hop on TeamSpeak. STEAM Name: Experience Level: Preferred Weapon: Approx. Kills (SA):
  2. softwarevf

    [BANDIT] [SALARY] Privateers - need gear? join!

    Now offering salaries.
  3. Don't know if you still have this problem. I've had it a few times though. Fix: Stand REALLY close to the edge of a wall. Like the one by that locker you are facing. Literally, hug it. Log out and log back into another server, chances are you are out. It worked for me.
  4. softwarevf

    [BANDIT] [SALARY] Privateers - need gear? join!

    Don't understand the reference. See here for what we're based off of: http://farcry.wikia.com/wiki/Privateers
  5. softwarevf

    Let me tell you all a story

    So I was minding my business in Balota, when I see an African-American survivor by the hangar. He says "Yo dude I need water." I drop a canteen. He needs food. I drop food. I tell him I see a guy up ahead, and to take cover. While I'm zooming in looking out of the hangar, the guy axes me to death. [while unconscious]: "Yo bitch get down I thought I killed you" "I hope you understand man, it's a dog-eat-dog world out here" For this reason, I am no longer helping survivors. Some will argue that not all people are like this; I don't care. All I need to know is that most are - believe me, I've down experiments like this before (this past week) - found that 8 out of 10 kill you after you give them what they need. Starting a bandit clan tomorrow, and I will not only shoot people on sight, but I will handcuff them, rob them of their blood, make them take their clothes off and sing, then I will shoot them in the stomach, then I will shoot them through the head after they've almost bled out. Don't blame me, hey, it's a dog-eat-dog world.
  6. softwarevf

    Let me tell you all a story

    What do you propose? Treating everyone like a charity case?
  7. softwarevf

    Let me tell you all a story

    My choice. Nothing you can do.
  8. softwarevf

    Let me tell you all a story

    Wasn't lonely. Was trying to help. I wouldn't have kept playing with him, I was just about to break off.
  9. softwarevf

    Let me tell you all a story

    That analogy has no relevance. He had nothing to offer me.
  10. softwarevf

    I am a cold-blooded murderer

    I think the skill idea is very good actually, and I agree that life should be at the top. You should suggest this. DayZ is realist - experience is real. Some survivors would be more skilled than others. I disagree with gun accuracy changes though, would make the game way too hard. Maybe quicker sprint, get hungry/thirsty less, etc.
  11. softwarevf

    Need someone to play with

    No friends have the game yet; just bought it. Looking for someone to show me the ropes. If you're interested, PM your Skype. Thanks :P