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Everything posted by Agrefits

  1. Agrefits

    AKM questions/bugs/stats

    Don't ever reload your AKM through the scroll down action menu if you don't have enough inventory space to hold your drum mag Had the 75rd drum mag on my AKM with a 30rd. mag in my pocket. As i wanted to open a door, i finger slipped and accidentally hit the option "reload 30 rd. mag" .. I sadfully watched my character throwing the drum mag away in some random direction, during reload process as i had no 2 x 2 space available in my inventory to store it . Even tho i kept an eye on the falling drum mag, the magazine was not to be found again .. most likely slipped through the ground of the building :( To answer your question, i found my drum mag in regular barracks.
  2. Agrefits

    can't go prone anymore (Exp build)

    might want to check that threat: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/197745-bug-go-prone-vs-prone-exp-04512499/ Appearently there are 2 different keybindings "go prone" and "prone", and one of them does not work in exp. branch.. recheck which one of those bindings you are currently using, and try the other one. .. its the "go prone" that is not working regarding the OP in linked thread.
  3. Agrefits

    Allow us to paint the protector cases.

    Never thought of that.. awesome idea tho.. would be a neat feature indeed. Have my Beans
  4. Agrefits

    can't go prone anymore (Exp build)

    Have you checked your keybindings if something has changed?
  5. Agrefits

    Animal locations (Experimental Build))

    found a deer on the small grass area southeast of little hill (066 106)
  6. Agrefits

    Improvised clothing and new methods of camouflage.

    While i like the idea of generally being able to craft some improvised clothings for those who want to look like Robinson Cruesoe. The amout of running bushes in DayZ Mod was hilarious and in my opinion totally immersion breaking... I'm quite happy that there are no ghillie suits in DayZ SA, and i hope it stays that way.
  7. Agrefits

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I mostly roll with an improvised militant resistance look. Like some casual civilian who got their hands onto some useful gear and are now trying to fend off the infected from their home and go on scavenging runs in the surrounding towns / cities. Thats usually the way i play aswell.. for each character i'll pin down a house in the outskirts as a homebase and operate from there roleplaying a civilian who lives in said house. Every session i play begins and ends there.. I usually stick to non military rifles aswell. But the AK is just too lovely to throw it away.. My current hardc. exp. character is living on a farm in the outskirts of Zelenogorsk.
  8. If you're looking to get the horror effect back in. try playing at night without gamma exploit while having this running, scariest stuff ever :D or basically search for horror ambient playlists on youtube. --- For regular songs i'd suggest these. Had them running alot while playing DayZ imagine dragons - ready aim fire Daughter - run Mr Ms - Bones Caged Elephant - Ain't no Rest for the wicked Imagine Dragons - Radioactive The Heavy - Short Change Hero
  9. Agrefits

    Concretely: what differs the pro from the noob?

    I have to disagree on this one. Thats more about personal playstyle if you ask me. I know lots of veteran players that still do care about the appearance of their characters. Never judge someones expierience and intentions by their clothing.. never ever!
  10. Stumbled over 2 LRS (worn / damaged) recently. Since i already got one i have no use for them, and given how rare they are. i might aswell give them away. But since giving it to just some bambi is pretty boring i thought about making a little quest for those who want it. If you are desperately looking for a LRS on Hardcore and you are sick of searching for one. The first one to write me a PM, will be given a little quest. I'll send you my SteamID to figure out when to start, the server im on, and the location of the first hint. Hive: Hardcore Object for Giveaway: Long Range Scope (worn) Quest started by ___________ ---- If that one succeeds i'll continue to create some random giveaway quests from time to time... For those who finish the quests, feedback as in replies would be appreciated to confirm im not trolling.
  11. Agrefits

    Free Item Paperchase [High value stuff]

    you can dupe yourself 100 of LRS and the game still wont get funnier.
  12. Agrefits

    Is morphine really that rare?

    I find them more often in those red-brick restaurant buildings, and the 2 story green buildings with red door.. If you have some industrial loot spawn nearby you may want to consider to crawl there and check for wooden sticks to craft yourself a splint If anything else fails, you should consider calling in a TMW Medic from the pinned thread
  13. Agrefits

    Free Item Paperchase [High value stuff]

    found both of them in regular barracks, one at Verensik MB, other at Pavlovo MB.
  14. Agrefits

    Free Item Paperchase [High value stuff]

    Quest items won't be placed prior quest start, and i'll keep track of the server restarts i guess. SteamID for communication will be given aswell.
  15. Agrefits

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    apart from KOS being a part of the game., the system you are suggesting is just wrong in so many points because whoever trigger the "box" first is considered KOS.. without taking previous interactions into play. Example1: A guy is running with his axe for you, yelling like crazy .. "DIE DIE DIE I need your beanZ" .. in self-defense you shoot first, but since you panicked because of that huge fireaxe he is wielding, you miss... regarding to your idea you are the KOS and get flagged. Example2: A KOS player shoots you but misses far... you return fire and miss somewhat closer to trigger the "box". Again you get flagged for KOS even tho you acted in self defense. Example3: You and a Mate are in close combat with a zombie.. you want to hit that zombie but your mate runs around dodging the Zombie. Ssince the Zombie is so close to your mate, even tho you shot, and missed the Zombie, you get your KOS flag. All of a sudden a bandit comes in and kills you. Your body disappears, and even tho you mate fought off that bandit, he can not secure your gear, since you were flagged KOS.
  16. For me im totally fine with increased survival mechanics as long as there is a system behind it. Anything that give the game more complexity in survival and player interaction aspects is very very welcome. The more the better. I think that the point OP fears most is that those heart attacks will come totally random. which i believe is bollox. I guess as long as you play with common sence and keep yourself healthy.. ( and maybe not sprint marathon 2 hrs while being constantly stuffed ) heart attacks will have minor appearances and will most likely only happen to unhealthy characters in emercency situations. Not sure how the heart attack system will work once released, but it'd be very glad to see the walking animation finally having it's purpose again. Like preventing your pulse from going NASA after sprinting from the coast to the airfield. TL:DR: Any game mechanics (As long realistic) that increase the difficulty of the game, and lead toward more realistic behaviour of survivors are good with me. My opinion as someone who loves "simulations" and generally roleplaying. As in my perspective thats the most fun part for me when playing games, having to think about actions and concequences.
  17. Agrefits

    An interesting fact regarding sounds..

    Interesting test you did there. Have my Beans! . Weird that you don't hear the shot when not facing toward it. If that is generally true to any clients that should be fixed. Targets not hearing the direction of incoming shots (misses) just because they're not facing toward the shooter could be heavily exploited. Just wondering: Have you tried it vice versa ..by the means of switching shot-receiving client?
  18. Agrefits

    Who else wants the music to be added into game?

    That child ... first time i heard that i was playing at night without gamma turned up, i literally jumped off the seat. Ever since then i hate that shouting little girl.. so.. NO! ^^ .. As much i like immersion. hearing sounds from things that just aren't there ingame and may mislead your attention to nothing at all and distract you is just a no go imho. :huh:
  19. definately core game mechanics regarding survival aspect: hunting, cooking, weather sickness and shelter, More Zeds, appropriate Zed pathing (no more glitching through walls ), more improvised crafting such as bows & arrows, fishing poles, torches, traps, shelters for rain (deerhide roof you can sit under), campfires, etc..
  20. Agrefits

    Ammo Container bugged?

    happened to me aswell a couple of times. since then im not even picking it up anymore, as the ammunition i used to store in them vanishes with their disappearal aswell. . No idea why, but i its definately no rollback, as i have kept items that i've found the same time or way later than the disappearing ammoboxes. (note: i play on 1 server only) For me it was totally random when it vanished. Sometimes i've kept it over multiple logins spread over days, and all of a sudden it was gone at one random login. And it was always the only item missing after relog.
  21. add: you can get sick from wet clothings, usually after sweating (sprinting quite a while) or being in the water (haven't checked it on rain yet, cause i hardly saw any rain so far) .. You can check if you clothings are wet in the inventory. They'll state "damp" beneath their condition status when they are wet.
  22. Agrefits


    Have you sprinted a couple of hundred meters? .. Whenever you Sprint, constantly check your clothings in the Inventory. As soon they are "damp" (wet due to your sweat) .. you can catch yourself a cold or whatnot.