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About Agrefits

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Linz, Austria
  1. Agrefits

    WWII German Gear in Chernarus

    Have you realized that even in the Trailer the got the location of Gorka and Stary Sobor wrong? .. at Gorka they zoom in somewhere near Myshkino, while Stary Sobor zooms in on what appears to be Polana
  2. Agrefits

    use hacksaw to collect firewood from trees

    for a fire you don't have to cut a tree man, some bigger branches would do. You're placing "firewood" onto the fireplace kit, and not a tree.
  3. Not everyone wants to stick to an axe as melee secondary, why not give us the ability to use the hacksaw to collect firewood or the sawtooths on the combat knife for example?
  4. Agrefits

    ignite fire with road flare

  5. Agrefits

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Me and Brumey on a night raid through Stary and Novy Sobor, on the hunt for an MP5K and a headtorch. Be sure to check the whole gallery in the link below. previews: all 14 pictures http://imgur.com/a/ulCg5
  6. Agrefits

    How To Find Love In a Zombie Apocalypse - Trailer

    make this happen!
  7. Agrefits

    Post Your Gear So Far

    she's done runnin' ... :)
  8. So what weapon have you swung over your shoulder then? .
  9. all you need are rags, matchbox and a hatchet, you don't have to carry sticks nor logs, as you can just search for them / chop them once you're in the wood?
  10. Agrefits

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    You appearently don't get it that the advantages far outranges the effort put into it no matter how "very rare" it is, if its not tweaked / balanced massively regarding gameplay. . .
  11. Agrefits

    Good place to carry out trade

    do it with style. Go to <insert random location> and turn on your Walkie Talkie on <insert frequency> . From there on, you better be sure that i have eyes on you, and a sniper waiting to counter any foul moves. As soon as you are on location call for <insert codename> and i will reply on said frequency and guide you to final trading position.
  12. Agrefits

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

  13. Agrefits

    ignite fire with road flare

    i'll give you mine, you poor bastard. :P
  14. Agrefits

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    and when you're low and slow. you're more likely to get hit ;)
  15. Agrefits

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    to be contructive onto OPs .. to balance a chopper much more than rare availabilty and hard maintenance is needed, for example : - be able to hide stuff from said chopper efficiently (including cars) - make things harder to see for spotter and pilot (no 3pp, interior that blocks sight (especially downwards and anything thats off a 80degree cone from infront), probably dirty windows or anything that makes spotting harder) to see something below you must be either on low altitude, far off, or tilted downward and therefore moving. - damage taken by chopper from regular rifles must have serious impact on flight behaviour, (rapid fuel leak, tail rotor damage uncontrolled spin, main rotor damage missing lift etc. ) - make the insertion process harder .. no more easy landings, give the chopper a wheeled gear, if it hits the ground to hard, wheel breaks and chopper falls aside ramming its blades into the dirt .. no more parachute insertions - add the possibility for random system failure (yes, flying a patched up heli should have some risk involved .. and yes should also happen with cars.. from cars, you're more likely to get out alive tho.) - Balance the amout of space the more people are in the chopper, the less loot it can carry. and even then i still want my manpads! :P