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About superkush

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. superkush

    to the haters

    Game came out mother fuckers still complain. I for one had a great time last night playing the game bugs sure but amongst the panic and confusion I got that dayz feeling like when I first started playing so long ago and I didn't see a lot of the remade cities but zelen, my home away from home looks awesome. So to the devs and Mr hall keep up the great work and don't let these cry babies tell you anything other than a job well done the game is coming along great
  2. superkush

    it'll never happen but....

    and this is why it'll never happen because gates to another chernerus would be kind of lame
  3. superkush

    it'll never happen but....

    No kidding you could effectively chase or hunt people to their "home"server through word of mouth massive ambushes could be set and just all out backstabbery (if that intrests you check out eve) for an example if I get to server MD ill get all the gear I want but I have travel through servers MC and MB which are Pvp hot beds
  4. superkush

    it'll never happen but....

    I don't think you know how Its set up in eve servers would be connected in game through doorways of some kind .so me being in server A I could go to servers b,c,d but not e,f,or g I'd have to be in d to get to e and so on I know how the hive system works I'm not new
  5. Id like to see the game servers setup connected as one universe something similar to how eve online is and you could transverse severs from inside one another but you'd be traveling from one chernerus to another which would get old fast but it would be awesome to track people down and not to mention the meta gaming oh the meta gaming
  6. superkush

    just an idea

  7. superkush

    just an idea

    so we all know that alt f4ing is always been a problem but the other night i had an idea. dont know if its been said before but what do you think about putting in a suicide option that is always bound to those keys with no option to change it so sure they could alt f4 and close the game but they would just die and respawn when logging back in or is that something that would not be possible? thoughts?
  8. superkush

    Actual Constructive Feedback for 1.7.7

    Sorry I wasn't trying to be an ass just wanted to know why he'd put himself through the hassle if he didn't like it so I apologize to him and op and wont post anymore unless relevant
  9. superkush

    Actual Constructive Feedback for 1.7.7

    no please do explain to me why you need to play there are 100s of thousands of games why would you continue to play a game if its such a hassle for you. If I don't like a game or the direction of a game I simply stop and don't complain on forums
  10. superkush

    Actual Constructive Feedback for 1.7.7

    then don't play?
  11. Sure there's lots of servers out there with lots of extra goodies and perks but a lot of them are run by people who want an advantage over you and/or have no clue how to,or want to,take the extra time to run it properly.these guys are a cut above the rest and you wont be sorry if you give it a shot hands down best server I've played on
  12. Best server I've played on in the 7 months that I have
  13. Just got a new debug monitor and some new buildings on the server and you couldn't throw an empty whiskey bottle into the wilderness and not hit someones vehicle .... also completely unrelated 2guns I think some ass broke your windsheild