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Everything posted by naraga

  1. Merrium-webster: Feedback: helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance, product, etc.
  2. Hence he is providing feedback on the feature he tested. Seriously whats wrong with people like you. Brb alpha tester but not allowed to give feedback on alpha that you are testing because it is a alpha that is being tested?????
  3. naraga

    Are OHKO from fists realistic?

    To play the devils advocate here, youtube videos are by far better proof than your anecdotical evidence.
  4. naraga

    Are OHKO from fists realistic?

    Black people hitting unsuspecting white passerby's don't exactly count.
  5. naraga

    Are OHKO from fists realistic?

    Force continuum OP. You were justified in using deadly force and should have done so.
  6. Can't you take off the sack after you got rid of the handcuffs?
  7. Why did they delete the campfire subsections I don't want to read this sh!t every time I get on the forums.
  8. naraga

    Devblog 24 th Feb 2014

    in4 Deerhunter: Zombie tournament.
  9. ^thread title. When the mod was still "new", and months after, the NW airfield used to be just about the most dangerous place on the map. Every time you went there, wether the server was full or low pop, you were almost guaranteed to end up in a firefight. Near the end of the mods life cycle this changed, and almost no one went to the airfield anymore. I allways assumed this had to do with hackers, loot duping and the fact that you could have a few characters worth of gear stored in tents making going to the airfield not worth it anymore. I fully expected the NW airfield to become a hotspot again in the standalone, but it just isn't. Despite spending alot of time at the airfield, I have not met anyone there yet in the standalone (and i've been playing since it was released). Doesn't matter wether the server is full, or almost empty. There just isn't anyone there. When I arrive all the doors are closed, all the loot intact. Why is this? Do the Ballota and NE airfields yield so much loot it isn't worth the hassle anymore to trek across the map? Do people just not care about military loot anymore and simply want to fight eachother at the coast? In fact, I have never met anyone outside of the coast and the NE airfield. Do people just not care enough to move in land at all in general?
  10. How did you come to that conclusion? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/173422-how-come-the-nw-airfield-is-just-about-the-safest-place-on-the-map-atm/
  11. naraga

    FPS in Cities

    Wish I had your problem, my game completely freezes for seconds when im in any town with more than 5 buildings.
  12. I don't like heart attacks either. It just doesn't seem to make sense. It completely screws over any solo players, as the only way to stay alive when you get one is to have someone else use the defiblirator on you. If people want to claim realism, we are talking about a game where you treat multiple gunshot wounds simply by bandaging and then regenerating for a hour or so. What is realistic about that? How about organs that get damaged? If that were to happen the only way to survive would be through surgery, which would be impossible in the world of DayZ. There are some things you simply don't put in to keep the game playable, this is one of them.
  13. How is it silly? Might aswell remove losing your gear upon death completely then.
  14. naraga

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    Maby im retarded, but aren't all you people posting ITT about how you went up North and founds towns filled with enough loot to deck out an entire army simply proving OP's point? Those towns are so filled with loot because nobody but you gave a rats ass about traveling that far into the map when you can get everything you want in the area OP did not circle. It also gives legitimacy to OP's claim that loot is too abundant and doesn't give that "scavenging/surviving feel. And yes this is an alpha, but that does not mean you cannot make any suggestions/bring up design flaws. Besides OP's poorly chosen thread title and "stance" the topic itself is pretty legitimate.
  15. Not really ever since I found out you can run through walls and enter closed off buildings that way. Your view to the outside is unobstructed while no one could ever see you. So many glitches right now can't really care about people using it or not.
  16. naraga

    The SOLUTION for KOS!

    Surely you aren't expecting anyone to read that.
  17. Prime Minister is awaiting further information, nomsaying?
  18. Only if stored gear is deleted upon death. If persisting through dead this shouldn't be brought back. Tents were, amongst other thing, the bane of the mod.
  19. I dont think anything about it besides wondering why you would even make this thread.
  20. Nothing more exciting than putting your gear on the line in a firefight with another player who is also putting his gear on the line. Only reason for playing this game.
  21. mind=blown at hearthattacks. Any idea what causes them? Shock?
  22. The only time I broke my leg was because due to falling of some stairs. Luckily I had morphine on me and figured i'd be fine, j/k the fall ruined my pants and everything in it including my morphine. Thanks obama.