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About danchillz

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. danchillz

    [Discovery] Devil's Church

    I think that location is cool though… Just there in the middle of nowhere. Even has a drive way lol.
  2. danchillz

    Dayz stalked by a clown

  3. danchillz

    Okay, I'm done..

    Damn I was you could of killed that asshole. Entertaining non the less, subbed.
  4. danchillz

    [Discovery] Devil's Church

    I think there is one of these in that little area between Svetlo and the North East Airfield just by the water fountain thing. Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it's there.
  5. danchillz

    Dayz stalked by a clown

    Hahahahaha yeah, speed hacks over to use and ends us both :P And thanks man, this is just re uploaded from my old channel. Glad you liked it! :)
  6. danchillz

    Dayz stalked by a clown

    I made an attempt at making a creepy clip in Dayz standalone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtX7HAp25jI
  7. danchillz

    Faith in humanity restored.

    I like that you almost did a cry.
  8. danchillz

    Faith in humanity restored.

    Learned a thing or two from this guy. Rare to find nice people on this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtyib6j_-Zo
  9. danchillz

    Want a fight?

    Bit of a nob head thing to do, but I got a press vest out of it.
  10. danchillz

    Dayz SA- Stalked - Cinematic

    Thanks for the crit, although taking up your idea would be pretty difficult seeing as there only me and my friend in this video, getting multiple people to chase me would be very difficult unless they found exact clothing which would take a lot of hopping from server to server lol.
  11. danchillz

    Dayz SA- Stalked - Cinematic

    Had a go at making a kind of cinematic if you will. My first attempt at making any video like this. Anyway I hope you enjoy, if I get enough good feedback on it I may consider doing more creepy videos :) Dont be too harsh.
  12. danchillz

    Dayz: Sometimes, things happens

    Thanks :)
  13. This vids a few weeks old now, but thought I'd share it hope you enjoy http://youtu.be/8lGo6lNI16g
  14. danchillz

    -Video- Two Examples of Communication

    That's some good advice I will next time, thanks! :)