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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. Okay, just did a quick check to confirm a theory, and it proved correct! Yay me. Now, I haven't found a way to do it automatically in game, but if you open up the file 'Documents\DayZ - Other Profiles\<Profiule Name>\<Profiule Name>.DayZProfile' and search down near the bottom of the file for the lines: lastMPServer=""; lastMPServerName="DayZ Standalone Hosted by LasR Gaming (Public/3PP:ON) 114008"; That's the info you're looking for. These lines are updated when you join a server, so if you have this file open in a editor that can detect the changes as they happen, you can track exactly which servers you are on in real time. As I said, not automatic, but the best we can do ATM.
  2. djporternz

    Monitor Problems

    If the problem is just in DayZ, I'd suggest that as a first step you delete the 'DayZ' and the 'DayZ - Other Profiles' directories from your 'Documents' folder. It just may be that something has changed WRT the display settings the monitor will work with. This will kill any previous video settings and return you to the defaults. It may not help, but it's worth a crack.
  3. djporternz

    502 Gateway Error on forums

    Getting this for long period from the forum server. Is it just load related, or is there something else causing it, ATM?
  4. djporternz

    502 Gateway Error on forums

    Good to know it's not just me, then.
  5. djporternz

    DayZ Patch 0.30.113953

    Sometimes that's how the development cycle works. For each small step forward, we have to take a small step sideways. Just relax and enjoy the ride.
  6. djporternz

    HELP! Battle Eye: Client Not Responding

    Go here: http://www.battleye.com/support.html But I'll quote from their FAQ:
  7. djporternz

    BattlEye Support Link

    http://www.battleye.com/support.html Global bans or just basic support questions. If you go here first, they probably already have the answer. If not, then they are probably the best people to be asking, anyway. Hope this is helpful to someone.
  8. djporternz

    Massive Performance Drop

    I'm seeing no difference in FPS since the patch. Sry, not much help.
  9. Not helpful, KoS. @CPT. Santa You have to go through Steam support since you paid through them.
  10. djporternz

    Stuck in a building

    Had this happen a few times recently. Managed to extricate myself by sprinting full speed at a wall and continuing to sprint at the point forward movement stops. Helps if there is no objects around on the opposite side of the barrier to push you back. I think you then just wait for a little lag spike and the client/server resync teleport does the rest. Can take a few minutes or so to work. A high pop server helps a bit too, so log into one of those. Anyway, its a lot quicker than waiting to die of thirst or starvation!
  11. The rabbits yelling like Zs isn't really a bug. I doubt its an issue with a place-holder sound either, as 'What does the rabbit say?'. I like it anyway, it adds a quick double-think to your actions when there isn't really anything else going on. And I'm just being a bit pedantic, ATM. Just like the right terminology to be used where possible.
  12. Not usually a bug, as such. If the server has a high number, i.e. x-100+ in it's name, usually means that the server is paid for privately and you can bet the problem stems from an incorrect server cfg. If it happens again, immediately log off, and re-log into one of the original servers i.e. x-100-. It's not a guarantee, but it has worked for me when the wipe hasn't been due to hive/db wipe for everyone.
  13. Just a note: Random noises [zombies yelling, chains rattling, etc]Server hoppersCombat loggingThese are not bugs. Exploits, maybe, but not bugs. These are all 'features' working as they are intended. Bitch about them all you want, but they still won't be bugs.
  14. djporternz

    sanity punish for KOS?

    I used to be on the side of the 'No, we don't need anything like this' in this argument. But then I started seeing sites like this pop up everywhere. See this guy is such a leet PvPer. Until, that is, you look a bit closer. That 4,492 kills looks impressive, but then you see that 4,232 of them were players who couldn't fight back. So I'm subtracting them off the total. That leaves only 260 ligitimate kills. Now, 260/937 kills/Death. Not so leet now Mr Hardman PvPer. Yet he is ranked as a f'ing General. No mention of accuracy, though, and no sign of intelligence IMHO. The whol leaderboard (their description, not mine) is full of similarly leet PvP hardmen. Now, I'm not saying that all PvPers are the same as this guy. I know many ligitimate PvPers who know how to evaluate a target, and can take out all threats but still have the way with all to allow those that don't pose an immediate risk enough time to remove themselves from the area, most times without knowing they were squarely in the crosshairs. I enjoy being killed by someone like this. The bullet, in these cases is only the punctuation at the END of the story. For the the guy above, the bullet IS the story. That would be sad, if it wasn't pathetic.
  15. Stolen from: A brief history of time according to Sapience http://my.lotro.com/sapience/2010/02/18/a-brief-history-of-time-according-to-sapience/ Please keep in mind; the measurements below are highly accurate (as are their relationships to each other). However, the descriptions are for entertainment purposes only. Unless you win money, then you owe me 10%. At some point in the future (also, At some point) We’re in pure Nostradamus territory here. We have a magic 8 all and even it is saying, “Ask again later”. In the future This isn’t going to happen during any variety of soon you care to use. In fact, it’s pretty far out there. Not as far as ‘at some point’ but we’re certainly not suggesting you book vacation time just yet. But at least we’re probably talking about something that is possible within the current time line. Assuming, of course, the Mayans got it wrong and we’re still here after all that crazy ‘end of the world’ stuff. In the near future This is absolutely, positively, without question, a possibility. In fact, it might even be a real possibility. But as to when, we’ll have to get back to you on that one. Soon™ No lie. It’s going to happen. It’s going to happen really freakin’, like, eventually. But it will happen! “Soon” It’s official! We have given consideration to a possible date and we now have several possibilities! Soon We’ve narrowed the date down to something within the calendar year! soon No really, we have a date now! It’s even penciled in on a calendar somewhere! MoreSoonerish We have a date, and we’re probably going to tell you what that date is…soon! As soon as possible Time being the slippery thing it is, this has quite probably already happened. If not, it is very likely to happen while someone is typing up the message telling you when it will happen. Assuming, of course, that it is, in fact, possible. NOW! Never gonna happen! A word about capitalization. As a general rule, capitalization will tip you off as to a measurement’s place in time. Captial letters denote a longer period of time than lower case letters. This applies to all uses of capitalization when dealing with time. Thus Soon is longer than soon. Like wise, MoreSoonerish, Moresoonerish, and moresoonerish are all incremetally shorter periods from longest to shortest. TM and its uses The notorious ™ has very specific meanings. It denotes a longer period of time than the word or phrase would otherwise represent without the addition of the ™. Combined notation When you see a combination of ™ and capitalization you must consider both modifiers on the base measurement. *For those who don't know, Sapience is one of the community managers for the LOTRO forums. He has the catchphrase of "Soon" but recently it's been debated what "Soon" actually means. Today, we've been given the answer.
  16. djporternz

    Suggestion - Make the Ocean Useful

    NO. This is a Zombie Apocolypse Survival Horror, not a Zombie Apocolypse Survival Horror Extreme Fishing Contest. And TBH, how many more sardines and tuna do we really need!
  17. djporternz

    Suggestion - Make the Ocean Useful

    Obviously someone who only knows about oceans from TV. Oceans are loud. It's what they do.
  18. LOL 'Yes, Sir. I was bad. But i didn't think I'd have to take responsibility for my own actions. That's just not fair!"
  19. No. Read up on how they actually work. BE isn't going to ban you for rubber-banding or being teleported through a wall due to lag. It's a very thorough and mature system. If you get banned by it, then you can be sure that you got off lightly. So, kids: Don't cheat. Stay in school, and drugs are bad.
  20. djporternz

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/ But I'll paraphrase it for you: Zombies. They're crap. We'll fix them soonish™. See, all better now.
  21. djporternz

    Battleye... I'm thinking it's not good

    [Full forensic mode: ACTIVATE] The victim was pretty much already dead when he came into the room. Colour desaturation to the point of greyscale shows that. Like a show pony he pranced about in front of one set of windows, closely followed by a second. I pretty surprised the shooter had the patience not to go full auto on this turkey right then. But we hear the first volley of shots, and the vic simply passes all casual like back past the two sets of windows again. I count only one of the bullets actually hitting the vic. Very sloppy shooter, very sloppy work. The vic then hunkers down into a squat, not prone, which we all know from bitter experience is not going to put our head below the windowsills. Any shooter who is on the same level or higher and knows his shit still has a perfect shot at this point depending on their location. Of course, the shooter doesn't need to take that shot as the vic bleeds out. Obviously doesn't read my other posts, or else he'd have that ripped up tee shirt to bandage himself with. At least it would have forced the shooter to waste another volley of bullets. [Full forensic mode: DEACTIVATED] So, no. No sign of a hack, there. Sloppy burst control on the part of the shooter, and a non-existant reaction-to-fire by the vic. 7/10 for the shooter; 3/10 for the vic. Thanks for playing. PS: Make that 9/10 for the shooter, they did get the kill, after all.
  22. djporternz

    Battleye... I'm thinking it's not good

    Yep, definately a hacker. Walking into a room when you are half dead and taking a bullet and bleeding out. Definately a hack. The guy you need to report is named,... let me look it up for you.... one sec... ahh, there it is. Rocket. Yep, that's the guy. Developed the whole mechanic right there. Good luck. Let us know how you get on. PS: Just one criticism WRT the video. That was some crap 'reaction to fire' there mate. I'm surprised you didn't stick your head out the window, wave, and shout 'FRIENDLY'. Just saying... no need to take it all personal...
  23. djporternz

    Whats BattleEye Anticheat?

    Probably not a hacker, just a server jumper, ghoster. Unless you have conclusive proof of a hack, in which case there are procedures for reporting those.
  24. djporternz

    Alpha... Still,This is ridicilous

    I agree totally. I regret that you bought this game as well! If 'this is by far the most extreme shit' you've experienced, you're far too young to be playing this game. Seriously! Go back to your polished, bug free CoDs and BF3/4s. I'm sure you'll be more comfortable there. I've played only 150 hours or so of the SA Alpha, and have lost count of the deaths from ladder bug, being teleported out of 2nd and 3rd story windows, KoS'd by 12 yro hard men who thinks Justin Beaver (I spelt his surname wrong on purpose, 'cause he's a pussy! Look it up) is god. I've died of hunger and thirst, and food poisoning (I ate a Kiwi. He said he was clean!). I've commited suicide a few times out of bordom, although I will deny it if asked, I just thought I could fly! I've killed a freshy, because he was hiding in the grass and said 'boo' when I turned around. I've shot at a Z from range and killed a player who crossed my line of fire as I pulled the trigger (It was okay though, I still got the Z). I've run further in Chernarus than I'd ever care to in real life, and I am completely f'ing over cans of beans, ffs. And don't get me started on this god damned rabbit that's been following me for days... Sorry, lost the plot there a bit. Anyway, back to the OP. Sounds like a personal problem. Take it to mum, 'cause I don't care!
  25. djporternz

    Whats BattleEye Anticheat?

    Not quite Open Source, but not security by obfuscation either.