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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. djporternz

    What to do if robbed by proper bandits

    And the difference is...
  2. djporternz

    How to reset a character on purpose?

    Or, if you don't have a flashlight, run up to a new spawn and drop all your gear and simply tell them they can have it all, all they have to do is shoot you in the head. I wonder how many freshies you'd have to try this with before they actually did it, and not just run off screaming into the hills? Hmm... might have to try that later today...
  3. djporternz

    None violent dayz possible?

    I don't carry a firearm at all ATM. No M4, Mosin or handgun. I've got a fireaxe for the Zs and a backpack full of medical supplies. I'm not having any difficulty staying alive out there. If you mean non-violent in the Buddist sense, i.e. not killing anything, then it's probably do-able. You'll be doing a lot of extra running around to lead off the Zs, and players will be a challenge, but as long as you're not trying to hand off one of those vege cookbooks at NWAF or NEAF you should be okay. PS: Yes I know I'm mixing up my Buddists and Hari Krishna's. Bite me!
  4. It'll be done when it's done. It won't be done before then, and after then, it won't be necessary. You're welcome.
  5. djporternz

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    Agreed. Saw an unarmed player in a restaurant in Zelenogorsk just standing behind the counter. Walked in with a can of beans in hand and in my best fake British accent, opened with: ME: "Hello, I wish to register a complaint. Hello, Miss." THEM: "What you mean, Miss?" <- without missing a beat! ME: "I'm sorry. I have a cold." What followed was a full re-enactment in DayZ of Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch subtly changed to accommodate the can of beans. Now I don't know who this guy was, and it doesn't particularly matter. The fact is, this is why I play this game. KoS-kiddies are a dime a dozen, and when they kill you it's no big thing. But this guy created an experience that I'll remember for a good long while.
  6. djporternz

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    Everything old is new again!
  7. djporternz

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    You're wrong! There, now p*** off.
  8. djporternz

    Best Character Contest.

    I'm a medic in ArmA II. I'm a medic in ArmA III. So why not? Just for a change, I play a medic in DayZ. So, Black Jeans, Black Tee, Black Gloves and a Red Backpack. Usually have a Med Kit in hand ready to go. Fireman's Axe strapped to my back for the Zeds, and loaded with what's needed to get you back to healthy. You might just want to save that bullet, and maybe next time you need that Saline we can be of help to each other.
  9. djporternz

    Day Z Alpha Play Styles

    I'm a medic in ArmA II. I'm a medic in ArmA III. So why not? Just for a change, I play a medic in DayZ. But, that can get boring if you aren't where the action is. So, in the down time, I spend my energy making stashes all around the map. I don't go out of my way to hide them, and in fact if you know what to look for, I signpost them pretty conspicuously. I.e: See those shotty shells. They don't/can't spawn there by themselves, you know. And inside that building, in the backpack you'll find a few goodies to get you going. I do my bit for the freshies, but indirectly. Leaving a backpack on the Elektro docks with a screwdrive and a couple of cans of beans where it can be found easily. You don't have to put yourself in harms way, and the freshie might just have enough wits about them to use that to their advantage. I've hunted the occassional bandit, but I tend to pick my fights. No point going in all guns blazing if you stand no chance in hell. For the most part, though, I play solo. This is down to the fact that my work day is all over the place and when I can play there just aren't that many people on the servers with low enough ping. So if you stumble across one of these, think of me. You'll find them scattered across the DayZ AU servers, or more recently on the Donuts server. So, Black Jeans, Black Tee, Black Gloves and a Red Backpack. Usually have a Med Kit in hand ready to go. Fireman's Axe strapped to my back for the Zeds, and loaded with what's needed to get you back to healthy. You might want to save that bullet, and maybe next time you need that Saline we can be of help to each other.
  10. djporternz

    I won DayZ PvE....Now what?

    Sorry, but you did it wrong. You need to suicide and start again.
  11. djporternz

    Only Eastcost spawning.

    Spawn rebalancing from recent patch.
  12. djporternz

    Spammers have infiltrated the Feedback site

    Yes, you can disable the email notifications. The problem is that it is currently near impossible to follow a bug report due to the amount of spam on almost every thread.
  13. djporternz

    Joined a server, unconscious

    Hmm.. maybe that tip wasn't generous enough, or maybe too generous... Could also be that there are, like, still bugs in this game. (I know, unlikely!)
  14. djporternz

    m4 spawn nerf too much?

    Then, Frosti, you need to get your arse out of NEAF (which, by the way, is GUARANTEED to be loot free with the current spawns) and get yourself where the M4s are! Or you can stay were you are and server hop like a bitch. Your choice.
  15. djporternz

    I need help with borderless fullscreen please

    If you're using this method to get windowless fullscreen, you can't go anywhere near the video settings in game or they get hosed. Either play at a lower resolution in windowed mode (i.e. 1280x720) or stick to fullscreen and get a decent streaming app that can handle it. Otherwise, just get used to pulling your hair out everytime the game decides to revert you to what it thinks you want.
  16. Supply-side economic theory. Well established and the engine behind capitalistic greed everywhere. But I don't think that we'll be seing a single 'unit of currency' in-game. We're not going to be hearing anything like: "And how much is that in 'cans of beans'?" Every transaction is going to be a renegotiation of relative worth of the offered goods, and these values are going to be wholey subjective to each of the participants. Plus you're going to get the extremes in basic humanity: One player when confronted with another dieing of hunger will give away a can of sardines to save their life, to the other who will literally take everything the dying man has for a single mouthfull of sardines. It's definately going to be an interesting world to play in!
  17. None of the above. Can Openers!
  18. Sorry for your loss. Welcome to DayZ. Now go and do it again!
  19. djporternz

    What to do if robbed by proper bandits

    Nope. Can't do that, sorry, as I'm not a pussy. You want something from me, Bandit or otherwise, you'll come correct and you'll sure as hell be asking nicely. Otherwise you might as well be shooting me in the head all KoS-style, 'cause we aren't going to be doing any business!
  20. djporternz

    Item degradation and hit detection

    This again! You fire bullets at stuff and it f'ks it up. End of!
  21. djporternz

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    [sry, double post. My internet sucks today. Pls delete]
  22. djporternz

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    +1. ArmA has tanks! 'Nuff said ;-)
  23. djporternz

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    The mod didn't die, it evolved. If you have an idea about how something can be made better, and you have the skill set to implement that idea, and you also have the tools necessary to do it, then why wouldn't you go ahead and at least try? The reason that their are no longer the same amount of 'vanilla' servers for the mod now is simply a reflection that the players themselves have also evolved and want a different experience from DayZ than they did in the beginning. And if you want to enjoy that 'vanilla' experience again, then simply fire up your own server, though I'd guess you'd have to be prepared to enjoy DayZ: The Solo Game.
  24. djporternz

    People are absolute dicks on this game!

    ^This, and you're doing it wrong! Thanks for playing.