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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. What have you been smokin'. Gatorade for blood loss! Where the hell did you do your medical training, kid, 'cause someones been blowing smoke up your ar....!
  2. djporternz

    Explain This

    You played I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls. Of course you're not going to see anyone.
  3. djporternz

    Immersive Map Features And Structures

    Let's get through the Alpha first, please, before we start worrying about these things. After that we can start worrying about window dressing Chernarus.
  4. djporternz

    Feedback Tracker: Player voted severity

    That functionality is already available in the feedback tracker. If an issue is as severe as you say it is, people over there will already be voting up the issue. And critical issues, newly reported or not, are not likely to be overlooked.
  5. djporternz


    Yay, Lada for the win. Buy one and get a free AK variant for the back window. I like it! Sign me up for two.
  6. djporternz

    DayZ SA: Very bad Stuttering on battleye severs.

    I don't have this issue in DayZ, but had it in another game. I fixed it there by doing a manual update of the BE client. Try here for download (from official BE support site): http://www.battleye.com/download.html. Top item is DayZ. Dump the download into your DayZ BattlEye folder. Should be somewhere like: ~Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\Battleye PS: Report back if it helps and I'll do a proper write up.
  7. djporternz


    Known issue (just had it now, infact). Just exit server and relog. Respawn on coast. Job done.
  8. djporternz

    Single Player

    We already have Single Player. Just play in a timezone when all the other players are asleep in bed. Or just wait for release and run your own private server for one. Hopefully by then there will be more to do than read public domain books and eat beans.
  9. djporternz

    3rd person suggestion, not my idea)

    You have 3PP:OFF servers now,why is this even an issue? Just go there and play your heart out. Honest, I don't mind. What I do mind is people more concerned with how I play the game than actually playing the game.
  10. Pretty much all a server admin can do is reboot the server, and change it's name (but there are rules for that as well). Rule 12 won't apply as server jumping/combat logging/ghosting are not seen as exploits with SA ATM, except by some over zealous admins. The fact you were kicked within 30 seconds of joining would indicate that they aren't relying on solid evidence to boot, just user name. Admins can only kick, there is no functionality to allow admins to ban ATM, unless they have hacked the server code. Report them and have them and/or their server shutdown if it is indeed ignoring the rules: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  11. djporternz

    Faster Zombies vs. Slower ones

    Thank you for sharing. *yawn*
  12. djporternz

    Anti Spam-Bot Bot

    Also tried the manual method and gave up after an hour and all the spam reappeared as I was editing the post. I'm surprised that they have allowed this situation to persist for as long as it has. But good work on your solution. Now I might consider going back over to the tracker again.
  13. djporternz

    BattlEye Bans?

    It's simple. You need to suspect any program that needs to be running while you play the game, and this goes for any .dll libs or other hooks you have to enable. And any that you do run, you have to sure they aren't doing anything else other than what they say they are. And to the OP, these types of FPS boosters aren't doing anything magical. Do some research and learn how to do this yourself manually. Or via a script that you can vouch for because you write it yourself. As to the ban, I haven't ever heard of BE backing down from one yet. And the problem is that a BE global ban will screw you over for this game as well as any other BE enabled game out there. But good luck. PS: Just thought a little bit more. You may be able to get around the ban, IF you are able to create a completely separate Steam account and repurchase DayZ with a completely different payment method that can't be tied back to the original account. I.e. different debit card, email info, etc. If they can take the financial hit, it might be worth a crack. And next time they want to do something like this, reach out and touch them, HARD upside the head!
  14. The only valid point you make above is 'This argument has been beat to death there is no point in even trying.' Everything else is just biased opinion.
  15. All good points, Heinrich. Unfortunately HC and his friends have made a rep for themselves by being trolls in game and here on the forums. A rep that they go out of their way to preserve and enhance. It is unfortunate, because DayZ is more than what they think it is.
  16. djporternz

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    Sorry, but that is a specious argument. It's no good setting up a straw man like that just so you can cut it's legs out from under it to prove your weak case. There are no mods for DayZ ATM, so claiming as you do that they are generically going to 'hand everything to [the player] on a silver platter' are grossly premature. And, IMHO does a great disservice to the majority of modders out there. There is no compulsion to play on a server running a mod. Do or don't, I'm not bothered. The fact is, if the vanilla experience is not what a player wants, then there will be options. Some of these will be harder, some easier. But most will simply be different. This is simply how these types of games evolve, and especially ones based on the RV engine which is a true modders engine. Okay, so now I'm going to head off at a tangent, but follow me if you care to. Case One: We know already that we are going to be getting some sort of shotgun in game eventually, but for arguments sake, let's pretend we aren't. If someone was able to add a mod today that added a shotgun, what impact would that have on the game? It's going to make it a little easier to find a gun for sure, unless they re-balance the numbers across all guns. It would add a little more complexity to crafting your loadout and inventory, but it wouldn't not be in keeping with the game. Case Two: I seem to recall that we are also due one of the AK variants, but let's pretend we aren't again. Tomorrow you wake up and half the M4 spawns have magically changed to AKs, with the corresponding ammo, mag and attachment spawns changing to match. As long as the total numbers are not changed, then I'd contend that the game just got a little bit harder. Case Three: Cosmetic changes in the form of simple retexturing. Just looking through the current mods for ArmA II, and who wouldn't want to have MVD & Spetsnaz SURPAT or US Tigerstripe cammo with your own national flag on you characters sleeve. These aren't going to affect anything. Clothes are more than plentiful in game ATM. And apart from having the time it takes to search for that particular commo'd pants and top ensemble, isn't going to detract from anything and can only enhace the overall experience for everyone. But not just for commo. I just want a nice tie-dyed tee.... Case Four: There's no way around it, these are going to break the game as we know it ATM. Maybe 'break' is too strong a word here, but you get my intent, hopefully. I'm going to leave this one alone, and let Rocket and the devs work out how they handle this one. In conclusion: Mads can break a game, sure, fair point. But at this stage it is not conducive to say for this reason that all mods should be disallowed. There are great modders out there whose only intent is to add to the base game and have the requist intellect and skill to be able to do so.
  17. Good guide. A bit too PvP oriented for me, as the information is pretty much oriented towards the guns/ammo and the rest seems to be only covered for completeness. But the information is sound, and generally useful.
  18. djporternz

    A couple of questions from a newbie

    Then your research skills are woefully lacking. This is a failing on your part, and as such is completely in your power to rectify. Spend some more time reading the wealth of information already here. Start with the beginners guide and the other stickied posts at least in the Announcements, New Players and General catagories. Oh, and we don't care what sort of hardman you think you are in CS or here. All I'm seeing from your post is someone coming across as a 12-yro troll, and from you responses to other posts, this seems to be the correct conclusion to make. Welcome to the forums. Now go use them as they're intended.
  19. djporternz

    A couple of questions from a newbie

    No. Auto run is not available. No. If you want to combat log, do it the normal way like everyone else! No. Don't take this the wrong way, but if you want to play CS, why are you here? If you need the validation that you're a hardman to come from a stats screen in a game, this is probably going to be a very disappointing experience for you. Sorry, but it had to be said.
  20. djporternz

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    I'm with you here! So, listen up. Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter),[1] also called Magna Carta Libertatum or The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, is an Angevin charter originally issued in Latin in June of 1215. It was signed and sealed under oath by King John at Runnymede, near London, England. Jay-Z can hardly communicate in English, I doubt he can even spell Latin!
  21. djporternz

    Idea for Zombies

    Devs have already said that this creates too many server issues to be feasible ATM. Can't find the link and the search on these forums is not being cooperative today. Good idea, though. Maybe after they re-optimise the Zs.
  22. Wow! Brilliant post. Thank you so much for sharing these fresh new ideas that we haven't seen multiple times already. You're a genius and your mum must be so proud. PS: If you had spent your first minutes with us here on the forums actually reading what has already gone before, you may have seen one of the myriad posts that are all saying the exact same thing. So go off and find those threads, read them, and then come back here and amend your post ONLY if you have something genuinely new to add to the discussion. And go and maybe just look over the known issues (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/) or confirmed upcoming features (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/). I can guarantee that you next post will be covered by one of those, and we've discussed those to death as well! PPS: Welcome to the forums. Have a nice stay!
  23. djporternz

    Does SA Include ArmA 2?

    Supporters Edition. Up to you to decide if ArmA II (Complete Collection) and a PDF map and access to the Forum Lounge (whatever that means) are worth the extra 36 euros. Current Steam price for ArmA II (Complete Collection) is US$39.99. So at today's exchange rate that would equal only EU$29.31. If you want to get ArmA II, I'd get it seperately ATM, unless you really want to support the dev team with some extra cash.
  24. I am calm. We have, however had this conversation in many other threads. It is now a non-issue. We have been given the ability to run 1PP enforced servers so that now anyone who wants to can enjoy that 1PP only experience and know for certain that there is absolutely noone having an advantage via 3PP. The OP starts off by saying he's on the fence over the 1PP/3PP issue, and then goes on to denounce it as an 'exploit' and more or less demanding that something is done about it. He's either showing poor reading skills (although, the search functionality on this site is less than stellar), or is simply a troll.
  25. If you're after a true PvP experience, this is not the game for you. You aren't going to get that clean fresh PvP play here. DayZ will never be a twitch shooter. That has been done much better elsewhere, anyway. If you thought the loot spawns were becoming too thin in the mod, this is not going to be the game for you. If you're thinking of jumping in now and having a complete game land in your lap, this is not the game for you, yet. What this game has is potential. We can see the framework that is going to hold everything up, but that's it. There are a few bits and pieces of true genius hidden in there, but there are also areas where we can see through to the unfinished dross. If you jump in now, be prepared for a rough ride across an almost familiar terrain. I'd suggest going back to the mod for an hour or so. If you can live with that, then you just may be able to live in the new Chernarus.