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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. djporternz

    Second thoughts about my banditry..

    I reject your utilitarianism. In fact I doubt its even that, and not merely moral relativism. I also reject your classification of all people as hypocrites as a gross generalisation. To the OP: Welcome to the dark side. It isn't an easy path to take as you have to go out of your way and place yourself in a position to lose everything. But we get to save the world one fresh spawn at a time.
  2. djporternz

    Melee combat

    As a lefty, I'm declaring that as tantamount to Hate Speech! It's the only thing they've got right!
  3. djporternz

    Storage/Tents And means of such.

    I have no problem with your suggestion, as long as they are entirely in the DayZ world and is not priviledged like the Global Inventory of that other zombie game that shall not be mentioned. I want to be able to sneak in and steal your stuff, or at least have the opportunity to do so. This would add a lot to the DayZ game other than what is readily apparent.
  4. djporternz

    Containers instead of random loot

    The world is supposed to be messy and untidy. Random loot represents the random chaos caused by multiple uncoordinated and individual attempts to combat the zombie apocolypse. We're coming in after most of the frenetic activity has ended and are left with only the leftovers from the initial struggle.
  5. djporternz

    Bandana: take up 1 slot, instead of 2...

    They reduced the storage requirements for the gas mask, so it's feasible that they'll look at some of the other items as well.
  6. djporternz

    Intake Tab

    DayZ: Weight Watchers Edition.
  7. djporternz

    <<<< Grass density needs to be improved. >>>>

    People are already bitching about FPS with everything the way it is, and you want to cut that in half again for... grass. There is no optimisation possible that is going to allow for a 4x volume increase to grass display. Sorry, the devs are all out of unicorn fairy dust. There are just some things that we are going to have to accept because the is a 'game' played in an computed enviroment and we don't have infinite resources to throw at it.
  8. djporternz

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    And 3PP has been a FEATURE during all that time. It may not take money out of their hands that they have already taken in, but crapping on a sizeable proportion of your player base is commercial suicide.
  9. djporternz

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    The same day he hands the money back to the 3/4s of the player-base that such a bone-head move would entail. Just go play with yourselves on the 1PP servers and stop being so anal retentive about what someone else wants to do.
  10. I'm no intellectual, but that isn't DayZ fist fighting. That's just a random YouTube video that you've linked.
  11. djporternz

    New proposals to standalone games Dayz

    Some of those are already slated for inclusion on the roadmap. Some of the others are already in as they are able to be initiated by PvP interaction (PvP != Run & Gun. Talking to other players is PvP as well). And the others are just rubbish ideas. Which is which is left as an exercise for the reader, if they care, as most have been discussed in other threads already.
  12. djporternz

    Dual Wielding

    Hey, I think I saw that movie! While it would look good, it's just a crappy cheap idea.
  13. djporternz

    Reduce travelling time

    Okay, so it's decided. Every doorway will be turned into a teleport portal and you'll be able to teleport wherever you want. And skate boards in every building so you don't have to take the 2~3 steps to get to the nearest doorway. @QbitzR: Second picture down. I'm not seeing any bike there.
  14. djporternz

    [Mechanics] Weight system?

    Unnecessary complication to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
  15. djporternz

    Better camouflaged storage

    Tents should be no less visible than anything else in game. Otherwise why not just have a W**Z style global inventory? TBH we don't need that sort of priviledged storage. DayZ is DayZ because what happens in DayZ, stays in DayZ, including the finding and caching of items.
  16. djporternz

    replacing battleye with some other anti cheat program

    To be fair, BE is being more than reasonable in your case. You have asked for the time of the ban which seems fair enough, but what's that going to get you. What you can say 'But I was asleep in bed, then!'. They have no concievable way of checking that data. They do have logs that show that someone using your Steam or DayZ information was hacking on a BE server. They aren't going to get into a 'He said / She said' argument over this. The nature of the arms race that BE is in, will always mean that they are reactionary, so you aren't going to be able to see the logs they are using to back their ban with. You might be able to retain a lawyer who could sign a NDA and be able to get eyes on them to verify them, but that would entail a huge expense. So, take it on the chin and remember: (Gleaned by the more than pleasant BE email persons email) 1) It's your responsibility to ensure that no one else has access to your account. 2) The only way to get unbanned and be able to play on BE servers again is to buy a new copy of the game on a new Steam account. 3) You can still play the game on BE-disabled servers. 4) Please understand that no further details about your ban can be revealed and no further instructions on how to get unbanned can be provided. 5) Hackers want to get access to this information as well, so obviously we cannot reveal anything.
  17. djporternz

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    Not going to happen, sorry. TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, Skype and other VOIP platforms are now an embedded part of the gaming landscape. And you suggestion is naieve if you think that will fix the problem. I run games on my desktop, but TS server and client from my laptop to avoid sound conflicts that seem to plague my system if they run on the same box. You just have to suck it up and play the game.
  18. djporternz

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Would you like me to come over and feed you and wipe your brow for you as well?
  19. djporternz

    Cans being opened this a bug?

    You're supposed to be paranoid. That's the ambience of DayZ. Just remember, just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean that they're not out to get you!
  20. djporternz

    Bandits, Survivors, or Murderers?

    YES! There is no valid reason to be wearing these atrocities. And the gas mask is also not endearing, and having had to use one of these in anger, I can't for the life of me work out why some one would voluntarily put one on their face, game or otherwise. But back to the OP, I don't carry a gun as I run as a medic. If I see someone, I'm not going to run and hide, but I'll stand up in plain view, and raise a hand in greeting. If they stop and do likewise, probable things aren't going to go too badly. If they've got a gun and its lowered or on their shoulder, no problem. If they're a noob and don't know how to lower a weapon and are unwilling to turn to the side, then we may have a problem. I said I don't carry a gun, I didn't say I was unarmed.
  21. djporternz

    10 min body despawn?

    10 minutes is plenty long enough to have a body and inventory to have to be remembered by the server. This is only a consession for the killer of the player, not the killee. Same as the Combat Logger log off time-out, these are being put in to stop the incessant whining from the PvP wonks. It was never intended that you'd be able to simply sprint back to your body and regear for free. But as others have noted, the inclusion of persistant tents (i.e. global inventory) seems to be almost the same thing via a different mechanism.
  22. I find that rebooting my modem and router every couple of days is a good thing. Even with a static IP, my ISP needs a kick every now and then as a gentle reminder that I'm their most important customer!
  23. No. Nothing new here, no new suggestions, nothing that hasn't been brought up and discussed to death in any of the other myriad posts. Now move on, ffs!
  24. djporternz

    Patch 114343 reduced loot spawn.

    Servers are expensive. As part of the contracts for being able to rent out servers to us, the providers had to commit to hosting a large number of public servers at their expense. I read somewhere is was in the region of 300 servers at launch of the Alpha per provider. That's why there were any servers at all at launch! I also seem to recall that they also had to provide an additional public server for every three they rented. If BI or the dev team were to host that many servers, there wouldn't be any money for anything else. And then there are the ongoing running costs going forward. Say goodbye to any development of DayZ.
  25. djporternz

    Patch 114343 reduced loot spawn.

    There are already systems in place to handle these. Report the servers/admins the their respective top leve providers and the servers go away. Sometimes it can take up to 12 hours, but my dealings with Vilayer have been excellent. They don't report back directly, but the server disappears from the listing, and doesn't come back. Expecting the devs to micro manage third parties is unrealistic. Sometimes we have to help ourselves.