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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. djporternz

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    BattlEye won't ever block legitimate VOIP applications. No matter what you think of them, these are not and never will be considered hacks or cheats. Sorry.
  2. djporternz

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    Yes we do! https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&biw=1440&bih=800&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=beard+balaclava&oq=beard+balaclava&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i24l2.443389.449310.0.449596.
  3. djporternz

    Gear and item storage?

    since they haven't been implemented yet we could only speculate on how they will be. I'd assume they would be 24/7 on the particular server with persistence via the hive. But that is only a guess.
  4. djporternz

    What do you think of my pc

    i5 and windows 8. Glad it's your PC and not mine. Just saying...
  5. djporternz

    no more alphas for me

    I had a long reasoned response to the OP, but then this guy beat me to it and he says it a lot better than I could:
  6. djporternz

    So, Dog companions are still in or what?

    I throw a grenade and the B*tch brings it back! WTF! I'll pass, for now, also.
  7. djporternz

    Can i STOP LOOSING MY FUC**N character!!!!

    I'm sorry, but you obviously don't understand what an Alpha is!
  8. djporternz

    Being killed in the PVE server by a player

    Assuming you're not a troll, there are no PvE servers. All servers are Public, and PvE servers and no KoS servers are using rules that are unenforcable. If an admin does try to enforce these types of rules, they can and will lose there servers with no refund.
  9. djporternz

    How to spot a combat logger ?

    Great video, especially how as you have to annotate it to show where the 'alleged' combat logger was. All I'm seeing is a dickless player exploiting 3PP and two corpses.
  10. Graphics are awesome! Multiplayer up the wazoo and interaction out of this world! Just a note of caution though for you PvP types, don't run straight to the nearest Military base and try and scavenge a gun. They're already swarming with KoS types!
  11. And even that isn't guaranteed!
  12. Try and stick to the official Public servers i.e. x-YYY w/ YYY < 100. These usually have default configs. Numbers greater than that are usually privately funded, and even if the admin isn't trying to intentially do anything funky, a small slip up in the configs can screw you over.
  13. djporternz

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Maybe they could put something on Steam... Big letters... Maybe a blue background or something... Right at the top... say... so it couldn't be missed. And maybe the devs could come out and say something about 'Not buying the game right now' or something... Just a thought!
  14. djporternz

    Why ARMA Engine?

    To be fair, this is related to the vaguaries of the internet. Even BI can't fix the internet!
  15. djporternz

    It's "Hunger and Thirst" or "Hungry and Thirsty" not both

    I think the dev team needs a place set for a singular grammar nazi.... At least it will give them someone to bash!
  16. djporternz

    What keyboard configs do you use?

    TrackIR.... Hands free... Keyboard free... Just saying... http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/...
  17. Like me he might live in a country that doesn't package all-you-can-eat internet for realistic prices.
  18. djporternz

    Give us a Duckin Map

    Outright lies!!! GPS, my arse. We have the sun, moon and stars. Clouds even. All these are shouting out the cardinal points of the compass you DON'T need. The problem is not the in-game map. It is accurate and extremely useful. It has every current building marked and every PoI labeled. It doesn't mark your position on the map, but working out where you are? Give me a break! As KoS said, Do the BRAIN work. It's not that hard.
  19. djporternz

    DayZ BSOD!

    The 'Cannot load...' errors are unrelated. Those are from a known issue and will not trigger a BSOD. No way, no how! The short freezes: I've had those only when I start getting too aggressive with my OC. Push too far and the timings of various things become critically unstable. I usually find that the memory timings fail first, but that could be just the memory I'm using. If you're runng an OC set up, wind it back and try without. If not, IDK. Not enough info to diagnose anything.
  20. djporternz

    How To Guide Yay / Nay

    Doesn't matter if you stand out or not, if you think you can impart the information make the video.
  21. There are rules against this. Report them to their Top Tier provider: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  22. djporternz

    End product.

    No. He means that game engines don't just appear. They require 1,000s~10,000s of hours by a team of programmers to just get their basic functionality sorted. Now your proposal is to throw everything away and start again. GeckoFrog is hinting that to do so would entail a large lead time to just get back to where we are now. It would then take extra time to implement and test the specific changes that would be required. And all that time you'd still be needing to pay the bills. Your ideas are simple, but simple and doable are not the same thing. EDIT: Or not. Sorry Gecko, I may have misread you answer, based on your subsequent reply.
  23. djporternz

    Should DayZ have music? (Poll)

    Music and games. Games and music. Doesn't matter which game, first thing I turn OFF. DayZ is no different.
  24. djporternz

    I am finding it very difficult starting out

    It can be a catch 22 situation, but rest assured, once you master this part, the rest is easy. Don't worry about food. Your only priorities are water and a weapon ATM. If you are a complete noob (no offence intended) have a look at the map at: http://dayzdb.com/map. Turn of everything except 'Other' by right clicking on the buttons 'Supplies', 'Equipmen', 'Weapons' and 'Clothes'. TBH the loot spawn info given for the map is worse than useless. Rely on your own knowledge gathering. Now you should be looking at a clean map with labels and water sources (the Tap icons). The closest one of these should be a primary target. You can avoid the houses at this stage and look for industrial looking buildings or garages adjacent to houses. You're looking for a melee weapon: Pipe wrench, Baseball Bat, Crowbar or best of class one of the two axes. Don't be too fussy, Anything at this point is better than your fists. If the Zs are an issue, and they will be for the first few forays, remember that you can outrun them. Double tap w and hold to sprint. You can lead the Zs of into the wilds and as long as you can get ~100 m away from them AND out of their LoS AND stop running and make as little noise as possible, they will hang around the area you leave them. Circle back to the original target, hopefully sans friends. If you must melee a Z, the A and D keys are your best friends. Use them and your mouse to constantly run circles around the Z. They are crap at turning and you'll be safely at their back always when you master this dance. Use the right mouse button to take swings at the Z whenever you think it is in range. It's a slow battle (4~8 hits depending on weapon and strike zone) but can be done. Best advice: It may seem counter-intuitive, but hit a server with a lot of people. Chances are you will not spawn at the same time as anyone else, and if the server has not just reset, the Zs may already have been taken care of, or at least lead off into the wilds already. You'll have a clear path to the well for water and drink your fill there. Immediately move inland. Stick to roads at first until you are confident you can dead recon the different towns. Once you're a way off the coast, Start hitting every building you can get into. This is nowhere near a comprehensive guide but get these basics right and the rest is easier.
  25. djporternz

    Will they make the map bigger?

    ChernarusPlus? Probably not. They will fill out the new northern areas, but not the extent. Other maps? Hopefully, but not any time soon.