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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. djporternz


    Ignore this is you play on Hardcore servers. A Flashlight on a HC server doesn't carry the same risk as on Regular. You still got to be careful, but flashing around a flashlight doesn't tend to get you instantly killed. As to the guns, IDK. I don't run with a gun so can't comment. As to the other, if the guy is still in chat with you, then sure, hang about and even help him out if you can. If not, then it isn't going to matter much.
  2. djporternz

    More Questions

    1. Ruined items are useless now or at least will be in next stable update. 2. It does. Needs 4~5 hits tho. Get an axe. 3. Depends. Weapon, yes. Clothes, maybe. Food and Meds, IDK yet. 4. You need to be 100 m away from the Z, out of line of sight and quiet i.e. walking or jogging. Crouched may also help. 5. IDK. Rip up your tee shirt into rags and bandage yourself. Then it doesn't matter.
  3. djporternz

    It Happened Again :(

    Hmmm.... I see what you did there!
  4. djporternz

    Stuck As A Girl

    You sleep with women already, so I think you're already one! I sleep with women already, so I think I'm already one! But don't get any ideas... I'm not sleeping with you! That's just gay...
  5. djporternz


    True. But there would need to be an amout of time for them to grow. Probably on the order of hours rather than days. Wouldn't want it to be too short, or it takes too much away from the whole 'food is scarce' idea.
  6. djporternz

    Stuck As A Girl

    Die. It's that easy. Default won't change until you respawn. Also, my wife is offended! She's stuck as a girl and she isn't bitching about it!
  7. djporternz

    Sunglasses, Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh...or No?

    But which ones? The designer sunnys or the aviators? What is the protocol. Designer sunnys in Cherno, but not in Zelenogorsk? Decisions, decisions. If I'm wearing the aviators do I need a full black ensemble, or can I keep my orange raincoat on? God,. I never was too good at playing dress up!
  8. djporternz

    How Many Experiments Are There At The Moment?

    All offline. Bug with hive<->server communication ATM. Will be back up when they are back up. I'll guarantee that for you all ;-)
  9. djporternz


    Why not. But it's going to be a bitch waiting the 8~20 weeks for the buggers to grow... Just saying...
  10. djporternz

    What Is Everybodys Thoughts On Amd Builds ?

    AMD is fine. My system is not that recent, but it is functional in all the games I play. Intel may get you better performance, but the price difference is huge, and unless you have the resources to jump out to the bleeding edge, the performance increase probably doesn't justify it.
  11. djporternz

    Destroying Weapons/loot

    No plans for this, but what I like to do is gather them all up and drop them at the bottom of a lake or pond. And who ATM goes anywhere near some of those ponds. There's too many guns anyway, and they get in the way of people thinking.
  12. djporternz

    Today's Pending Update.

    Only an issue ATM. Once loot respawn is factored in, I'd assume reboots will only be necessary for reasons of stability. Please keep doing what you are doing. And when you get your VAC and/or BE global ban, please post your whiny thread here so we can all have a good laugh.
  13. djporternz

    Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection. Wtf?

    There is a problem with hive connection from the new experimental servers. They are working on it, but no ETA on fix yet. Just wait and try again later or revert to stable to play for now. Me, I can wait.
  14. Tents will be added when they are added. Loot respawn (and why we don't have it yet) has been addressed by Rocket previously and will be added when it is added. As to not playing, revert back to stable and play more, bitch less.
  15. Military weapons were already going to be nerfed. The rates were very high to give people something to do on release of the Alpha. All indications are that once we have Bows they will be nerfed again. Military grade weapons will be ultra rare. Check the latest experimental changelog. 30 sec logout timer and a delay on reconnect. Let's see how that plays out before we start getting too complicated with solutions. I wouldn't worry about this too much. Yes it is slightly over simplified ATM, but once they flip the switch on infections, you are going to see an order of magnitude increase in the difficulty of treating yourself or others.
  16. +1 on this. Glad it's not just me. Also, can we have one or two AU servers, please. I can only see US DE & SE with pings 200+. Thanks. Great update by the way.
  17. djporternz

    I Hate Stupid Laggers

    Nothing to do with hit detection. It's lag. Internet lag. Whatever you want to think about Dean 'Rocket' Hall, he can't fix the internet.
  18. Was thinking this exact same thing. Anyway, Haven't we been told that the development will be in the order of a year or more? That seems to be plenty of time for everything to shake itself out. And to the people bitching about the patch notes, you aren't going to get a complete list including all of the trivial changes made in the code. It is unrealistic. The team is small, they are inordinately busy. I for one don't want them to be stopping to document every single item they glance at. If you can't handle the pace of the development, simply go away and come back in a year.
  19. djporternz

    Night time hater

    Sounds like a personal problem. I have no difficulty playing at night.
  20. djporternz

    regular & hardcore characters

    Yes. Seperate hives = seperate characters.
  21. I won't quote your OP here, as it is nothing but BS, innuendo, Conspiracy mongering and Bias. I'm not going to address the specific points you raise, simply because the language you are using shows more about your biases and nothing about the process that we are involved in WRT DayZ. The entirety of my reply is simply this: ArmA III Alpha -> Beta -> Release -> ... Beyond ... This product from BI was released in the same manner as DayZ was. Early Access via steam for US$29 - US$99 depending on your disposition towards BI and the development of the new ArmA and the new RV engine. Even now, experimental branch is recieving regular (daily) updates. Sure, these are mostly content to do with the single player missions, but work is still being incorporated into the underlying engine. Including networking code being developed by the DayZ team. The only difference between the ArmA and DayZ developments, if I might be so bold, is that the ArmA group were all, almost without exception, fully aware of what the finished product would NOT be. The DayZ group as manifest here within these forums, consists of many similar minded people as the ArmA group, but there is a large and vocal group that are solely focused on the final product and are not aware of the consequences of opting-in at this stage of the development process. Bias, BS and crap. In that order. I'm liking the way BI are financing their development and the early access to their products. If you go in with your eyes wide open and can deal with the vagueries of this approach, it is a remarkable experience. Being there at the start and then being able to use the finished product and remember all of the bumps throughout the journey, is simply unmissable. So, you can go with your rigid software development philosophy and your hard time limits for your AAA product and I hope you are emminantly happy. I'm going to sit right here and let Rocket and the other devs the freedom to produce their game their way. And if it appears that their process is a little less than optimal, who cares. If it takes a little longer than anticipated, who cares. As long as they don't exclude me from the ride!
  22. djporternz

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    So this is definative, then... from the devs... telepathy does not exist in the post-apocolyptic Zombie-infested world, and Chernarus specifically. I must have missed that tweet. My bad! PS: I also use TrackIR head tracking and a programmable keyboard/mouse. So I guess these would also be 'cheats' as well.
  23. I think they are the ones with the name format similar to: DayZ AU <x>-<yy> <mode> <version> where 1<x<6 and 0<yy<100. The ranges may be different in the larger geographical regions, but you should get the idea.
  24. What's wrong with using a mouse Left-click on the time column in the server browser and then using your brain?
  25. djporternz


    What have you been smoking? TvT Deathmatch! Capture the Flag! How in god's name do you even think they'd fit into the DayZ world?