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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. orlok said everything I wanted to, so I'll leave it at that. And the last man... the finest of the finest... who does he stab in the back?
  2. djporternz

    Machinima in Standalone

    Brilliant! A+ ... :beans: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  3. djporternz

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Dear forum Mods: This REALLY needs a sticky! Just saying... Oh, and probably a move to somewhere more suited than General obscurity. Please...
  4. djporternz

    Clothing and Aesthetics.

    Why 'run around in your boxers' when you can go commando sans trousers... Oh, wait... Can't do that... YET!
  5. djporternz

    Oh, DayZ. (FPS test pictures)

    BS. BI optimise the hell out of the ArmA engines, but they are optimising the whole system and are not wholey fixated on graphical FPS. The ArmA engines are doing way more than the Crysis engine will ever be capable of. TBH, if you want an accurate figure for future performance from DayZ's version of the RV engine, go play ArmA III and add 3~5% on the client, and run the server and add 5~10% onto its performance. No. Not even close. Different engines are just that. Completely different from the ground up. Different in their basic requirements. It is impossible to do any sort of objective, unbiased direct comparison between them. The crysis engine becomes a dog when you try to push then much past 4km^2. ArmA runs pretty much on a par with Crysis if you arbitrarily limit the map size to these small areas. Other engines are likewise very limited on what sort of land area they are able to use. The only ones that are capable of using large land areas similar to the RV engine lose geographic detail and bog down very quickly. There are a few emerging engines that look good using very large geo datasets, but for the most part these are using procedural landscapes or purely 'natural' features (i.e. no man made structures ATM). But these come with very high hardware requirements and there are no examples available that actually have anything like the processing that would be required for a fully functioning game.
  6. djporternz

    DayZ Epoch Anti Hacks

    TBH, that $40 one is probably the best. Pay the money, or collect donations from your members to pay the money. It IS worth it for a PUBLIC server. Or you could do what my group did, and run our own 'private' server without Anti-Hacks. We run a strict '1 strike' policy WRT hacking on our ArmA and DayZ servers. Only ever had to global ban 1~2 people in over 4 years. But that might be more a reflection of our group more than anything.
  7. djporternz

    Fun Community.

    Only in America can you be 'World Famous' in one country only! Like all those 'World Series' competitions you guys have where no-one else is invited. :) But @OP, you have got to question any administration that is willing to throw away all of their 'good' work and goodwill over something as small as not being able to run a server for an Alpha game. Speaks of 'Power Trip' with 'community' being just something that happened. Never played on their servers so can't comment on their admin competency.
  8. djporternz

    DayZ Mod Drink, Food, and Blood meter

    Different Mods, different 'edits' of the same Mod can use alternate icons and images.
  9. djporternz


    I'm going to defer to you on this point... ;-) But, Alcohol and drugs, even in video games, are a bad idea. All it'll do is increase the age restriction and gain it outright bans in many countries. It's a bad idea that adds nothing to the 'spirit' of DayZ.
  10. djporternz

    spawning facing north?

    Added to To-Do List: Get killed multiple times to test directionality of spawn At least it won't take too long....
  11. djporternz

    Why doors are allways closed?

    Look, Zombies are safety concious. They know most accidents happen in the home, so they are doing their civic best to keep you, the survivor, safe! Last thing you need is to go stumbling into a house on a 1PP night server and break your damn leg on an illplaced can of beans! We all owe them our gratitude for their unselfish love and care.... *hearts and flowers*
  12. djporternz

    Servers with kicking

    Servers If you encounter an abusive admin or server, please do not post it here on the forums. We cannot do anything with these reports. It is not productive and does not expedite action taken against these servers. Please report them to the GSPs directly following the pinned DayZ Standalone Server Hosting Rules and Reporting Guidelines.
  13. djporternz

    Oh, DayZ. (FPS test pictures)

    Apples and oranges! Comparisons across different engins are wothless. They are optimised for completely different purposes.
  14. djporternz

    Should I start DayZ Mod this late in the game?

    I got a bit bored in the SA for a bit, so a friend convinced me to give the mod a try. I already had ArmA Everything ;-) so it wasn't much of a hassle to fire it up. Currently sitting on just a bit over 100 hours in Epoch in the last two weeks. So, that's a big fat YES! Even better if you have some friends along for the ride. After all, the SA is still going to be there when you come back.
  15. djporternz

    Casuals and DayZ

    I for one don't have a problem with the AS50, per se. But the fact that they don't have anything to ligitimately target in game (i.e. mil spec vehicles/buildings, etc) means that they are not going to be used for anything except KoS from a greater distance. Put in some armoured vehicles and then I'll reconsider my objection.
  16. djporternz

    Casuals and DayZ

    Can't agree less with your characterisation of the users here, sorry. I'm definately not a casual, and while I would like to see some thigs implemented to make the co-op play more interesting, I sure don't want any sort of forced TvE. I could likewise decry the influx of CoD style PvPers into the game that are trying to leverage DayZ into a hardcore military PvP arena. From my perspective, that is just as damaging to the direction of development as is those that you are calling out. I won't discuss your bullet points above as they have been discussed multiple times in other threads on these forums.
  17. djporternz

    global chat

    No, please god! Not even that! Global comms have no place outside of radio transmissions with the req'd transmitter/reciever.
  18. djporternz

    Thoughts on a small change to logout timer

    Discussed at length and discarded by the Devs due to blatant exploits using it. Anyway, your post IS the whole point of the timer. Logout should be something you have to actively think about, not just something you do! It is working as for the conditions it was implemented for, and yes there are some annoying side issues around disconections, but overall it is much better to be playing now than it was.
  19. djporternz


    The SA is based off of the RV engine in all the other ArmA games. The API is availible from the BI wiki and has been for years. Whether or not parts of it are restricted or not is yet to be seen. Go there: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands. Most questions about relevance of this to DayZ cannot be answered yet.
  20. djporternz

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    No. Dean's got a RL and he wants to get back closer to family and friends. DayZ can/will continue with/without him. It's not a big deal!
  21. It's just the Ambient Occlusion setting. It now remembers that it was set to on on reload.
  22. djporternz

    Stick to your kind

    Hunting season is about to start soon. Might need to organise ourselves a Bambi cull.
  23. Just an impassioned plea for one or possibly two Experimental servers in the AU region, please. While we can connect to the international Experimental servers in the other regions, it would be nice to have a server available for testing that has a ping less than 230+. So, please, please, may we have one. EDITED: Added image for emotional impact!
  24. You can actually find one in-game! There's a Russian-English cheat sheet in the book list.
  25. djporternz

    Experimental Servers for AU, Please.

    THE WAR IS WON!! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177288-reddit-hicks-206-on-alright-this-is-going-to-take-me-a-bit-but-were-rolling-out-40-new-experimental-servers/