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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. djporternz

    Dayz problem

    Run at the wall and keep holding the button down. Sometimes you can 'magic' out. Other than that, leave the game running a few hours. You'll eventually die of thirst or hunger.
  2. djporternz

    I can't play the game

    Characters are stored on the hive so are immune to anything you do on your computer. Before redownloading the entire game, use the 'Verify local files' option in Steam. But since you are able to connect to a server seems to me that the game files are all good. Try rebooting your modem/router if you haven't already. Other than that, IDK, sorry.
  3. Gear Levels/Rarity & Scarcity: Rareity and Sacarcity (and levels) are already handled by loot spawn %. Current system is still undergoing a lot of development, but is generally heading in the right direction. Server hopping is already addressed in the current Experimental build. 30 s logout timer and a 260 s login delay if you weren't in your previous server for 30 mins. IMHO this alone should address most concerns around this. Stock Management: The current method, while not totally realistic, still mean that you're playing Backpack Tetris a lot to fit everything in. Artificial limits on slot sizes would just add to the complexity of this with not a lot of actual benefit. Missions: Not going to be possible except in a meta-game style within a community. Impractical on a public server. Waiting for private servers to see what possibilities it will open up. Children: Rocket runs away whenever the depiction of children in DayZ is mentioned as Zs, and I'd assume the same for any other dipiction. It creates all sorts of nightmares around classification/age restrictions and outright bans in some countries. And even hinting at ...relations... in a video game.... Advanced Medical: Probably not going to happen in the vanilla release, but I'm secretly hopeing for an ACE-esque medical system once we are given the opportunity to mod for DayZ. Pack Animals/Vehicles/Traps/Weapons: All good ideas. Some are already slated for inclusion further down the development path. We'll have to wait and see how far this gets us. Gamma/Brightness: The power of the PC as a platform is its diversity of components. This also means that a one-size-fits-all approach to anything usually falls on its face. I agree that night time is a little dark (but to be fair, night time is pretty much that dark!), and there could be a lightening of night overall, but removing Gamma/Brightness probably isn't the way to go. Welcome to the forums.
  4. djporternz

    Player markers on Maps?

    And honestly, it's not that hard. Sun, moon, stars, clouds in DayZ are all useable to find direction. It's why the first thing I do on logging in is look up. I've also got the requisite sets of printed topo maps. Never know what's going to happen tomorrow...
  5. djporternz

    It takes balls not to combat log...

    If you're going to let a couple of hackers dictate what games you play, you'll be looking at a very small selection. Rust has it's share as well and is doing much less to combat them.
  6. djporternz

    If Combat Logging is going to be fixed...

    You are correct. Also, there is a relog timer as well if you weren't in your previous server for more than 30 mins. It is working well in the experimental servers ATM. I think we can look forward to a welcome change in play style when it hits stable later this week. 'Death before Disconnect Dishonour!'
  7. I'm trying to figure out what's up with that ATM. It might just be bugged and we're stuck in that state. Either way, thanks for that berry vid link. I'm off to see if I can get stuffed on them.
  8. Don't think it is gamebreaking as you have always been able to do this by leading the Zs in a circle dance and always being behind them.
  9. That is the intended behaviour. The textureless icon shows you that you have no more of that item. It regains its texture if you pick up the item from somewhere. If you replace the item, the game simply thinks that you know what you're doing and replaces the item in the quickslot.
  10. This is how it is supposed to work, and IMHO, it is working as it should. The server isn't going to know what your intentions are so we have a syatem that may cause a little delay to the legitimate player, but come down with a big hammer on those who are server hopping like a bitch. That 260 s is a long time to wait to be sure, but that's the whole point. Sorry it applied to you in this instance, but all I can say is 'Double check before you double-click!'
  11. Yep. You DON'T want to get the stuffed message. Eat until ENERGISED; Drink until HYDRATED. Keep them at those levels. If you get STUFFED you have gone too far, and are just about to puke. And you will puke if you start running around while STUFFED. TBH, I'm liking these changes now I've sort of worked out how they are functioning.
  12. My guess they are testing long-term stability of the server code. If the servers won't stay up for extended periods with the current framework, adding loot/Z respawn isn't going to help anything ATM i.e. if we still have to reboot the server every 4 hrs as currently we do, ther is no advantage to having respawning items/Z at all.
  13. djporternz

    Why Was Music Removed?

    SA is not the Mod. They are completely SEPERATE products. Music wasn't removed. There never was music in the SA.
  14. djporternz

    Error 8876086c

    Try deleating the 'DayZ' and 'DayZ Other Profiles' folders out of your documents folder. This will delete all settings that you have set for DayZ game. Not saying this will fix the issue, but it will eliminate bad settings as a cause. Also, if you are able to get into the game, make sure your videomemory size is set correctly or to 'auto'.
  15. djporternz

    Hunting backpack > Mountain backpack (1PP)

    The only advantage in the Hunting Pack is taht you can see where you've been. Since my short term memory isn't completely fried, I already know where I've been and will keep the extra cargo capacity, thanks.
  16. djporternz

    Child Briefcase

    It's misnamed. There's no way you can stuff a kid in that thing!
  17. +1. Fall damage seems to be turned off.
  18. djporternz


    Oh god, please shoot me now! PLEASE!
  19. AFAIK you should stop eating when you get the 'energised' icon, and stop drinking when you get the 'hydrated' icon. If you get the 'stuffed' icon, you are very close to vomitting, and that's a bad thing now.
  20. djporternz

    No Surrender types

    And why, please tell, is NOT surrendering not a valid form of role-play? I play as a medic. I don't run with a gun, I only pack a fire-axe when I can get one. My backpack is full of meds and food. If you're coming at me with a gun expecting me to submit to your demands, tough! I'm not going down on my knees with my hands up. Handcuffs and burlap sack aren't going to be part of any medical discussion.
  21. djporternz

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    You get our thanks. Sorry, that's it, ATM!
  22. djporternz

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    I may have been a little reactionary to the OP in calling it a priviledge, but TBH, BI didn't have to allow any sort of rental of servers at all. The fact they did probably has more to do with concessions to the hosting companies rather than BI themselves. And testing server<->client infrastructure, etc. I'd also have to assume that they didn't expect the numbers of private PUBLIC servers to take off as much as it did. But the reaction of a minority of those who did decide to rent a server, shows that the rules very definantly needed to be in place first.
  23. djporternz

    What are your biggest issues AFTER .114782?

    Client<->Server communication bandwidth: 20~150 kb/s (or 70~500 MB/h). This is way too high. It is proportional to server population, so low pop servers involve less bandwidth. I get to play 1~2 days a week for 4~5 hour sessions but have to be mindful of the 2~5 Gigs of transfers this will create.
  24. djporternz

    Player markers on Maps?

    See bottom of: http://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/space/ Operational lifespan is 7.5~15 years if we allow DayZ to be set after 2015. Actually, that's a little scary in itself. No GPS 15 years after any apocolyptic event! Might need some plans in place to account for that.
  25. djporternz

    Player markers on Maps?

    No. I know it is unrealistic as every RL paper map shows your exact location for you and you don't actually have to have any sort of knowledge to know where you are.