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Everything posted by djporternz

  1. djporternz

    Managing Logout/login post 0.33.114782

    No problem. No harm, no foul.
  2. djporternz

    Rain & Water

    I think something like that is planned. Can't find the link ATM.
  3. djporternz

    Upcoming patches and "receiving"

    Unfortunately, yes. But the alternative is to do nothing about the rampant exploits that are being used by a sizible proportion of the player base. So we are just going to have to deal with the side effects as best we can.
  4. djporternz


    Lawsuits and outright bans! Sorry, there is a reason children don't get represented in most video games.
  5. djporternz

    Zombies drop loot

    No they don't!
  6. djporternz

    5 minute ban :(

    Go to Video settings. It will fix itself.
  7. They fluctuate a lot. I'd assume that the Hardcore community is a pretty small percentage of the entire DayZ community ATM. The good news, though, is that it isn't too difficult for us Hardcore players to find a slot on the Experimental builds. (Yes, I am reaching for ANY silver-lining I can find ;-) @Sinphaltimus Okay, maybe not such a small percentage! But ATM I'm on the Experimental build and can only see those servers, so my view may be skewed by that.
  8. djporternz

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    Just tried on a Hardcore server. Video is not great, but shows two methods: Straight run in and the good ol' circle and bash. Timing was off on the first and my TrackIR decided to stop responding with the second, so both are a bit sketchy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWIYeB_yld0
  9. I play on Hardcore servers exclusively (1PP only FTW), except for testing purposes. 3PP is not an issue for me. Also, everything possible to say for or against 3PP has already be stated. Go search and do some reading.
  10. djporternz

    Server name restrictions

    Fair point. But admins are people and people suck. Having something in the hosting rules may or may not help, and the Dev team isn't directly responsible for monitoring the servers. Report them to the Top Tier provider if it is an issue for you.
  11. Already suggested and roundly rubbished in multiple other threads. Please spend more time researching your unoriginal ideas with the search features available within these forums. Other than that, your idea has absolutely no merit within a game such as DayZ. Sorry.
  12. djporternz

    Do you feel forced to use a Mosin?

    Sounds like a personal problem.
  13. djporternz

    Question about food and durability?

    Semantics. Changing terms is a cosmetic change only, and makes no material difference in play.
  14. djporternz

    Are zombies supposed to clip through walls?

    Known bug. Will be fixed when it is fixed.
  15. djporternz

    Why Are Servers 70+USD?

    Because capitalism, Because 'Merica Because because! The hardware requirements for the SA are far above those required for the Mod. You could go for a lesser platform to host off of, but performance is going to be in the toilet, and, well, Alpha is bad enough without having to fight underpowered servers. Server costs will scale down over time the same as they did with the Mod, and since we will be able to host our own off hive servers after release, there should be a significant drop coinciding with that. At the moment, price and the lack of any real admin control over your own rented server, should be/is discouraging anyone except the White Knight server admins.
  16. Yes. You'll get a letter of thanks from the UN 25 years after the outbreak is contained and eradicated. You should get yours around 2057 or so (if you are still alive then).
  17. djporternz

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    Then you're doing it wrong. Both axes in game are one hit kills against Zs.
  18. These two cases are exactly the same. They are trying to beat the game in an illigitimate way. As to losing player, I don't see it. We lose players if nothing is done, we lose players if something is done. TBH, doing nothing would produce a game that would be far worse to play and would be actively pushing people to use these exploits to compete on an equal footing. If we do something as is implemented in the Exp builds we lose players that IMHO we CAN bear to lose. I sure won't be shedding a tear for them!
  19. Because that won't deal with the Ghosting/Server Jumping for loot cases. The currently trialed system in the Exp build fixes all of these at the same time. Plus this way, we get to use the F3 Sit animation as a tactic. Think about it!
  20. djporternz

    Server Hopping Master Thread to End All Threads

    Log out Log in Don't like spawn - Log Out goto 2 until you like spawn Yeah, there's no exploit there!
  21. djporternz

    Server Hopping Master Thread to End All Threads

    Okay, you didn't look very hard did you? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169526-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-033114782/?hl=%20combat%20%20log http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170647-timer/?hl=%2Bcombat+%2Blog#entry1736655 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170673-server-hopping-combat-loging-ghost/?hl=%2Bcombat+%2Blog http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170449-the-current-implementation-of-the-logout-timer-is-trollish/?hl=%2Bcombat+%2Blog http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170546-well-done-combat-loggers-and-server-hoppers/?hl=%2Bcombat+%2Blog http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170637-i-have-a-question-about-the-new-log-out-timer-mechanic/?hl=%2Bcombat+%2Blog#entry1736313 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169789-logging-out-expermimental-branch-114782/?hl=%20combat%20%20log http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169789-logging-out-expermimental-branch-114782/?hl=%20combat%20%20log These are just the threads relating to this from today and yesterday!
  22. At an airfield, yes. It is one of the worst places to log out if you are playing legitimately. Not going to be the first choice of any legitimate player.
  23. djporternz

    How do you run Dayz in windowed mode?

    I don't. Tried it and it was more hassle than it was worth.
  24. djporternz

    Berets more useful

    Probably not going to happen until after they add in the Mage class... Oh, wait... wrong game!
  25. djporternz

    When are we going to see music?

    Music licensed for the Mod is NOT licensed for the SA. Music will be added if/when it is added.