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Everything posted by tingkagol

  1. tingkagol

    Generally how many FPS are you guys getting?

    and the winner of the oldest rig is: Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4GHz GTX 560 Ti 4 gb ram Cities - 15 fps (the lowest) Wilderness / small towns - smooth as butter I'm holding on to this rig until I see i7's and monster GPUs handle this game graphically well (which I'm not seeing at the moment).
  2. tingkagol

    Apocalyptic Environment.

    It saddens me that certain things can't be done due to the limitation of the engine. As it is, FPS issues abound. Makes me wonder how the devs of games like GTAV optimize their games despite all the activity on-screen at the same time.
  3. tingkagol

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    It's because the PvE aspect of the game is incredibly easy at the moment (the zombie threat, hunger/thirst, the elements). Once the devs crank the PvE difficulty a bit, it will definitely encourage teamwork. Over the top yes, nor would it fit with DayZ standards, but the idea is - who would think of shooting survivors when conditions are like this?
  4. Agreed. Zombies aren't really that much of a threat at the moment and it only encourages PvP over PvE. At the moment, anyone can conquer PvE solo. I WANT THAT CHANGED. I know this game has nothing in common with Left 4 Dead, but the one thing in L4D that I want incorporated in DayZ is the overwhelming NEED for teamwork to survive. If one guy isn't doing his job, the entire group is doomed. I think a good model of "threat" in L4D is the tank - and I don't mean that a tank zombie should literally exist in DayZ - more metaphorically. If somehow the DayZ devs can produce a threat that's as destructive and as emergent as the L4D tank, it would force otherwise hostile parties to ally up and take down the threat. Also, I feel in order to make PvE more challenging, the devs need to work more on the end-game and how fast players can reach it. Reaching it is INCREDIBLY EASY & FAST at the moment. Once you're no longer hungry/thirsty and have an ample supply of food/water/gear, that's basically it. You're at end-game. All that's left to do afterwards is engage in PvP to combat boredom. Adding tents, vehicles, etc, only curtails boredom for a short while, but unless PvE is improved, players will ultimately turn to PvP to keep themselves entertained.
  5. The guys at Valve have this down pat. Left 4 Dead (the source engine?) has no problem having dozens upon dozens of zombies on screen at the same time without affecting performance. I don't think I can say the same for the Arma engine DayZ is running on.
  6. 1. Performance. 2. More zombies. 3. More weapons. 4. Base-building/stashes, 5. Background music.
  7. A lot of these are relevant, but I feel they should prioritize performance first and foremost.
  8. tingkagol

    DayZ SA Pros & Cons list [+suggestions]

    I wish we were given the option to stash gear in a house. Cupboards, drawers, cabinets... lots of wasted potential storage space in-game. That's so far the only gripe I have at the moment (besides low FPS issues in cities and the clunky engine, the latter- I've grown used to, the former- unacceptable).
  9. Given my current circumstance in-game, I usually engage zombies in melee in hopes of saving what little M4 rounds I have on my toon. That said, is there some sort of strategy in engaging zombies in melee combat and coming out unscathed? My melee encounters usually look like this: 1. A zombie spots me. 2. I run to an open space to increase maneuverability during melee combat 3. I arm my axe, move in reverse facing the zombie, and wait for it to lunge (the zed will go into a lunge animation). 4. Zombie lunges, sometimes I get hit (even if I was 2 meters away), sometimes not. 5. I go in and take a swing. Now this is a bit complicated. Most of the time I end up hitting air if I just stand still (and sometimes I do get a hit in while standing still). But what I noticed recently is you have to move forward while swinging to guarantee a hit (feel free to verify this). The overall clunky controls makes this even harder to pull off. 6. Repeat until zombie is dead. End result: I usually take some damage, sometimes only my clothes get damaged, other times I start bleeding and immediately patch myself up with bandages once the zombie is dead. Do you folks have a better melee strategy when dealing with zeds?
  10. tingkagol

    Rifle´s n backpack

    Yeah, the Mosin won't fit in any kind of backpack currently. I haven't tried putting the M4 in my backpack though. And I haven't tried this either.
  11. tingkagol

    Engaging zombies in melee

    Do you guys do it in 3rd person (like the video)?
  12. I've noticed this for quite a while now. The fan of my GPU (GeForce GTX 560 ti) speeds up to such a point where it can no longer go any faster. This only happens at the main menu, NOT in-game. I can tell by just listening to the hum of the GPU. Are you folks experiencing this as well? OT: This is quite similar to the main menu bug when Starcraft 2 came out. Same thing happened to a lot of users.
  13. tingkagol

    Horrible FPS in Dubky - is this normal ?

    I've heard some people with i7 processors and high-end GPUs who are still having issues with FPS in large cities, albeit much better than 5fps. So I don't think the best solution is to upgrade your PC. I think the game just needs to undergo heavy optimization (server, client, etc, don't really get much of this stuff).
  14. After having bought and played the game, I would have to agree with Rocket's comments. Improvements over the mod: 1. New intuitive inventory system 2. New items + item degradation Existing problems in the mod that haven't been fixed: 1. Low FPS in towns/cities! I assume they probably fixed this early in the development but after adding more and more interiors to houses/bldgs they're back to where they first started. 2. Zombie walking through walls - even more so than in the mod. 3. Poor/clunky controls (I personally think they should prioritize fixing these first.)
  15. tingkagol

    Some Suggestions

    I'd consider removing 3rd person if the controls weren't so damn clunky.
  16. tingkagol


    Had that experience too, in my case I just paused the download for a while but when I resumed it, it started from zero. I did not touch the download again and just waited for it to finish completely.
  17. tingkagol


    The biggest problems at the moment seem to be: 1. Incredibly weak melee weapons against zombies. I never felt powerful wielding a (supposedly) deadly weapon such as an axe against a zombie. Takes about 10 hits before it goes down even when I'm in 1st person and aiming for its head. I've always thought melee in an elder scrolls game was bad, but this game has set a new standard for incredibly poor/unsatisfying melee combat. 2. When escaping from a zombie, eliminating line of sight no longer works. (Unless a new 'smell' mechanic has been added to zombie path-finding.) Existing problems in the mod that haven't been fixed: 1. Low FPS in towns/cities. 2. Poor/clunky controls. 3. Zombies going through walls. I thought one of the main purposes of making a standalone was to get rid of the glaring bugs in the mod? The only thing I see improved is less hacking - at the moment at least. Other gameplay mechanics and the overhauled inventory systems are welcome additions, but I really feel they should prioritize fixing the bugs that have plagued the mod first before experimenting with new gameplay mechanics.