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About tingkagol

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Thanks for the inputs everyone. Looks like I'll be reinstalling the game now.
  2. Hello guys. I've been away from the game a few months now and was wondering if there's an existing topic that lists all the features that are already in the stable build of the game. Reading through all the changelogs is a pain. I'm looking for a more simplified list without all the minor details (animations, clothing, guns, etc). I'm talking about major features like vehicles, base-building, hunting, cooking, persistent stash, etc. If you have a link please share. Hopefully this thread will be useful to other returning players as well. Thanks in advance. ============== Animals - / Hunting - / Fishing - / Cooking - / Persistence - / Respawning Loot - / Camping / Tents - / Vehicles - X Base-building - X Fixed Zombies going through walls - X New Game Engine - X
  3. Direct competitor? Don't make me laugh. For some people maybe. But overall? Not a chance. Likewise Project Zomboid/ 7 Days to die or whatever else there is. None of them are similar to each other. They have all different Graphics/Controls/Playstyles i am a huge fan of DayZ but I can't see myself playing rust oder 7days to die. No interest at all.You completely missed the point of my post. You just sound like an elitist DayZ fanboy. Addressing your straw-man, it's a competitor in the sense that both games belong to more or less the same arena that are vying for the top spot in digital sales via steam. Probably explains why Dean is reluctant to discuss the already streamlined building/barricading system of Rust, that is if he got around to playing it. Of course, they're understandably different games, offering different gameplay experiences to players. But how can you say for certain Rust has nothing in common with DayZ when you haven't even played it? Having played both I can say some core mechanics are similar - Rust was after all inspired by DayZ. Still, completely irrelevant.
  4. tingkagol

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    My first kill after 37 hours of play. He was on a loot run and I happened to be nearby, hiding in the bushes. He ran out to the open field and I decided to take the shot - he went down in one. I'm not gonna lie - it sort of felt good.
  5. With regards to barricading and how barricaded houses will be persistent on a specific server - they should really take a look at Rust. Those guys have already tested that aspect for a long time now. The first problem that I could think of when implementing permanent barricades/buildings will be the high possibility of overloading the server. There was a time in Rust where the whole map was just riddled with wooden skyscrapers and walls to a point where the game is unplayable - both gameplay-wise and performance-wise (I remember clocking in at 1 FPS in one particular server). That said, permanent user-built objects are out of the question. That's where object decay comes in and I think Rust did a pretty good job at it. Basically what a "decay system" does is have user-built objects decay over time. Safe houses that aren't used for an X amount of time begin decaying until such Y amount of time it gets destroyed and gets deleted off the server. With that system in place, the current build in Rust runs consistently at 60 fps at least for me. I was waiting for Dean to mention Rust during that part of his presentation, because that's exactly where Rust excels at. Too bad that game is a direct competitor to DayZ. Oh well. I guess what I'm saying is, maybe the DayZ team can take a few pages off of Rust for the building/barricading stuff.
  6. tingkagol

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    I'm having the same problem. Now I can't edit my character's look. I don't even know why it disables the edit character panel. EDIT: fixed it by just restarting steam.
  7. I was waiting to read "zombie spawning rate increased" in that long list. It didn't come.
  8. tingkagol

    For those complaining about development pace

    The release of new patches feels like waiting for the alpha release all over again. For the meantime, and framerate issues aside, I just want more zombies to pre-occupy my character (who's got tons of ammo on him).
  9. tingkagol

    Players in Asia or Asia Pacific?

    *raises hand*
  10. tingkagol

    Anyone having trouble with new graphics?

    Hi five for the same gpu
  11. tingkagol

    Meele system similar to MnB?

    I'm glad that you brought Mount & Blade's melee combat up! :) Played it too (you guys might also want to try War of the Roses- it's currently F2P on steam). This has potential, but devs would have to code in the different directions of a zed's attack (overhead, sides, bottom) to make the blocking system work. But as it currently stands, the game is too clunky - not to mention the horrible FPS in its current build - to properly pull off this kind of gameplay without frustrating players. I remember when I was playing Mount & Blade you need at least 50 fps and a low ping to keep the game from being frustrating. You also need tight controls - which is something the DayZ engine is having trouble with since the mod. DayZ doesn't even come close to Skyrim's melee combat (and that game is miles away from M&B's supreme melee combat).
  12. tingkagol


    I think everyone agrees that movement in this game is clunky. So here are what I think could be improved on: 1. Quickly tapping S (back), A (strafe left), D (strafe right), makes your character move slightly - which is okay / expected. But tapping W (forward) makes your character move a whole meter forward. The same thing happens when crouching/prone- except the displacement is less than a meter. Remember the times when you fell (or almost fell) while trying to use the ladder? This causes it. 2. There is a slight delay when changing directions while moving. (Probably by design to give a sense of momentum?) 3. When your weapon is raised, the transition from a running/standing state to full sprint (double tap W) is delayed by half a second because of a 'lower weapon' animation before sprinting. A half second doesn't sound much, but it feels like eternity when there's a zombie behind you. I believe you should be able to sprint instantly unless you're in a crouching/prone position. 4. Turning around using your mouse when you have nothing in your hands takes longer than when you're holding something (weapons, compass, etc). ... Feel free to add.
  13. I'm feeling the pessimist and think this game will never get buttery smooth FPS even after it goes gold.
  14. Is there a better way to take self-portraits in-game? I don't want to use the alt-key method since it will turn my head to the direction of my mouse. Taking a screenshot of the main menu where you can see your character is also an option, but I have -skipintro -world=empty currently in the launch parameters so my menu is basically empty. Much appreciated.
  15. tingkagol

    Base building

    Question. What if two players boarded up the same house on two different servers and then by chance logged on to the same server? Are bases/bldgs/hideouts server-based?