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Everything posted by phearbot

  1. phearbot

    problem with stuttering in dayZ

    Hey, if you're still wondering about this there is another thread of a lot of people having issues. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155422-low-fps-for-few-seconds-after-029/
  2. phearbot

    Low FPS for few seconds after 0.29?

    I wish I could say Desryachri was right, but I had clouds disabled all day yesterday anyway and tested again this morning. Still have the massive fps spikes even with clouds disabled. Something else I noticed though, no matter what level I put the clouds at, they looked the same, so perhaps my client isn't properly updating that value. Or perhaps Desryachri is trolling and I missed the sarcasm in "No serious."
  3. phearbot

    Low FPS for few seconds after 0.29?

    This is also an issue for me. I'm not sure if everyone here is seeing it exactly like what I'm seeing, but my game will be running at 60+ fps and then every 7 to 10 seconds or so, it will pause/dip to between 8-30 fps. When it dips it lasts probably half a second. It's happening frequently enough (about every 7 seconds) that it's basically unplayable. I'm not worried about zombies when it drops, but if there's other players involved it's almost certain to get me killed.